Track and Field

High School Society

Chapter - Track and Field


Chaerin was on edge to say the least. Her mind wouldn’t stop thinking about that damn Kwon Jiyong. She knew this wasn’t going to just brush under the rug, oh no, she felt it in her bones. His revenge, whatever he was planning, would hit her hard. But Chaerin was not raised as a push over either. She was going to prepare herself, this guy didn't know who he was messing with.

 She walked to the change room for the last class of the day and thankfully the girls had it on their schedules as well. She pushed the swinging door open and her almond eyes scanned the girls locker room quickly. She noticed some girls from her other class and waved as they regarded her.

"God, gym class is outside again!" a girl complained.

"I'm going to get mommy to make a complaint to the dean, we shouldn't have to suffer UV rays because our gym teacher is a nut case." her friend agreed.

Chaerin rolled her eyes, it was the same in every country. Girl's hated physical activity. But not her, every since she was a kid and had an abundance of energy, she and Jeffrey her Butler would run laps in the garden. He also taught her various sports in secret because she was fascinated. Her parents never did these things with her but Jeffrey always took her out and played sport games that were only reserved for 'boys'.

Making her way over to the corner by a set of lockers, she plopped down on a leather upholstered bench.

“Hey Rin.” Bom greeted, standing in only a bright pink bra and a pair of black short shorts.

“Omo, what’s wrong? Why is your face so pale?” Dara came over, already dressed in the gym uniform of black shorts, though not as short as Bom’s since she brought hers from home, and a navy blue t-shirt with the school’s patch.

Minji sat down beside Chaerin, putting her sneakers aside, she placed her hand on the blonde’s forehead. “You don’t feel sick. Shall I have Dr. Shin fly over anyways to make sure?” Dr. Shin was Minji’s family private world renowned doctor who travels the world treating only the elites and royalty.

“Oh Minji-ah, this kind of sickness can’t be cured by fabulous Dr. Shin. Too bad since I’m about to throw up all over your- oh my god where did you get Chanel running shoes?!” Chaerin spotted the lovely white trainers with the twin C logo on the side in sparkly silver.

“Oh I got it-“

“Can we please focus here girls? Chaerin, what happened?” Bom slipped the t-shirt over her head and worked on tying her long red hair into a high ponytail.

Chaerin sighed heavily, looking up at her girls with panic in her eyes. Okay, so she didn't exactly have balls of steel either.



“Yo, what happened to you? Did you end up going to the office hyung?” Seungri asked as he sat down on the lush green grass and propped up a knee to tie his show laces. The rest of their gym class was spread out in the field, some running and some kicking a ball around.

“What do you mean?” Youngbae questioned. He had his legs spread wide apart and was stretching out his calve muscles not to far from the group.

Jiyong shrugged, using his arms to support him from behind, he leaned back and looked up at the clear blue sky.

“The principal just said to not do it again,” he answered aloof, then shooting a grin over at Seungri, “and then asked for an autograph for his daughter.”

“What the ?” Daesung sang out with a laugh. The blonde haired tanned teen fell back on the lush field as he giggled to the heavens. “So badass. Man if high school was like this back then, I would have finished, maybe even do a victory lap.”

Seunghyun, known for his cool and cold image, giggled and did a little dance with his long arms. Although s knew his real personality and he was anything but.  “Hell chickabow wow!”

Some pretty girls with flowing long black hair from their grade walked passed them and called out to Seungri.

Sup’” he nodded to them with a charming smile. He watched with lecherous eyes as they swayed their backsides a bit more once they giggled and rushed away.

“Already at work huh?” Seunghyun admired longingly. Their maknae had a way with people, especially the girls. He could make friends easily and bedmates even easier.

“Hyungs,” Seungri grinned devilishly, “high school was always great for me. And this, this is just a reigning king here to conquer another thorn.”

Jiyong spotted a certain blonde coming out of the back doors from the gym. She was walking with her three friends that was always hanging around her. They scanned the area quickly before walking on to the field to join the rest of the class.

“Damn. Red head actually got a bomb body. ” Seunghyun breathed out, looking in the same direction. His eyes followed Park Bom and trailed down to her slim long legs in micro shorts way too tight they should be illegal.

