Chapter 9

Ready To Go


Woohyun tried. He really tried his best. But Myungsoo kept on asking questions and he accidentally blurted it out. It was an accidental slip of tongue and yet Woohyun kept blaming himself for his idiocy.

But nonetheless, Myungsoo kept his words when he said he wouldn’t tell. And he also sticks true to his words when he said that he wanted to be his friend. And now, the two of them are on the school’s rooftop, leaning against the railing as they had a ‘heart-to-heart’ talk with each other. Well… The feeling wasn’t exactly mutual though.


            “So… You time traveled? You’re from the future, right?” Myungsoo asked.

            “I don’t know if it can be considered as time travel. It feels as if I’m in a different world, to be honest,” Woohyun shook his head with a sigh.

            “That’s why you were so persistent to get close to me? Because you know me in the future?” Myungsoo chuckled. “To be honest, it was quite reckless of you. People change because of what they experienced in the past, right? I might be a nice guy in your period of time because of what happened right now.”

            “True. But if you die then there will be no Myungsoo in my period of time, then,” Woohyun mumbled.


The two of them fell into a deep silence. Myungsoo had asked a lot of things, including the relationship between the seven friends. He was surprised to hear the story, but Woohyun was even more surprised that Myungsoo took it really well. Too well, in fact.


            “But… You said this period’s Nam Woohyun already died, right..? Does that mean you’re going to disappear soon..?”


Woohyun looked down at the ground, ignoring Myungsoo’s apology for asking. He was confused, truth to be told. If it’s true, then he should have disappeared the moment the Nam Woohyun died. But seeing that he’s here, he started to question his logic once again.


‘I don’t belong here, that’s why he brought me there. If the other me is still alive, therefore there will be two of me in this period of time, and it’s impossible. If I die here… Wait. What will actually happen if I die here?’ Woohyun blinked. ‘Why am I still here?’



            “I’m really sorry, I didn’t think—yes?” Myungsoo snapped out of his blabber and looked at Woohyun in surprise, which was pretty adorable, much to Woohyun’s dismay.

            “I’m just wondering… You mentioned something about replacement,” Woohyun raised an eyebrow at him.

            “Well, it was just a dumb theory, but if you’re still here when in fact the real you is dead, doesn’t that mean there’s a chance that you’re replacing him in this period of time?” Myungsoo shrugged. Something flashed in Woohyun’s mind almost immediately.


            “Y-you mean… There are chances that I might die in the process..?”



‘Of course. To make that ‘chance’ then I’ll have to live here as the real me. As long as this period’s Woohyun is still alive, I will be fine in the future,’ Woohyun clicked his tongue and frowned.


But then again it explained things. Woohyun remembered how he remembered almost nothing about his high school years, and he couldn’t find any pictures of him in his uniform.


‘Car accident, huh..? He just cut off my life like that,’ Woohyun sighed and buried his face to his palms.


            “That Ruler of Death… He’s one complicated man,” Myungsoo muttered.

            “Huh?” Woohyun turned to Myungsoo.

            “He’s the one who killed you, right? And well, killed us in the future too,” Myungsoo mumbled. “While on the other hand, he sent you to keep us alive when in the end we’ll die in his hands too.”

            “It’s either he’s giving us a chance or he’s just trolling with us,” Woohyun muttered. “Either way, I don’t understand him at all.”


The only thing he understood was that he had to keep them all alive. He had to keep Sunggyu alive. He had to keep himself alive.



            “I guess we will part ways here,” Woohyun smiled while the other bit his lips.

            “I guess so… Can we…have lunch together later..?” Myungsoo hesitantly looked at Woohyun. He caught the other’s surprised look flashed out for a second.

            “Lunch, eh? I don’t mind eating together with you and Hoya—I mean, Howon, but I don’t know about Sunggyu and the others…” Woohyun’s gaze went down to the floor. A part of him felt bad for the other.


Myungsoo noticed Woohyun’s uneasiness and smiled softly. He patted Woohyun’s shoulder and gently squeezed on it, trying to reassure the other male.


            “It’s okay. Maybe next time then,” Myungsoo chuckled while Woohyun shot him an apologetic look.

            “I’m sorry.”

