You'll Never Know What We're Doing

The Secret



Early November 2011

-Nichkhun POV-

Okay, this time I'm going to answer some questions FYI, my answers would not be publised in any media. This is the secret answer, which everyone should not know. Only I myself know that. I guarantee that you would be so surprised to know the REAL fact.

And it's about me and Qiannie. When the camera off and we still being ‘husband and wife’ in WGM.


When did you start to like Victoria?

Yeah, you all already know it. When we meet in Star King. At that time, she just caught my eyes.


When did you begin to get close to her?

Of course after I got her phone number. After that, we send messages and call each other in the middle of the night. This one I haven’t told anyone (even the members). But I always caught by one of the members.


Did members know about your secret relationship?

I never told them. We never talked about women to each other, because they already know who's the girl I like without I told them.


When did you realize that you REALLY like Victoria?

I realized that I really liked her when we were filming WGM on the beach. While we were filming in the car on the way there I dont know why it felt so real. And I think at that moment I began to like her for real.

But by the time we both went to Thailand and see my family, I realized that I started to LOVE her. There's only Victoria in my head, and she had to be mine.


So, When you both start dating?

Um ... This may sound not a bit romantic, but we just did it. I never asked her to be my girlfriend. But I said that I loved her, and she said so. We went out without everyone knews, she delivered food to my dorm, I picked her up after practice, I sent her my selcas while I went to abroad, and all the things that general couple usually do.


But, I’m very curios of something. Did that ‘Spiderman Kiss’ on your wedding photoshoot’s really your first kiss with her?

Hahaha ... Um ... Should I admit it? Hahaha ... Okay, as a real namja i’ll admit it. Actually our first kiss was both of us would dance for the MBC Gayo Daejun, you knew that I kept sending text to ask will she kiss me on the stage. She still did not answer my text. And that made me dying of curiousity, then I came to her dorm recklessly. Then ......... ah, I'll tell what will happen next time. Hahaha:]


Aaaah... Eung sorry for asking this kind of question but i can’t hold it anymore....................hmmm..........

Did you ever have with her? If you ever did it then when?

* choke for several minutes *

Hahaha ... Uhm ...Uhm...Hahaha

*stratching my head*

Ne. Arasso. I ever did it with her. Once. When we were in...

 Do I also have to tell you the happening?

-End Flashback-



-Victoria POV-

So, this what it feels like having a scandal?

I feel depressed. Netizens attacked me on the internet, that’s why that I no longer dare to open the news today. This morning, after I underwent monthly medical tests in the SM office, a lot of the Changmin’s fans protested and waiting in front of the office. So, I had to be escorted extra tight just get in the car.

This time I am in the KBS building. Rather, waiting our rehearsal turn for an hour in the waiting room. Although I expose the scandal, I should still be professional and still remains the best show with f (x).

Uh ... It's not a big problem, actually.

That was only a shadow of Changmin who caught by the spoon. That was not a big deal at all. Just because one picture does not mean I'm dating with him.

Just so you know, I, Changmin and Kyuhyun are close friend. Very close, so I consider them as my brother. No more and no less. And you know that my one and only is...


By the way, I haven’t contact him yet right after i had a scandal. I really do not know how I should explain to him. I know that he seems uncomfortable with my friendship with Changmin Kyuhyun, although he quite close to them. Yeah ... As you know, Khunnie always easy to make friends with anyone.

I take my phone out of my bag. I intend to send a message to him before one message goes into my phone.




From: Khunnie

I’m waiting for you in emergency stairs now.



My body tensed suddenly. Why doesn’t he getting ready for airliners to Japan this afternoon?

Then I glance at the other members who are busy with their activities. Amber and Krystal are currently playing the iPad, while Sulli is eating, and Luna who are practicing vocals. Fortunately there is no manager Oppa, maybe he’s going somewhere now.

"Um ... Yeorobun, I want to go to toilet for a while, " I said.

 Once they face me. Looked at me with worry.

"Oh, should I accompany you, unnie?" Said Sulli.

"Ne! Do we all have to stay with you? You are in a scandal now. What if there is someone take your picture secretly?" asked Luna.