Curiosity peaked, Jiyong shrugged as he diverted his gaze when that Chaerin girl looked his way, “Those girls? You sure? Pretty snobby if you ask me.”

Youngbae laughed, “The guys in my Business class was actually talking about them today. Apparently they are the cream of the crop around here. Lots of rich kids but those four girls are the oldest of old money. And Ji’s arch enemy it seems.”  

“Old money? What’s that?” Daesung wondered aloud.

“Ahhh,” it dawned on Jiyong, he remembered reading a bit years ago. So that’s where the confident and self-deserving attitude comes from. Figures.  “It’s so much wealth that their generations could live off it for decades without working a day in their lives. But of course they don’t, they continue to grow it into massive corporations and . Welcome to the real world, where the rich keeps getting richer.”

Seunghyun stared at the red head and when he caught her eye, he let out a small smile without looking away. He wanted her to know that he was admiring her without being abash. He chuckled to himself at her startled expression, linked arms with a short brunette and hurriedly looked away.

“That’s, my man, is way out of your league.” noted Youngbae with an amused shake of the head.

“Did you even hear what I said hyung?” Jiyong asked Seunghyun who was still ogling.

“What did you say?” his deep voice joked, unfazed. He grinned  at his boys as his dark eyes sparkled. He may be bingu TOP now but every sick rapper like him had a past. Aint no money going to stop him once he sets his mind on a target.

“Rich girls need some thug in their life.”

He high fived Daesung who in turn fell into a fit of laughter once again.

Seungri cracked up as he rubbed his hands together, “YES! Underground gangsta Tempo is making a c-c-comeback!”

 A whistle blew loudly, signaling the arrival of the burly man gym teacher. The two dozen seniors gathered at the center field.

“Okay class, it’s a beautiful afternoon! I assume you’ve all warmed up adequately. We will doing long and short distance running. And girls, please try to at least run a bit this year.”

“Mr. Hwang, how could we?” a girl with an oval face and a pink bow in her hair called out. “We would sweat and mummy says sweating is unlady like.”

“Yah well your mom doesn’t need at least a 60 percent to pass my class and graduate right?” he shot back, used to the resistance from the girls for the last ten years he’s been coaching at this school.

“Argh so unfair Mr. Hwang!” another girl complained.

Her only answer was his loud whistle, signaling for everyone to prepare themselves at the start point on the massive track field.

Most of the guys stood at the front lines and the girls stood at the back, levels of competiveness on opposite spectrums. The whistle blew.

Jiyong took off, keeping up with most of the guys in the middle. Running wasn’t his thing really, sure he worked out and was fit enough but he just found the exercise tedious. Youngbae and Daesung on the other hand was zooming up front, leading the herd and the distance was widened even more from the others. They may be weak with studying but they have years of training in stamina from YG’s elite trainer in order to keep up with four hour long concerts and nonstop schedules.

It was only when a slime figure steadily passed by the cluster of runners he was in caught his eye. Chaerin, clad in the same uniform as the rest of them, blonde hair swaying freely behind her back, was increasing her speed, her elbows perfect 90 degrees. She was definitely not a stranger to running as her form remained relaxed but upright.

Jiyong maneuvered through some of the others and easily started to catch up to her in a few bursts of speed. He kept running but stealthy stayed a few strides behind her. He smirked as they were on a bend and she turned her head slightly back and caught sight of him. He gave a smug little wave and continued to run only behind her. It was fun messing with her as he saw how now tensely she was running.

“I’ll see you later!” Minji called out as she took off running with speed. Minji was the sporty one and saw everything as an opportunity to get fit.

“I’ll see you at the half way point!” Dara said beside Minji, both running. The brunette didn’t mind running but her frail body didn’t have much stamina. So usually she would have to stop half way and walk slowly.

Bom waved happily, perfectly content on speed walking with her elbows up and a cherry bounce to her step.

“BOM RUN!” the gym teacher could be heard shouting from the field.

“Pfft. No thanks.” Bom whistled to herself without acknowledging she heard him, she continued to walk with a happy smile as everyone passed her.

“What’s up girl?” a smooth masculine voice asked.

