
My Kyu
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"Choi Si Won...."




"Come on, buddy.  You wont win over him, if you don't pick yourself up and act the person you should be"

"hyung! stop it... how many times i have to explain its not winning him over or not... it has nothing... can't you understand that..."

"Siwon-ah... "

"...hyung... it hurts... right here... where is he? i really need him back... i need kyuhyun... "

"Siwon-ah... it'll be alright, he'll understand... its only a misunderstanding."

"No... its alllll my stupid fault."

"jinja....listen, if this kyuhyun is really what you claim him to be, this sweet, adorable, angelic like being.  Shouldn't you have more faith in him.  "


"And vice versa... i mean, i know what we did was immature and stupid.  It is not the best reason for anyone to start a relationship.  But even if I could see that you are serious for this kid.  He should as well. Out of everyone, he shouldn't need to know the you before to see the true Siwon now, Siwon-ah, have some faith"

Manager-hyung patted his shoulder encouragingly twice, before finally getting up from the ground and walk out before he loose control and attempt to slap the idol back into living human standards. 



It has been more then a week since their fight and Siwon fail to make any sort of contact with Kyuhyun.  He tried calling Changmin but the guy only continue to tell him to give Kyuhyun time and space.  But this idea of having his Kyuhyun's heart breaking and sobbing over his mistake is driving Siwon insane.  Never had he expect to cause this sort of pain to the person he loves and none the less there's no way he could stop it. 

For days now, manager hyung could only watch his idol just breathing and blinking.  He was freaking out when Siwon was motionless for at least an hour before he switch position.  Never in his experience with Siwon he witness such sorrow and helplessness.  Trying to locate Kyuhyun was much harder than he expected to be, manager used all his resources to see if anyone in Incheon notice a new comer into their local.  Truth be told Incheon isn't small nor big, but when someone wanting to be invisible to others its hard to pin-point. 




The news eventually came on one evening while manage hyung was out having a late dinner by himself. 

"Hyung, we found him..."

"OMO... really?! good, address?"

"He's staying at the Incheon Sheraton airport hotel"

"What?!... airport..."

"Yea... he only checked in today... maybe he's leaving..."

"He cant!!"

"huh... anyway hyung... who is this chubby dude anyway?"

"Never mind that, call you later, thanx for your help shingdong!"

Manager hyung left some cash and rush out the door the first second he got.  If kyuhyun is really leaving the country, he gotta inform a certain breathing-moron the news this moment before its too late.  God knows where he'll go and then Siwon will truly go insane!

Driving as fast as the speed limit allows, manager already calling up his connection to different airport and hoping to find the flight Kyuhyun will be on.  However before anyone could return his call the inevitable of telling Siwon was in front already.  Staring at the door he could foretell the dramatic reaction from Siwon.  But he only hope by doing so will however able to solve everything and he'll get his snarky and goofy idol back soon. 

Making his way inside the dimmed apartment, a faint sniffling and ruffling on the couch could be heard from where he is.  If this was a horror movie, its only matter of seconds till the daunting spirit comes taking a leapt at him.  But once he turn the light on from the wall switch.  All he saw was yet another pathetic sight of his once top-shinning star, burying his face further more into the couch, having his back facing him.

"What do you think he'll say, if he see's you now?"


Without getting any response, manager hyung attempt to turn Siwon around.  After some struggles Siwon finally gave up and come faces his manager. 

"omo... what happened here?"

There was a bloody cut above Siwon's temple, blood still sliding down however little did Siwon cared.  He only wave his hand away from his manager and try to ignore the other questioning and fussing.  His alcoholic scent didn't go unnoticed by his nose wrinkling manager. 

"What happened?!"  Manager hyung ask this time with a stern voice.  That got Siwon rolling his eyes and got up from the couch.  As he stumble his way toward the kitchen, he mumble something along the line of "a little bump, who cares". 

Manager never expect to hear his perfectionally-vain-super-self-loving idol to ever disregard his precious face with so little care.  Which left him dumbfounded as he see Siwon reach for a half bottle of whiskey on the counter top and gulping it down like its juice.   

"Are you insane Siwon?"

"Hyung... just let me be, its either this or i'll go crazy" Siwon move away from manager's grabbing hands and sitting back onto the couch, gulping the hard liquor again. 

I can't take him to Kyuhyun now, not when he's like this.  CHOKYUHYUN, look what you've made him... maybe you should take a look yourself before you dump him without even a mere goodbye. 