            “Nah, it’s okay. I know what I did and I’m sure Sunggyu won’t accept me anytime now since our last encounter was… a bit memorable,” Myungsoo scratched his nape, his guilt started eating on him. “But when it’s time, when I can get your friends’ acceptance, then promise me you will accept me in your circle?”


Woohyun blinked at Myungsoo. ‘My circle?’ Woohyun thought, ‘But I’m not even that close to them yet… Heck, I barely know them.’

But Woohyun nodded nonetheless, assuring Myungsoo that he would be waiting for the latter. At least for now he managed to secure his place in the other’s heart.

If Woohyun would compare his friends to balloons, Myungsoo would be the first string that he managed to grasp tightly. Dongwoo and Hoya’s strings are in his hand, but he couldn’t be so sure that they wouldn’t slip away and float up into the sky.

And the time is running low too. He had to get the rest as quickly as he could before they drifted away too much that he wouldn’t be able to reach them anymore.

And Woohyun started to question himself. Would he be able to do this? He had to go through so many things just to reach Myungsoo. What about the rest? He hadn’t even seen Sunggyu, Sungjong and Sungyeol’s events yet.

His stomach turned at the thought of having to see Sunggyu going through similar events as such. No, he should be protecting Sunggyu. He would make sure that Sunggyu wouldn’t have to go through such things, and he would do anything to do so.

For after all, he’s currently here because of that reason as well, right..?


Woohyun swallowed thickly before going through the hallway, heading towards his classroom. He didn’t forget to put the usual cheerful look on his face.


‘Smile, Nam Woohyun. The others are going to see you and they will read you like an open book,’ Woohyun thought to himself.



Woohyun thought he could keep his cheerful façade throughout the whole day, and boy he was wrong.

While he got stuck listening to Sungyeol talking animatedly, he didn’t have the chance to check the other two. But when he glanced to the other end of the room, he swore he heard his heart cracked.

Sunggyu was laughing with Sungjong, his hand clasped around Sungjong’s smaller one. The two were having so much fun that Woohyun saw Sunggyu wiping a tear from his eye. Biting his lips, Woohyun tore his gaze away from the two and looked down at his lap.


         “You all right?” Sungyeol’s concerned voice reached his ear.


‘I am,’ that’s what Woohyun wanted to say. But his voice got stuck in his throat and he could only shook his head in response. Sungyeol looked around before he raised his hand up high. That caught both the teacher and Sunggyu’s attention.


         “Sir, can I take Nam Woohyun to the clinic?” Sungyeol asked loudly. Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows and shifted his gaze towards the boy sitting next to Sungyeol. Woohyun’s shoulders were slumped down and Sungyeol’s arm was wrapped securely around them.

         “Go ahead, Mr. Lee,” the teacher said.


Sungyeol didn’t waste any second and immediately dragged the other out of the classroom. Sunggyu frowned at how Woohyun didn’t lift his gaze up from the floor.


         “Is he all right?” Sunggyu asked himself.

         “He will be all right,” Sungjong assured him,” you’re worrying too much, Sunggyu.”

         “I hope it’s only me worrying too much,” Sunggyu sighed. “Sometimes I found myself thinking too much about him.”


Sungjong blinked and raised an eyebrow at him.


         “I wish I was only worrying about him…” Sunggyu groaned and slammed his head to the desk. Sungjong winced at the loud thud.

         “Sunggyu… Do you like him..?”


Sungjong didn’t hear any reply coming from the other male, but the red tinting Sunggyu’s ears told everything.


‘I knew it,’ Sungjong looked at Sunggyu sadly. He reached for the other male and patted his back soothingly.


         “He will be fine, Sunggyu. Don’t worry. I assure you, he will be fine.”



         “Yeol, the clinic isn’t this way,” Woohyun mumbled as he let the taller guy tugged his arm. Sungyeol was practically dragging him throughout the way, and being a short person Woohyun was, he had to take two steps for every step Sungyeol took.

         “We aren’t going to the clinic,” Sungyeol said.

         “Then?” Woohyun blinked. Sungyeol turned to Woohyun, a familiar glint was seen in his eyes.

         “We are skipping class~”


Oh, that mischievous glint.



         “You know, when you said we’re skipping class I was expecting you to drag me to the mall or something,” Woohyun rolled his eyes when Sungyeol dragged him towards the stairs leading to the rooftop.