Bom let out a startled gasp and looked to her left. One of the guys from that new group was walked beside her. She had to tilt her head up a bit, him being a full head taller and double her profile.


“Um…not much?” she said quickly before turning her face away and picking up her speed. Though it wasn’t much since he just extended his strides longer.

“We’re in the same homeroom together. I’m Choi Seunghyun. What’s your name?” he pressed on, staying by her side.

“My name’s Park Bom.” She replied curtly, feeling nervous beside him. She had to admit that he was good looking, down right gorgeous. If it wasn’t for those rings and earrings he wore that made him look like a hooligan.

“You’re really pretty.” He told her matter of factly.

Bom felt a blush as her face heated up. Boys at this school didn’t approach her so directly.


"Do you want to go on a date with me?" he asked bluntly.

"Um..I'm busy." Bom turned down, she was scanning for one of the girls to come save her.

"I never said which day." he replied, undeterred.

"Which day?"

"Friday night."

"I'm busy."

"You're lying."

Bom glanced at him with a shrug, "It's easy to make plans. Plus, I don't date guys like..."

Seunghyun smiled lopsidedly, "Like me? No trust fund to my name baby."

"No I don't date guys like you." Bom let her sass seep into her voice. She turned her large eyes on him head on and smiled prettily. "I'm out of your league, hasn't anyone told you?"

Seunghyun gave a throaty chuckle, his eyes piercing that it made Bom look away.

"You just don't know, that you don't want guys like that. You'll want me soon enough girl." he said with confidence. She didn't respond but only kept looking around and promptly ignored him.

Seunghyun grinned as he locked his fingers behind his neck and continued to leisurely walk beside her. Quickening and slowing his pace whenever she did. He mentally patted himself on the back for that blush he spotted, she may have rejected him now but her body was responding. She won't be able to hide it for long. He was going to enjoy making this particular girl blush often.



Jiyong acted innocent as he held up his hands without losing stride. “What?”

Chaerin narrowed her eyes at him. She had finally paused a few steps, spun on her heels and ended up beside him. If only glares could burn holes, he would have another set of eye sockets. “Why are you following me?”

“There’s only one way and one track. Why are you following me?” he retorted. Thought he was enjoying the view. His eyes widened, where’d that thought come from?

“Don’t be a smart , you could have gone around me this whole time.” She snapped.

“I can’t run that fast and was perfectly happy at my pace. If that bothers you, than you could have run faster.” Jiyong would always get scolded by his parents for twisting facts and stories, but he considered it God’s gift to him and damn well he was going to use it.

Chaerin pursed her lips together, “you’re doing this on purpose to get back at me.”

Jiyong continued feigning ignorance. “Why would I do that? It’s not like you got me in trouble and got me send to the principal’s office on purpose did you?”

“You’re a jerk.” She snipped out.

“I am. But just for the record, I have something different in mind to pay you back in kind for getting me in trouble.” He said cockily.


“Touché. But girls’ your stature shouldn’t say things like that. It’s very unladylike.” He continued to goad her, holding in his laughter. Though he was impressed that this rich girl was actually running, they were now nearing the starting point and didn’t seem to be slowing down.

She couldn’t argue that smartass rebuttal and bit her lip, with a dignified ‘hmph!’  she continued to run, setting her mind on ignoring the infuriating male.

Her face was so expressive that this girl was so easy to read. Jiyong laughed silently as he fell back in speed and ended up right on her heels once more. His eyes naturally fell down to her bouncing back side, damn was it shapely and perky.

High schools did have its perks. Literally.

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End of Chapter


Author's Note: Have a great weekend everyone~ :)

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Chapter 4: Why Not Update?!
Kaanim #2
Chapter 3: Pls ship seungri with one of the girls. But overall it's a great story!
Chapter 4: Heeeyyy, I reallllly realllyy like this fanfic, soooooo can you update please.
sleepinginthelibrary #4
Chapter 4: Lmao jiyong is such a e
LinLin05 #5
please update this ff againnnnnnnnnnn ^^
Chapter 4: Can you please update:)
kazorashi #7
Chapter 4: Ack! I'm literally dying from Topbom cuteness!! YEEEEEE!
JoKeR_rAiNi #8
Chapter 4: new reader hereee~I love your story~
Update pleasee