Gym with Jongup

When my poster turns real

The sun shone right on your face. You sat up and saw something next to you under the blanket. You touched it and it started moving.  “Dubu?” You lifted the blanket up and saw Zelo sleeping. “Zelo oppa, what are you doing here?” You asked as you lightly shook him. “What are you doing here?” Zelo mumbled and turned his back now facing you. “Did you do something to me last night?” You asked getting a pillow and covering yourself up. “What! No!” Zelo said and sat up quickly. “Why are you on my bed?” You asked. “I… I don’t know how I got here. Did we do something together?” Zelo asked scratching his head.  You gasped and stared at Zelo without blinking.

You heard people laughing and one by one B.A.P came out from under your bed. “Good morning Sunhee!” They all said at the same time. “Morning…” You said. “Junhong did something really bad last night.” Daehyun said. “Are you joking? What did he do?” You asked. “We’re only joking.” Himchan said with a smile on his face. “Pheww, I thought he really did something bad to me.” You said. “Sunhee, you’re stubborn and gullible.” Zelo said. “I know.” You said. “Sunhee, make food for us please.” Youngjae said. “Yeah, I’ll go get ready first. I won’t be long.” You said as you went into your bathroom.

When you were done you went downstairs and opened the fridge. Took out the ingredients to make breakfast for the 7 of you.  In about 30 minutes you finished making breakfast and you called B.A.P to come and eat.

“Sunhee, want to come to the gym with me?” Jongup asked. “Sure. I would love to, I need to get rid of these flabs.” You said. Jongup laughed at you.

You got changed into more comfy clothes. You and Jongup started walking to the gym. “Where is the gym anyways?” Jongup asked. “You need to take the bus because it’s far away oppa.” You said. “Can’t we walk there?” Jongup asked. “By the time we walk to the gym we’ll be all worn out.” You said. “So we should take the bus.” Jongup said

You caught the bus and the two of you went on. After a 20 minute ride, you got off the bus and walked into the gym. You saw heaps of people exercising. “Let’s go over there first” Jongup said as he pointed at the while pointing height measurer. “Ok” You said happily. You got to the place where Jongup pointed. “I’ll go first” Jongup said. A few seconds later a piece of paper came out of the machine. ‘176cm’. “I’m 180cm”Jongup told you while he was trying to hide the piece of paper. “Sure? On the internet it says your 176 oppa.” You said. “Yeah yeah whatever your turn Sunhee.” Jongup said. When the paper came out Jongup snatched it before you could. “You’re 162.5cm.” Jongup said. “You’ll grow Jongup oppa, soon you’ll be as tall as Zelo oppa!” You said. Jongup smiled.

“What are you good at Sunhee?” Jongup asked. “I’m flexible.” You said. “Can you do the splits?” Jongup asked. You nodded. “Show me.” Jongup said. You did a few stretches then did the splits. “Wow… does it hurt?” Jongup asked. You shook your head. “I’m used to it.” “Are you strong Sunhee? Can you weight lift?” Jongup asked. “I’m pretty strong, I think.” You said.  You followed Jongup over to the weightlifting spot. Jongup gave you two 5kg dumbbells and you held then easily. “You’re strong for a girl.” Jongup said and gave you two 10kg dumbbells. It was a little bit heavier but you could still lift them.

Treadmill, whoever rans for the longest amount of time wins. Jongup said. “Wins what?” You asked. “The person that loses treats lunch.” Jongup said. “Ok.” You said happily. The two of you went on treadmills and ran for ages and ages. “Are you tired yet Sunhee?” Jongup asked. “Just a little.” You said. “Just give up so I win.” Jongup said. “Never, I will never give up just like that.” You said. For the next hour you and Jongup kept running nonstop. Both you and Jongup were sweating but you didn’t want to give up.  

“Sunhee, I’m too tired.” Jongup said turning of the treadmill and panting. “I win right?” You asked. “Yeah you win. How did you beat me?” Jongup asked. You shrugged and passed Jongup a towel and a bottle of water. Jongup thanked you and you smiled in return.  You rested and talked to Jongup then the both of you went to get changed so you could go eat.

“Order whatever you want Sunhee.” Jongup said. “Really? I won’t pick anything expensive.” You said looking through the menu. You and Jongup gave your orders and soon the food arrived. The two of you just ate rice with a few side dishes and soup. “Oppa I want coke.” You said. “Me too.” Jongup said smiling.

When you finished eating you and Jongup took the bus back home. 


Boring chapterrr....

Jongup gif spam!








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Chapter 25: Awww so cute!
syayuuri #2
Chapter 25: I love the ending haha
ForeverThinkinOfFood #3
Chapter 1: Hahah i have that poster too. I wish they would come to live too. That would be so awesome ^^
Chapter 24: Nice ending
Chapter 16: I'm so sad for Zeloo....
Goldie #6
yay!! happy ending!! nice story authornim!! I just finished reading.. ^^
Chapter 2: Lol zelo dancing secret magic x)
zldhwyjh_98 #9
Chapter 6: in the chapter "time with daehyun" where is the first and the last gif from??? i'm literally dyingggggggg
Chapter 25: Oh, grown up Dubu, K-Pop Idol! ^^