Sungyeol laughed and gripped at the other’s hand tighter, “We can’t go out during school hours, Hyun. The teachers in charge will send us to the detention room.”

         “There are teachers in charge?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow.

         “Yeah. They act as the guards for the main gate,” Sungyeol chuckled. “If you really want to go out with me to play, we can visit the game center this weekend.”

         “Can we?” Woohyun looked up. Sungyeol blinked before he squealed and pulled Woohyun into a tight hug.

         “Goddammit, Hyunnie, stop being so cute~” Sungyeol cooed as he swayed the other male from side to side. Woohyun whined and tried to push the taller male away, but to no avail much to Woohyun’s dismay.


Woohyun sighed and let his arms dropped to his side. He was too tired to fight the choding. They could go for a catfight for hours; he had been through it a lot before the tragic incident.

All of a sudden Woohyun missed them. He missed his friends. Not only Myungsoo’s caring side, not only Hoya’s calm way of thinking, not only Dongwoo’s contagious laugh.

Not only Sungjong’s constant clinging on his arm with his cheerful smile, not only Sungyeol’s weird jokes accompanied with his headlocks, not only Sunggyu’s warm hold and kisses.

He missed them all. He missed the moments when they were all living together, laughing and alive. He missed the way their eyes lit up whenever Woohyun cook them their favorite dishes.




       “Hyunnie? Are you all right?”




And so, the tears slipped out of Woohyun’s closed eyelids. Biting his lower lip harshly to fight back the sobs threatening to escape his throat, Woohyun grasped to the back of Sungyeol’s shirt and buried his face to the taller male’s chest.


         “Hyun, it’s okay… Everything’s all right…” Sungyeol caressed Woohyun’s head gently.

         "M-man, I'm such a crybaby..." Woohyun sniffled, "Don't worry about me, I-I'll be fine..."


Sungyeol sighed and patted the other’s back comfortingly when he heard whimpers coming from the smaller male. He had no idea what was going on. Woohyun was one complicated person for him.

He froze up when he heard the door clicked open. Sungyeol turned his head and frowned.


         “Kim Myungsoo.”


Myungsoo rolled his eyes before his eyes landed on the smaller male being held by the tall choding. Out of worry, Myungsoo walked towards them and reached for Woohyun. He hissed when Sungyeol smacked his hand away.


         “The , Sungyeol?”

         “Don’t touch him. I can’t trust you after what happened,” Sungyeol said through gritted teeth as he tightened his hold on Woohyun’s small frame.


Having a bad feeling about it, Woohyun gently pulled away from Sungyeol’s hold and smiled at the taller male.


         “It’s okay, Yeol. Myungsoo is my friend now,” Woohyun chuckled and patted the other’s arm. Sungyeol’s jaw dropped.

         “What? Since when—How come I didn’t get to voice out my thoughts about this?”

         “Because there is no need for that,” Myungsoo stuck his tongue at Sungyeol before he pulled Woohyun towards him. “You see, Woohyun and I have a relatively complex relationship.”


Sungyeol turned to Woohyun in disbelief. Woohyun could only shift his gaze from one male to the other, pretty much at loss for words.


         “Cut it, guys. You are killing the poor thing.” Woohyun lit up when he heard the familiar voice.



Sungyeol and Myungsoo both whined when Woohyun skipped past the two of them towards the other boy on the rooftop. Hoya laughed and patted Woohyun’s head when the other approached him.


         “Thanks. I didn’t know what to do with the two of them,” Woohyun muttered lowly. Hoya just smiled at him.

         “It’s nothing. After all I still owe you for the last time,” Hoya chuckled. Woohyun looked at him questioningly.

         “Last time?”

         “You know, Dongwoo…”

         “I haven’t seen him since the last time… Is he okay now..?”

         “All thanks to those words you told me last time,” Hoya looked up at the sky and smiled. “I think I can see everything with a different point of view too now.”


Woohyun stared at Hoya as the other tilted his head and smiled. Myungsoo and Sungyeol were still bickering when they took their seat on the tiled floor next to the other two.


         “I’m really grateful that you showed up that time to stop me, Woohyun. I don’t know where would I end up at if you didn’t scold me,” Hoya laughed lightly. “It’s just, after seeing the others falling apart like that, I started to think about how stupid I was.”

         “You’re talking about me, aren’t you?” Myungsoo frowned.

         “Well, you successfully freaked Woohyun out that time. He even cried because of you,” Hoya shot him a look and Myungsoo pouted immediately. Woohyun chuckled at how cute Myungsoo was while Sungyeol looked at him in disbelief.

         “It’s okay. We’re friends now, right?” Woohyun smiled when Myungsoo nodded furiously. Hoya patted Myungsoo’s back with a chuckle.


Sungyeol rested his chin on his palm and sighed, successfully attracting Woohyun’s attention.


         “So this is why,” Sungyeol said. “I think I understand now.”

         “Sungyeol?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow.

         “I think I know now why you’re one complicated human being,” Sungyeol jutted out his lower lip and smiled when Woohyun shot him a confused look. “You’re a loving person, Woohyun.”


Woohyun’s lips parted open, but no words came out from it. The other three chuckled at how lost Woohyun looked.


         "Not a lovely person, a loving one," Sungyeol said grinning slightly. Myungsoo immediately smacked his head and Sungyeol shot him a glare.

         “Yeah, I should agree with you about the loving thing, Sungyeol,” Myungsoo crossed his arms and nodded. “Woohyun cared too much.”

         “Is that… a bad thing..?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow.

         “Of course not. This only makes me want to befriend you even more,” Myungsoo said while Sungyeol nodded in response.

         “I don’t know why, but I feel this warm thing radiating from you, Woohyun,” Hoya said. “I feel… affection..?”

         “Yeap~ I feel loved whenever I’m around you,” Sungyeol said as he laid his head on Woohyun’s lap.


Woohyun looked down at the ground and bit his lips, his ears turning red from the compliments.


         “You guys… Stop saying embarrassing things,” Woohyun mumbled. Sungyeol, who could see Woohyun’s expression, squealed loudly and hugged the other’s waist tightly.

         “Guys, he’s embarrassed! Look how cute he is~” Sungyeol cooed.


‘The attention I gave to you guys is nothing compared to how much I received from you all, though…’ Woohyun thought.


         “Well, thank you,” Woohyun cleared his throat.

         “What for?” Sungyeol raised an eyebrow. Woohyun just smiled as he flicked the tall male’s forehead, beckoning the other to mind his personal space. The others laughed as Sungyeol whined at Woohyun.


‘I promise I will try my best. I will make sure you guys live the life you deserve,’ Woohyun smiled to himself.


But then he flinched when he heard the voices he hadn’t heard for a while.


       “You didn’t love me, though. I died without you.”

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Chapter 18: Give me another chapter please..!!!
Dear Writer please please come back..!!
Chapter 18: Awww..!! Would you please update I want to know what future holds for them..!!!
My woohyunie is really adorable I swear eeehhhh..!!🙈😅
Chapter 18: It had been like forever since u last updated and i cant believe how late i am to stumble upone this one hell of a story, and get attached to it so much. Im not sure if u r going to finish this and judging from the new stories u mightve even switched fandoms but i didnt hesitate to vote or comment because as a reader this is the only way to show how thankful i am for this great story.

And u must be having a different life outside by now it has been 5 years... And u might be totally busy but just so you know, if u r reading these comments, we will be waiting until ur arrival, with much love♥
namu_candy #4
Chapter 18: When will you update this ?
crepusculo #5
Chapter 18: please please update soon
ifnt4ever #6
please please please update soon like real soonTT new reader here and desperate to know what happens next
otaku4fanfics #7
Chapter 18: ;D keee this story is really good (x1000) , author-nim!! Cute!Namu
The plot, the characters and the way you portray this story is beautiful..Thank you!
I can't believe i didn't find this story sooner T^T ..Please update soon >< -silent plead
Chapter 18: I hope you update soon, i'm anticipated for this story. i loved it, i did not regret reading because i'm in love what you wrote. ^^
Chapter 18: Author-nim, please please please update this fic.. >__<
I'm in love with your story, and absolutely the way you wrote cute hyunnie and manly stubborn gyu.. ^^
I don't know why I never stumble upon your fic until now, but I'm glad I did.. : )
hotterthanasummer #10
Chapter 18: omigosh xD You go get your man, Sunggyu