Truth or Dare?

When my poster turns real

“Why is it so noisy?” Yongguk asked. Yongguk walked in with you on his back and both of you saw Jongup dancing to poison. “Hi! It’s noisy because we’re playing a game. Come join us.” Himchan said. Yongguk walked in with you on his back. “What happened?” Youngjae asked.  “Sunhee twisted her ankle I think.” Yongguk said and you slid down from Yongguk’s back.  “I’m fine. So what are oppas playing?” You asked as you sat down and joined the circle. “Truth or dare or could be called spin the bottle.” Jongup said.  “Last time I played this was with my cousins like 3 years ago.” You said. “Ok Sunhee, you can spin the bottle and asked a question.” Daehyun said. You span the bottle and it pointed to Zelo. “Dare.” Zelo said. You thought for a while. “I dare Zelo oppa to put a cup of ice down his pants.” “What?! Sunhee you’re so mean! My is already freezing right now and ice will make my freeze even more.” Zelo said. “Zelooo! You picked dare you’re fault.” Himchan said.

Jongup soon came back with the ice. “Sunhee, cover your eyes.” Youngjae said. “But I want to see.” You said pouting a bit. “We’re pulling Zelo’s pants out so it’s best not to see sweetie.” Yongguk said and covered your eyes. The ice went down Zelo’s pants and he started jumping around screaming. “Can I see now?” You asked. Yongguk uncovered your eyes and you saw Zelo in pain. The ice slowly melted and soon it was gone. “Sunhee, I hate you right now.” Zelo said and you giggled.

Zelo span the bottle and it pointed to Youngjae. “Dare.” Youngjae said. “I dare you to go next door and ask for some milk to eat your cereal.” Zelo said. “Are you serious?! Fine.” Youngjae said. “We’re going up to the balcony to watch from up high!” Himchan said and the rest of B.A.P started running upstairs leaving you on the floor. “Somebody help me!” You said trying to get up. “Oh yeah.” Daehyun said and ran back down the stairs. He picked you up bridal style and raced up the stairs. “We can’t miss this Sunhee.” Daehyun said

“Sunhee, you’re so heavy.” Daehyun said letting you down and collapsed on the floor. “But Yongguk oppa said I was light.” You said. “I was only joking, you’re really light.” Daehyun said smiling. You watched Youngjae walk over to the next door neighbour’s house and ring the doorbell. He stood there holding a box of cereal and waited for someone to open the door. The door opened. “Hi, can I please have some milk to eat with my cereal?” Youngjae asked and everyone on the balcony bursted out laughing. “Sorry but I don’t have any milk for you.” The lady said and slammed the door on Youngjae’s face. Youngjae was so embarrassed and ran back home.

This time going down the stairs Himchan piggy backed you down. “Thanks.” You said smiling. “No problem.” Himchan said smiling back.  Youngjae span the bottle and it pointed to Daehyun. “Truth, I don’t want to do anything dares that Youngjae gives.” Daehyun said. “Is it true that you like Sunhee?” Youngjae asked as he raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I like Sunhee… but as a fan and not in that way.” Daehyun said. Your heart stopped beating for a second when you heard Daehyun say that. “Really now? You didn’t say that to me last night.” Youngjae said. “Oh shut up and continue the game.” Daehyun said and span the bottle which hit Himchan. “Truth.” “What do you like about Sunhee?” Daehyun asked. “Sunhee… she’s different to any other fans. She’s not annoying, she doesn’t go crazy, she’s pretty, cute, cooks well and she’s nice.” Himchan said. You smiled. “Thank you oppa.”

Himchan span the bottle and it pointed in between Yongguk and Jongup. “Dare” They both said. “I dare you to kiss Sunhee’s cheeks on either side.” Himchan said. You started blushing and felt two pairs of lips touch either side of your cheeks. “I see someone blushing~” Youngjae teased. You smiled and covered your face with a pillow. “I’m hungry.” Daehyun said. “Should I make something for oppas to eat?” You asked. “No, no, no. You can’t cook with your ankle twisted Sunhee.” Zelo said. “Why don’t we order pizza.” Jongup said. “Yeah! I want to eat pizza!” You said happily. “Ok, I’ll order.” Himchan said.

While waiting for the pizza to arrive, the 7 of you continued playing truth or dare. DING DONG. Daehyun went to get the door and came back with 5 boxes of pizza. He placed the boxes on the floor and you all dug in.

“Hey oppas, I don’t think you should sleep in my parents and brother’s room because they might come home tomorrow morning.” You said. “Then where should we sleep?” Youngjae asked. “In my room, on the floor? I have extra mattresses.” You said. “That’s fine.” Yongguk said. When you finished eating, Zelo and Daehyun helped you go upstairs to your room and everyone cleaned up the lounge room. “If you need help just call any of us.” Daehyun said and you nodded. You watched Daehyun and Zelo walk out the room to give you some privacy. “Wait Zelo oppa.” You said and Zelo came walking back. “Don’t call me Zelo, call me Junhong oppa.” Zelo said. “Junhong oppa… nothing I forgot what I was going to say.” You said shyly. “Ok, I’m going now, be careful.” Zelo said.

You changed into your pyjamas and was ready to go to sleep. B.A.P also got changed and were sorting out were they would sleep. You took out your Ipad and started playing on it. “What are you doing?” Zelo asked as he jumped onto the bed next to you. “Reading fanfics.” You said. “I want to read as well.” Zelo said. You put the Ipad in the middle and Zelo started reading. “It’s boring.” Zelo said. “ It’s not to me. I like it.” You said. “Junhong-ah, turn off the light and go to sleep now.” Himchan said. “Yes mummy.” Zelo said and you chuckled. “Good night oppas~” You said. “Night Sunheee~


I can't pick between Daehyun and Zelo!!

Oh no! :O Himchan's missing!

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Chapter 25: Awww so cute!
syayuuri #2
Chapter 25: I love the ending haha
ForeverThinkinOfFood #3
Chapter 1: Hahah i have that poster too. I wish they would come to live too. That would be so awesome ^^
Chapter 24: Nice ending
Chapter 16: I'm so sad for Zeloo....
Goldie #6
yay!! happy ending!! nice story authornim!! I just finished reading.. ^^
Chapter 2: Lol zelo dancing secret magic x)
zldhwyjh_98 #9
Chapter 6: in the chapter "time with daehyun" where is the first and the last gif from??? i'm literally dyingggggggg
Chapter 25: Oh, grown up Dubu, K-Pop Idol! ^^