I hastily laugh unnatural. "You guys are too paranoid. I can look after myself," I said. Then I hurriedly dash out, before they follow me and caught where i am going.




-Nichkhun POV-

          I play my phone while waiting for Qiannie in KBS building’s emergency stairs that’s never be used. The idols are often use this place to meet their secret girlfriend. But, this time there’s no one in this place, just me.

Then I heard footsteps approaching. And I can confirm that is Qiannie.

She stopped a few centimeters in front of me. She doesn’t hug me as usual. She seems scared, sad and worried look on her face. Ooh ... Is she worried that I would be upset to her scandal?

I decided to forward a few steps. I pull her into my arm. I hugged her very tightly. I rested my cheek on top of her head. She wrap her hand around my waist. And we hugged each other for a few moments. I realize this feels very very comfortable. I just thought we could stay like this forever.

"Mianhae," she muttered.

"Why mianhae?" I asked. My breath blows on the sidelines of her hair.

"It's not what you think. I and him didn’t really---“

"I'm not thinking anything. I believe in you, "I muttered.

She tightened her arms to me as he rest her head onto my chest. Then tears out of the corners of her eyes.




-Victoria POV-

          I really have no idea who’s better than Khunnie. All I know is he is the best man in this world. He knows what I'm feeling without I’ve to explain. And words can not describe how I love him.

Day goes on. We are busy with our own activities. I am busy with my new variety show with the f (x) while Khunnie busy with his comeback with 2PM. We call each other, send a message or video call when time deserted, and we did that in secret.

And our meeting in KBS emergency stairs was our last meeting for this moment. Afterwards, we can not see each other due to crowded schedule.

This time I am in the office, busy with my iPad to send an email to boss. After the scandal, I have to work hard to restore my image in front of people, and most importantly, I should not be careless again.

After closing the email, I secretly type Nichkhun’s name in google. I have not seen the his news in the media after the accident. I keep scrolling...... Yet, there is an article that makes me a little breathless.


Are Nichkhun and Tiffany really dating?


          Ooh... Although the title is a little bit make me uncomfortable but I have to believe in myself that Khunnie is REALLY mine. He's handsome, kind, and all the girls loved it. It makes me very afraid to lose it, especially Tiffany is girl that all the boys can not refuse. Moreover, she is member of Girls' Generation that I not even get too close to them, no matter what I have to respect her because of her girl group accounted for the highest income in SM.

I open that news, and that articles appear as well as the evidence that Khunnie and Tiffany really dating. There are a lot of photos of their couple stuff, some Khunnie tweet that linked to Tiffany and the last of the 'Thanks to' on the album.

Uh? I never knew this before. Since when Khun and Tiffany have a 'love calls'?




          “Omo! Omo!”

          "Sulli-ah close your eyes!"

"Aih... You also have to close your eyes, Soo Jung-ah!!"

"Chinca... This vide really have a mature content.”

I am cooking in the kitchen while the other members are making a fuss. They seem looking at a video. What are they watching? I'm so curious ... Are they looking at ?

"Why? What are you watching?" I asked while put a large plate of fried rice on the table. I try to peek but suddenly Amber and Luna cover it from me.

"Aniyo ... Gwenchana, Unnie!” Luna suddenly exclaimed.

But that makes me became more curious. "Why? Are you watching ?"

Now i really win iPad from them. I lower my head to see the video, then..... Eeeh?

And my eyes almost fall off to see video that Khunnie is making out with a girl. He... Making Out... With a beautiful yeoja... In the stairs.

What the hell he just doing?!

"Eung ... That’s 2PM's new MV,"muttered Sulli.

"Yeah ... They've just comeback!"Luna exclaimed cheerfully, as if she want me to not be jealous.

"Ne ... Ne ... They are very y right?" Added Krystal.

"Do you like it, Unnie?" asked Amber.

No matter how good their words to make me not to jealous, however, it’s been happening.

I'm very very jealous!

And how could Khunnie didn’t tell me about all these stupid scenes?!



Nichkhun POV

          “Break for 30 minutes!”

          After a long rehearsal, we finally break. 2pm extremely busy lately. We have to make awesome comeback so that HOTTEST don’t dissapointed for 2 years waiting. And we're currently in one of the rehearsal in MBC studio. Our comeback will be start tonight.

I’m going to reach my bag. Take a bottle of water, then drink it greedily. I take a towel and wipe my dripping sweat.

Kring ... Kring ...

I heard my phone rang, then take it from my bag. And I instantly smiled as Qiannie name listed in the screen.


I immediately removed the phone from my ear after hearing her very loud screams.

"Why? Why?" I asked confused.

"Why didn’t you tell me about your Y concept of a new music video? Aigoo ... My heart stopped beating as you kiss beautiful yeoja... And... stairs making out scenes makes me want to commit suicide," scolded her.

I laughed in disbelief. A second later I coughed for no reason, I honestly lost for words. From her tone, she seems very irritated. "Hm ... Hm ... You know, my schedule is extremely crowded lately. I don’t have time to tell it all to you. Chincha mianhae. "

Qiannie breathed hard. "And I see you're really enjoying the scene, weren’t you?"

"Aniyo!" I protested. Why Qiannie still want us to fight?

          "What are you doing now?" She said curtly.

"I'm ... in the middle of break for rehearsal in MBC. We will comeback tonight. Are you going to come?" I asked. Trying to sounds comfortable as well.

“Are you going to do with that yeoja?" she asked. Why that stupid topic appear again?!

"Aissh ... Aniyo! Why sould be that yeoja? Our contract with her is end! She is just the model! "I said in evasion.


"Ne!  You can come here tonight if you don’t believe."




Victoria POV

          I must be crazy.

I am lying to manager oppa if I would meet with my parents in one of the hotel in Seoul. And as much as possible I argue to manager oppa that he shouldn’t drive me to there because my parents will pick me up.

Huh... I’m sorry Mom... I’m sorry Dad. I use you both for my reason.

But I take a taxi. Go to the MBC. Disguised as much as possible so that no one recognized me. I tie my hair up, wear a hat, thick glasses frame air, jacket, jeans and sneakers. Suddenly I’m feeling like detective.

And now I am among the crowd of 2pm fans. Right next to me is a big fan of Khunnie. She bring a large banner with the words 'Nichkhun Jjang' in it. She never stop chanting Khunnie’s name even though 2pm not appears yet.

I press my hat, trying to be extremely careful as well, I also make sure that they’re attention 100% focused on the stage, so that they do not care and do not pay attention to me. Because as you know, fans are more thorough than a detective sometimes.

The hilarity feel increase when the lights suddenly turn on, and 2PM appear in the middle of the stage. They sang a new song. And there Khunnie ... wearing his favorite color... Ppalgansaek (red).

He is very stunning. His charisma keep scattering. And I have no reason why should I hate him. Sometimes I still can not believe that I'm dating a famous idol like Nichkhun. Although I know another famous idol like Super Junior, Kangta and So Nyuh Si Dae...

And even though I am an idol too, but he’s my one and only idol for me.



Nichkhun POV.

          Comeback go on for 55 minutes. So exhausting. However it all paid off when I heard screams of the fans that calling 2pm and my name. I'm so glad they still love me even though I've done stupid incident in the middle of last year.

I have no idea why suddenly I’m talking about it when I really hate if I keep remembering those accident again.

My phone rang right after I change my costume with  more casual outfit. Again, I could not hide my smile when I see the name listed on my phone.

"Hi, sweety," I said while giggled. Suddenly I miss her very much.

I heard a sigh of irritated from there it looks like she's still mad at me, but it made ​​me even more passionately to her. "I'm here," she said.

"Mwo? Here? "

"Ne, meet me at the front entrance of the studio 4. Nobody’s here,"she said again.

I rounded eyes in disbelief. This girl really keep my words to her. Even though she knows this certainly very dangerous for her. "Okay, I'll be right there," I said quickly.

Once off the phone, I quietly exit the waiting room with no one else knows. In the corridor is still quite a lot of people passing by, sometimes I bow to greet them to look natural.

          I creep toward the front of the studio 4 that’s located at the corner of corridor, there are very quiet. I see no one there. I look around, I see someone stand back to me.

Aah... I can instanly know who is that person for two second. I memorized exactly how Qiannie body shape. Because I always think of her body before I sleep, hahaha ...

I quickly pull her hat from behind, she suddenly jumped. Instantly her long hair fall and hair fragrant burst into my nose. Ooh ... How much I miss her.

"Ooh! I'm relieved," she said.

A second later, she tiptoes to kiss my lips. I lower down. I reply her kiss longer and more passionate. Hm... This girl always makes me feel addicted to her taste. Once I touched it, I really want to bring her to home, and then we get into our room, and doing it with her ...

Her hands touched my chest, trying to stop my hot kiss to her. "Okay, this is not the right time and not the right place," she said breathlessly.

I scratched my head which is not itchy, hold my lust to her desperately. When she was wearing a black jacket, she looked more y than usual.

"You're really here," I said.

She smiled, touched my cheek gently.

          "See? There is no yeoja,” I said. I hold her waist and took her into my arms, I dropped my face in between her neck. "You don’t need to be jealous about it. I didn’t enjoy it. Because in my heart there is only you, I love you. Really love you," I whispered seductively.

She pressher arms to me. So that I could feel her seductive scent. "Chukkae," she muttered.

"Are you going to give me seonmul for my comeback?" teased me.

"Is there any schedule after this?" she asked.

"Aniyo. Why? "

"Aah ... If you can take me somewhere ..., "she muttered.

"Where do you want to go?"

She slowly let go of my arms, then lift her finger to playing my collar with seductive gaze.




Continue Flashback...

Whoa! You guys really unpredictable. So, did your parents know that?

Of course they do... But I told them not to tell to the whole family. You know i’ve a big family, so i’m afraid that some of them can’t hold a secret. But my parents and grandma must know it.


How about your brother and sisters?

Aah... I planed not to tell to them but they accidentally knew it. And Cherleen is the most enthusiastic among them.


So, do you really want to marry Victoria?

Of course, I do! She is mine and always be mine! So that’s why i’ve to marry her. Soon.


Although you have to marry her secretly?

Yes, I will marry her no matter what happen. Even though in secret.









Hey guys! Thanks for read, subs and vote for my latest update :))

I'm sorry for ruining the story.I am trying to make the story as natural as I can.

And I think this is too soon if they've to marry in the middle of 2pm comeback. ><

Anticipating for next chappie? Xoxo

Keep following this khuntoria secret life. 

Please leave a comment subscribe and vote, i'll be glad if u do it^^






With love,

Smiley Eyes ^^





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Thank you!
hy! I'm back! I'm very happy cause my exams is over. I'll update next chap tomorrow! :D keep follow this story guys... thanks ^^


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i love khuntoria!
this is beautifully written <3
kyulyea #2
Chapter 5: just have time to read it now.
and wow.. this chap so sweet which success make me giggle (again) kkk~
hope u have times to update soon ita.
ur story is one of the list that i waited to update.
so.... update faster juseyo.. kkkk
fighting ^^
Maiybabo #3
Chapter 5: So sweet.. khun always think that Vic is similar with his mom..
Is LET IT RAIN refer to vic ??
"Like an angel.. like my mother.. like the bestest friend of mine"
I hope it's true.. Khuntoria forever !!!!!
Chapter 5: its so cute and sweet. i'm going to miss my jjangjjang man like forever. hehe ^^
Chapter 5: Ahh this chapter is really cute and sweet..
Please update soon authornim.. ^.^
arindahkl #6
Chapter 5: such a lovely story. author-nim u r jjang jjang man! yeah lol
arindahkl #7
Chapter 5: such a lovely story. author-nim u r jjang jjang man! yeah lol
sophie1990 #8
Chapter 5: I love this chapter, so sweet :D
gween97 #9
Chapter 5: aww, so sweet... :D so cheesy.. yeah update soon
Chapter 5: Aw that's sweet lol