


Do you ever regret something you have done in the past? What about something you are doing right now? Will you regret your future actions too? Regret is something I think about often. Do I regret my life?

When I come back to this subject, I imagine there are countless doors in front of me and I hold the master key. Unfortunately, I can only experiment with the first three. The hallway they line up against doesn’t allow more. It’s too dark and murky for me to adventure further.

My pace is slow and fearful. The first door is made of mahogany and has a golden handle. When I approach it, a sweet, fruity perfume comes from behind. I can hear voices singing only for my ears and, somehow, I can see vines with blooming flowers surrounding the door’s frame. Amazingly, touching its surface produces a burning sensation. I apologetically kiss my fingers and move on to the next option.

I stomp with confidence. I am feeling rather proud of myself for avoiding what could have potentially been a trap. The second door is made entirely of metal and has a silver handle. I’m reluctant to touch it because I’m not sure of what I could discover. A sudden headache takes possession. If I could see my reflection, I would be shocked from my skin’s paleness. It is cold, freezing even, and my stomach swallows my heart. I hear low growls and the clank of chains. I force my legs to run as far as possible from the inhuman sounds with the master key still in my grasp.

I no longer am sure of my victory. My breathing is heavy. The third door is made of cheap plastic and has a hole as a handle. Unusual from the rest, this door promises nothing. There are no angels calling for my approval, nor demons howling from underneath flames of anguish. I have no use for the key either since I can pull the door easily with my hand. Maybe this is the path I should take – the one that’s not sugared or spiced. I open the door only to find behind a vast, white void. Cans of paint reside in front of my feet; I grab the only brush I can find and I start to paint the room – those vines with flowers, that cold feeling in the form of a light blue shade across the corners, some stars for my future career and a small heart along with my wish for a strong love to grow and flourish with time. I add music notes and my eyes constantly looking in one direction. 

I take three steps back.

That’s my masterpiece. My life is my art; I sacrifice everything and build my own destiny.

It took me so long to reach that third door.

I was almost tricked by the false impression of a better life without knowing that I’m supposed to follow a path I do not enjoy. I sometimes yearn after its warmth and comfort. Would have been better if I took a road different from my current one? It would have been a job that never put me in front of the spotlight and general expectations, which sometimes ignored public opinion and one that could offer me a stable relationship.

I also have fallen into despair after not accomplishing my goals – that sensation of failure and of accumulated frustrations. I don't know if I should return to my first choice or blindly march on.

Heck, I don’t regret being a fool.

It’s my time now... my room to paint and repaint until I’m satisfied and ready to go on with my life.

Who knows how many other doors are out there... waiting, whispering, taunting.

And I still possess the master key to all.



Byung Hee gently her back. His kiss fell softly over her forehead. It soon slid over her right cheek.

“What are you thinking about?”

Chaerin pressed her finger over his chest and drew small circles around his medallion.

“About us...”

He hid his smile in her blonde locks.

“Should I be worried?”

Chaerin chuckled and slapped him across his shoulder.



He playfully kissed her lips.

She closed her eyes for dreams to capture her.

His embrace tightened.

She became the only reason he kept going and going.

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Chapter 1: wow sounds promising off to read your sequel~