Manager hyung, went into the kitchen as he grab the first aids kit and wait for Siwon to settle.  Knowing how the hard liquor will play on him, he wouldn't need to wait long till the guy passed out.  He clean the cut with warm water, which he relaxed a bit after finding out the cut wasn't as deep as he first thought it was. Its way under his hairline so no one will see scar if there were to be one.  He place a plaster over the cut and hope it'll stay.  But the dried up blood on Siwon's face was a lot harder to clean plus a drunken guy slapping your hands away wasn't helping, hence giving up half way. Manager decided enough is enough the moment he heard Siwon mumble Kyuhyun's in his sleep.

"You wait here, its about time hyung do something hyungy!" Leaving the drunken Siwon behind, manager decided to drive himself to Incheon and use all means to get Kyuhyun back for Siwon. 



Knocking on door 2030 required a lot more guts than he need to propose to his wife.  And waiting for the other person on the side to open up was like having your son brought out to him after his wife 6hrs labour.  So when the door finally open reviewing the very person he need to make his world at peace again.  Going through two traffic lights and speeding once too many times on the way here felt very much justify in his logic. 

"manager-sii..." Kyuhyun gasp, he never imagine out of everyone, it'll be Siwon's not too much in liking of Kyuhyun's manager standing at his hotel door, sweating like a pig. 

"Kyuhyun-sii..." Manager didn't really thought about what to say and maybe he should, cause at that moment, blankness was all over him.  He could only stare into those questioning eyes with his mouth agape to what's gonna happen next.

"w-would you like to come in?" Kyuhyun offer as he move aside after a moment of too long awkward silent.  He knew manager-hyung was not fond of him but he always kept a high level of respect for the man whom works and care for his Siwon's so professionally.  Although he knows the man was also behind the whole bet thing, but nonetheless he is older and Kyuhyun may be snarky but he respected him. 

"Are you leaving?"

"...." Kyuhyun didn't reply anything, no words only blankly stare back at the man's in asking.

"I know you must hate us by now... but how could you do that to him?" manager erupted as he storm into the room, panting heavily, wiping his hand through his sweating forehead.  "Do you have any idea how much a zombie he is after you left him like that?"

Kyuhyun was about to say something as he frown at the accusation, but the furious man beat him to it.

"I know, i know... he lied and he's intention when he first started this relationship with you wasn't prefect.  BUT hell Kyuhyun-sii you aren't soooo perfect either.  This is Siwon we're talking about, the man is at the peak of this industry and a leading image of kpop.  He could and should have everything and anything he wants by simply showing those idiotic dimples of his.  BUT no, he's currently sulking and bawling like a baby at home over the boyfriend that dumped him. I'm sorry, the LOVER that dumped him.  DO you even know how pathetic that sound?"

Again Kyuhyun was about to say something as he frown at the information given to him, but again the man beat him to it.

"Alright, i get it.  You're still mad that he lied and he used you as a bet.  Ok... i get that.  Than you should blame me.  I'm the one who didn't believe he was serious for you when he told me after getting his coffee from you.  I'm the one who challenged him. I'm the one who ruin this thing you had with him.  So me.... blame me... i'm the one started this mess.  Don't take it out on Siwon.  The fool's only guilty for loving you too much......" Panting even more heavily after his sudden impromptu monologue which left Kyuhyun speechless.  "... Have a heart, kyuhyun.  If you see him now, you wouldn't believe he's the almighty ChoiSiWon anymore..." Manager hyung lifted his hand to show the snap shot he took of Siwon before he clean his cuts while his head was still bloody and looking miserable.   Successfully scaring the bejesus out of Kyuhyun as he cup his mouth with both hands. 

"w-what happen ...?"  Kyuhyun murmur as he lock his eyes on the phone screen, slightly blurred vision from the new tears. 

"Kyuhyun, i beg you... Please give him another chance.  This fool... h-he..."

"what... happen...to him?"

"well...he... he got drunk and drove around looking for you, and crashed his car..." crap... where did that come from...?

A sudden inhale of breath knock Kyuhyun from whatever he was thinking. He never wanted Siwon to be hurt, and especially not bcos of some silly reason like how he think he got dumped.  All sort of scenario's comes flashing in and out of Kyuhyun's mind.  From the soulless orbs in those once beaming love eyes, to the amount of red, hush blood covering his face, it meant he is hurt really bad, both mentally and physically.  With that thought it simply ache the young's heart far tooo much for Kyuhyun not to take notice and action. 

"Kyuhyun..." Manager pleaded, this time he dramatically kneel on the flo

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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over again.it is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear