
When my poster turns real

“Food!” Daehyun said happily. “Yeah! Eat as much as you can.” You said smiling happily. “Didn’t you buy any drinks?” Zelo asked. “Oh yeah I forgot.” You said hitting your forehead. “Come on Sunhee, I’ll go with you.” Youngjae said. “What would oppas like to drink?” You asked. “Coke.” They all answered. “Ok, be right back.” You said. And started walking off. “Don’t eat without us.” Youngjae said and the rest nodded. “Eat everything, eat before Youngjae comes back. Also remember to save Sunhee some.” Daehyun said and Youngjae turned around. ”Yah! I totally heard that, next time if you want to say something like that maybe you should whisper it.” “Stop fighting in front of Sunhee, it’s embarrassing.” Himchan said and you chuckled.

“Let’s go shopping!” You said happily. “Someone’s happy.” Yongguk said. “Come on lets go lets go!” You said jumping up and down like a kid. “What are you going to buy?” Himchan asked. “Dresses? New shoes and stuff for oppas.” You said. “No, don’t buy anything for us.” Daehyun said. “Why not? Just think it as fan gifts.” You said and turned into a store. You tried on lots of clothes but you didn’t like anything. “If you see anything you like, I’ll buy it for you.” You said smiling.

Your phone started ringing and you picked it up. “Hello?” “Where are you? Why aren’t you at home?” Won Cheol asked. “I’m at the park with Dubu.” You lied. “But Dubu is right here.” Won Cheol said. “What do you want?” You asked. “I can see you right now.” Won Cheol said. You turned around and saw your brother standing there with his girlfriend. Won Cheol waved at you and you shook your head. “I thought you were at home.” Won Cheol said. “I thought you were at the zoo.” You said with your arms crossed. “Well only mum and dad are there now.” Won Cheol said. “Hi Ara unnie.” You greeted happily and she smiled back. Ara is Won Cheol’s girlfriend they’ve been together since I can remember. She so nice and quiet.

“Who are they?” Won Cheol asked pointing at B.A.P who were all standing behind you. “My friends.” You said. “I know now, that’s why your room smelt different. Why didn’t you tell me?” Won Cheol asked. “I don’t know…. Oppa, can you help me with something?” You asked. “What is it?” He asked. “Pretend that these guys are your friend, they have nowhere to stay.” You said and Won Cheol nodded. “Really?! Yay!” You shouted happily and hugged your brother. “Stop, your embarrassing me.” Won Cheol said. “Ok, I’m off see you at home.” You said and started walking off.


You picked out some pretty shirts for B.A.P to wear since they don’t have clothes. “Thank you Sunhee~” They all said at the same time. “My feet are tired. Hey! I just realised that my ankle isn’t twisted anymore!” You said happily. B.A.P all laughed at how cute you were. You all squished in on a bench and sat there talking to one another. “I’m going to the toilet.” Daehyun said. “I want ice cream.” You said out of nowhere. “Ice cream? I’ll go buy us some.” Youngjae said.

“Thank you Youngjae oppa!” You thanked at started eating the ice cream. B.A.P watched you eat and their lips. “Youngjae! I hate you, why didn’t you buy us some as well?” Himchan asked. “Not enough money.” Youngjae said. “Sure, I saw you have lots of money in your wallet before.” Jongup said. “I was only joking the ice cream was out so there was only enough for one cone.” Youngjae said. “Oppas… want some?” You asked. “Yeah.” Zelo said. “here this part where I haven’t yet.” You said giving Zelo the ice cream cone. “Aren’t you scared of germs?” Yongguk asked. You shook your head. “I’m only scared if you’re sick or have some type of disease.”

By the time you got your ice cream back, you only had the tip of the cone. “Thanks for eating it all for me.” You said and B.A.P smiled sheepishly. “I was only joking, I don’t mind.” You said smiling and ate the rest. “I’m back.” Daehyun said sitting down next to you. “That was fast.” Himchan said sarcastically. ”The line was long.” Daehyun said. “Feet still tired?” Yongguk asked you. “Not anymore, let’s continue shopping!” You said. “Girls and their love for shopping.” Youngjae said.

By the time you finished you only brought a dress that you really liked.


It was 4:00 and the shops close at 5:00. “Oppas, one more hour till the mall closes.” You said. You were holding lots of bags and they kept slipping and falling everywhere. “Sunhee, I’ll help you.” Zelo said. “Thanks. Let’s go to the library and read books.” You said. “Yes! Books!” Youngjae said happily and the rest groaned. “Aww come on oppas, books are good for you.” You said. “But reading is boring!” Jongup said. “I don’t like reading, well I do but only picture story books. They only have a little bit of writing and there are pictures. Unlike the big fat books, they’re so boring to me.” You said. The library was in the shopping mall so it didn’t take long to get there. It was quite since people study in there. “This is the coolest library I’ve ever been to.” Yongguk said. “Have you ever been to a library?” Himchan asked and Yongguk smiled. You ran to the kids sections where the picture story books were and B.A.P except for Youngjae followed you. 


Youngjae went to the other section which had thicker and fatter books that he enjoys reading. 


You were enjoying the book while Daehyun was sitting next to you and watching you read. “Oppa, smell this strawberry, it smells like strawberries.” You said giving Daehyun the book. Daehyun looked at you weirdly at first but then smelt it. “That’s cool.” He said smiling. You went to get another book and saw Yongguk and Himchan laying down on the floor sleeping. You chuckled to yourself then turned the other way and saw Jongup and Zelo playing on the X-box. 


It was 5:00 and the library was closing. “Yongguk oppa, Himchan oppa wake up time to go home.” You said lightly shaking them. Yongguk sat up and looked at you with drowsy eyes. “How long have we been sleeping here for?” “About an hour or so.” You said smiling. “What are you smiling at Sunhee?” Yongguk asked you. “You got a bit of drool here.” You said and wiped it for him. “That’s embarrassing. But anyways thanks Sunhee.” He said. “Himchan oppa, wake up.” You said but Himchan just moved a bit. “Let me.” Daehyun said and started kicking Himchan lightly. “I’m going to find Youngjae oppa.” You said. 


You along with B.A.P walked out of the library and Won Cheol called you. “Where’s Ara unnie?” You asked after looking around and couldn’t find her. “She went home before. Let’s go.” Won Cheol said. “Couldn’t you just go home first?” You asked. “No.” “Why?” You asked. “I wasted all my money on Ara and I don’t have a nickel to buy my bus ticket.” Won Cheol said. “Fine, let’s go. Just one thing.” You said and Won Cheol looked at you. “Oppa has to be nice to my friends and treat them as your own friends.” You said and Won Cheol nodded. “I am a nice guy.” He said. “I know you are but you are so annoying.” You said. “Sorry for being annoying.” He said.


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Chapter 25: Awww so cute!
syayuuri #2
Chapter 25: I love the ending haha
ForeverThinkinOfFood #3
Chapter 1: Hahah i have that poster too. I wish they would come to live too. That would be so awesome ^^
Chapter 24: Nice ending
Chapter 16: I'm so sad for Zeloo....
Goldie #6
yay!! happy ending!! nice story authornim!! I just finished reading.. ^^
Chapter 2: Lol zelo dancing secret magic x)
zldhwyjh_98 #9
Chapter 6: in the chapter "time with daehyun" where is the first and the last gif from??? i'm literally dyingggggggg
Chapter 25: Oh, grown up Dubu, K-Pop Idol! ^^