
My Kyu
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"kyu... you still awake?!"   "mmmm...."   "all~ my life~~"   *after 30mins of singing softly*   "kyu... sweetie?!"   "..."    "phew~"     Siwon internal thoughts while hugging the moon light out of Kyuhyun
Seriously i'm not a big fan of cuddling.  I never actually spooned any of my ex's after we *ahem* and that didn't go too well with them.  But being a guy, i like my space and you have no idea how hot a human body can get over night.  
So, now, I'm wondering why to myself, just why the beshisus I'm smiling like a dork for god know how long. Closing my eyes after I kissed this 'fluff' lightly just once on that sweet plump cheek of his.  Sometimes during the night between Kyuhyun's twists and turns, I finally manage to settle him right where i want.  His face towards me so I could watch his peaceful snooze look, while I run my hands lightly over those soft brown curls.  I'll blame it on those addictive chemicals they put in shower gel and shampoo these days, course throughout the night I've caught myself nuzzling towards that honey candy scent in front of me. Carefully bringing this hotness closer to mine as the thin blankets didn't function very well, enjoying that light breathing sound as my white noise.   
My heart is actually beating at a frantic rate and I'm so scare I'll disturb this angel with my movements.  But again i couldn't help myself.  I'll say I'm an early bird type of person, i normally wake around 6 or 7am with or without schedule.  Its currently 8am-ish with a storm building up outside, i've been giving, well to others might look be a bit erted but i call it 'loving' touch for the passed hour or so to my dear Kyuhyun.  Landing a soft kiss here and there, amused by his light twitches and frowns in his sleeps.  Smiling blindly to myself, well, maybe, yea, it does sound sorta bad.  But who can blame me?!
  Well here's the centre of my gravity lying adorably on my arm.  My light and day, my oxygen and water.  Ok i'll admit! i'm obsessed with him.  Having only known him for as littler as we did and being rejected one too many times by his cuteness.  His everything manage to barge into my existence like a moth to flame.  Yet i'm the moth and he's the flame.  He'll burn me from time to time with his words and actions, but just like every other er moth, I can't help it.  Its not like I have any control over it.  So Yes, I am obsessed and Yes, I am loving it. 
Thinking back to our first contact till now, Kyuhyun have marked me to him simply with his perfection of that contagious smiles, such soothing laughter, pinchable cushion cheeks (both north and south), cunning smart--ness, those irresistible curls and a heavenly melodic voice.  You think I'm crazy right? Well you think I 'enjoy' being a moth?! NO way.  I'm ChoiSiwon, i'm always the captain in every relationships.  Even with my working company. But yet here again, i find myself willingly and completely heading towards THE flame with just too much enthusiasm.  This is an unknown territory to the almighty ME.  I've never tiptoe around anyone, not to my manager, not to my lovers, yet he manage to turn my world upside down, inside out.  Therefore when if comes to Kyuhyun, I'll whoosh towards that flame within a heart beat no question ask.  I'm his moth.  His and only.  
Which is exactly the reason of this dizzy feeling I'm having this moment.  Even though i'm lying right next to him, having this piece of heaven only a few centimetres away. I'm scare to death the next moment I'll be push back to earth.  Back to square one, back to my own harsh coldness without his warmth.  I do love it here so much, so warm and so smothering with soft and sweet.  I don't believe I want to wake if he wasn't there to light my days., think i could press another light kiss on that cheek without waking him up?! well maybe if i just lean forward slowly....   ~~~~~
Kyuhyun POV while having the best sleep
Gosh... its so warm this morning.  Hang on... something's noooot right.  Did... is... huh... oh CRAP~ its Siwon.  I totally forgot he's here, not only he's here, he's lying next to me, on my BED.  And WHAT the?! did he just kiss my cheek?! aish...that ert.  


Kyuhyun slowly peek through his lashes trying to not blush and check out his surrounding as still as possible.  He came across a silly smiling face of one Choi Siwon.  Kyuhyun's heart was definitely melting from the sight which he'll not even admit to himself.  Kyuhyun told himself its safe to open his eyes fully since Siwon seem determinedly having his shut. 

An equally silly smile following the goof in front of him.  Something about Siwon that always startle Kyuhyun was the way his smile seem to be contagious to everyone around him.  So many times Kyuhyun would found himself deliberately looking at other stuff just not to follow suit, Siwon could be smiling through a tv commercial, being a poster boy or like now right in front of him. 

Before Kyuhyun could pull out from Siwon's spell, he felt the older thumb rubbing softly against his back.  While Siwon move ever so slowly, pulling his body even closer.  Kyuhyun would have push back, but somehow he decided to blame the early hours of the morning causing him failing at mastering any good energy to protest.  what time is it, 7? 8?... 

Try to eye the clock but fail Kyuhyun did notice the unusually darkness in the room, must be a storm building up outside. Kyuhyun didn't wanna move a muscle, he didn't want to forfeit his chance at just simply looking at this face.  Its the first time Kyuhyun can study Siwon's face in detail.  While the dimples still lightly in tack as Siwon's smile relaxes a bit more.  Kyuhyun eyed  the older from his thick si-brows to his moon shaped eyes, those short black lashes, his perfectly bone structure aish his nose must be fake, no asian could have such tall nose...wonder how much he paid for it...tsk~ Kyuhyun found himself a tad jealous right down to those suffocating lips.  All and all this face is just screams y and its smothering to Kyuhyun's annoyance. 

A sudden warmth charge through his body as Kyuhyun's mind flooded with their heated but tragically cut short kiss session they had last night.  Squinting his eyes shut, trying to slow down that heart racing a little more than it should and Kyuhyun swear he is due to the heatwave of his goof's body pressed against his rather than his urge simply to feel those lips against his. 

Kyuhyun roll his eyes up, keeping his face low when he felt some movements from the body in front.  Siwon's smile has left his handsome face, a confuse look came upon Kyuhyun as he guess what's in Siwon's mind.  However as the seconds pass, Siwon's intention was clear as crystal.  He's gonna kiss me again... tsk... you'll wait?! won't force me?! choi siwon can i trust a single word from you. ert.ert.ert~~~

Whatever internal battles Kyuhyun are having with himself, or whether to believe Siwon with his words.  It just wasn't distracting enough to pull Kyuhyun away from the lips that landed on his flaming cheek.  Kyuhyun heart stop on contact and his breathing has halt.  His eyes fell closed from the soft and tendering warm touch.  He had plenty of time to move away or put a stop to this kiss yet he actually thought heaven somehow made it in his room this gloomy morning.  Those lips stayed there for an extended period of time.  Neither one wanted to move, afraid this slight moment of heaven might just be over before it started.  To which Siwon knew it was his cue to end his luck as always when it comes to him and Kyuhyun. 



"KYUNNI-AH, I'mmmmm BACK~~~~"

A loud voice just like scripted manage to pull the two away from each other with much dismay from both parties.  Siwon frown as he see the shocked expression plaster across Kyuhyun's.  Quickly he look over his shoulder to see who's on god lovely planet have shatter this little morning heaven. 

"HYUNG?!" Kyuhyun called out while rubbing his eyes to clear up his vision, although he's pretty sure its his beloved cuz currently mouth agape and bug eye staring holy-crisis to his current sleeping arrangement.

"K-Kyunni...omo..." Kyuhyun's hyung couldn't even finish calling out his name before he flee out his room and loudly ran down stairs, presumably heading towards their front lawn. 

Kyuhyun dauntingly got on to his feet and when he just about to run after his hyung a steady and stern hold around his waist failing his intention. 

Siwon have manage to wrapped himself around kyuhyun's waist just as he make sense of what the young was about to do.  He pressed his cheek right on that tummy of Kyuhyun's and tighten his arm around it, if only Siwon have his legs wrapped around, it'll be a pretty hilarious image of an oversize pouting koala and a grumpy Kyuhyun. 

"NAH~ I'm not letting you leave" Siwon conclusively state, leaving Kyuhyun just a bit baffled at their relationship while he attempt to free himself off this magnetic goof.

"Yah! Choi Siwon, let go of me"

"Not a chance"

Kyuhyun struggling hard with Siwon's strong hold.  Every attempt to remove those hands comes a stronger nudge on his tummy or tightening around his waist.  Kyuhyun sigh deeply as he could sense he is going no where when comparing his strength with this Si-magnet. 

"*sigh* Siwon, what's wrong with you."  Kyuhyun knew playing the polite-Kyu might be the way through to the thickness of Si-magnet but he's too bewildered and nervous to play that Kyu at the moment.  But with no avail, Siwon was determine to hold onto his ticket of heaven this morning and mostly forever. The feeling on how Kyuhyun's rejecting his hug and his attempts to break free was breaking Siwon's heart one struggle at a time. 

Siwon calculatively release all restrain just when he sense Kyuhyun letting down of his guard.  A powerful force hastily pushes Kyuhyun body back down onto the mattress, Siwon swing his surprisingly feminine leg across the young's body and wrapped around him again.  Before Kyuhyun could make sense of all the movements he was already down on his back and having Siwon's toned muscle pressed and hugged around him in all places. 

"WHAT the HELL siwon!?" Kyuhyun hissed as his movements have just become even more limited and his anger pouring out by the seconds. 

"Sleeping... Super Siwon still sleepy, lets sleep..." Siwon murmur next to Kyuhyun's ear as he get comfortable with his baby in arms. 

"Like hell you are..." Kyuhyun warn as calmly as he could, snarling one word after another, which he'll pat himself later for not just simply sending a blind stabbing knee cap to this magnet's nether region. 

Siwon only pretends to be deep asleep by adding light snoring sounds next to Kyuhyun's ear.  Which happens to send light shivers down his back, adding oil to flame. 

"Fine, don't say i didn't warn you"  Kyuhyun threaten as he begins to aim his knee to that region he really didn't wanna touch, well not like this

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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear