
High School Society

Special thanks to an AFF chingu for gifting me a poster, Poster credit - XaKi


WARNING** Lots of pictures to load. A first and last type of format.




Oh hi there.

This is a story about my life and how after one year in my junior year of high school, everything changed. For the better, for the worst...I'm not sure yet. But for what I do know is that it was the first time I felt like what I had, even after all that I had, it wasn't enough. But I'm getting ahead of the story aren't I?

Let me introduce myself, my name is Lee Chaerin. I was born and raised in the closed community called East Hampton in United States of America. I have a normal family in my standards, a gorgeous mother, a father, and mother is pretty much father's right hand in the multi-billion dollar corporation he inherited. It’s been in my family for generations though not always based in the States. My younger sister, whom I only see on major holidays. My parent’s send her away to boarding school in Paris. She was too free spirited my father said.


Oh and that is me.

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Cute aren’t I? Only in the latest brands haha but what would you know.

I apologize if I don’t know too much about you though. I haven't talked to commoners before, except for staff and waiters.

Yes, commoner. Don’t be offended now; it’s just what it is. What would it matter anyway, you’ll never meet me. We will never share the same air space in whatever situation. I am in a different social class. We will never even be in the same neighborhood, unless you’re there as staff anyway.

 So why would someone that you’ll never interact with in your whole life time think of you as a simple peasant offend you? Don’t be. Like how you look at me and think I’m a spoiled princess. These things don’t effect me in the least. Why? Because it’s true.

But I guess I don’t blame you.

I would hate my life if I was in your shoes. Though ignorance to our life is a good cushion. But knowing how good life can really get instead of living by society’s views of working hard and ‘making’ something of yourself. Commoners will do just about anything to give meaning to their little lives won’t they? That’s the majority of the population.

Whew. Good thing I’m not in that pool. And let me tell you, you are sure missing out.

That’s right I’m part of the elite percentile. That narrow 1%.

Well I'm not part of the elite percent anymore am I? Ah there I go again, getting ahead of the story.


See it all started when my parent’s decided that we would move back to South Korea after the unsteady economy in America. The board of directors thought it would be smart to start a co-corp  which would build a stead fast ‘back up’ here. It’s not like we were short on money but that’s how you stay ahead of the game right?

So once I finished my sohpmore year at high school, I had to say good bye. Ah but I miss the Hamptons and still do from time to time. I was like any 17 year old girl there. We partied a bit differently than you all do. Our daily lives seriously is one of your best days.

Here's a glimpse into my childhood.


Golden plate and fork, standard cutlery.

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Back home, private jets is common for kids my age. Weekend shoppping trips to Milan, Tokyo, where ever we wanted.

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That’s just our country house.

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Christmas was all about the latest items. We never wrap gifts either, that's just silly.

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One of mother's very frequent shopping sprees.

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Where ever we go for more than 3 days, Daddy likes his own cars to drive so he gets his personal assistant to ship it.


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The mansion I grew up in. I told daddy that I'll die if we move to Sout Korea and away from this house. So he got one built exactly like it in Korea. I guess it'll make the transition somewhat more barely. Argh.

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We bought my butler, Jeffery, along with us. Thank goodness, I would be so lost without him.

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Daddy got me this for my 12th birthday. Still late for school most days though.

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Aww group of school friends.  This was the good bye party before I left on a plane all the way across the world. Miss ya~

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So that was my old life. It was all I know.  A chapter ended and we're finally getting to the beginning of this new part of my life. But I definitely didn't do it all alone! Quite the opposite, since father and mother were busy running the corporation, I knew it was going to be lonely. Now that I'm in a country without any of my friends and knowing no one. So I did what any girl in my situation would do, I brought along my three bestest friends!

Where are my manners, let me introduce you to my 3 closest friends.

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This is Gong Minji. Cute isn’t she? She's plently wealthy, the only daughter to a buisness tycoon based in New York. Daddy did plently of business with her family so we've been childhood friends since birth.

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See the one with the really long hair and super pretty? That's Park Bom and the brunette is Park Sandara. Bom is quirky and spunky, I immediately took a liking to her during our horse back riding classes and we became fast friends. Her’s family invested and owned stocks in the oil industry.

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She looks like a model doesn't ? That there is Park Sandara, her family has been in the movie and entertainment business for years now. Later on, they sold Universal Studios back to Americans, made a ton of money and started Pixal Studios and then sold it off. It's crazy smart and they have been living the good life ever since. Now her parents are just world travelers. Her younger brother, one whom I've never met, is off somewhere in Asia.

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You may think it's far fetched that my three besties made the move with me to South Korea, why would they right? But see, that's just what it is with our life style as rich princesses. It's gold and diamonds, fast cars and we could buy whatever we wanted. We spent thousands of dollars on simple party nights, we drove import luxury cars and had no sense of monetary value. But it was cold. And sometimes, very lonely. The dinner table was usually empty, there was only butlers to welcome us home from school and we've never had a home cooked meal, unless it was from the personal chef. So we have each other, my girls.

So it was a relief, though I didn't really show it, when they agreed to come along to finish high school with each other. Guess we'll just have to rule South Korea just like we did it in the Hamptons. All a girl needs is Prada and her besties.

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As bizarre as it sounds, it is hard being a rich kid. A trust fund baby. That golden spoon in our mouths turn into heavy gold Rolex watches but it all comes with a price.

You will never know of those sacrifices that the next generation has to make to keep the wealth within the family. To keep it exactly where we want it. From a platinum crib to platinum black cards, but our future was already planned for us.

We all have problems in our lives. And I’ll never understand how to save for college and taking public transit as much as you won’t understand the suffocation and rigid, yet I admit, glamour life style of the rich. But one thing that seems universal is that when we hit the teenage years, there’s a rebellion in every kids heart. Whether you see it through or lock it away depends on each individual.

That’s where we aren’t so different. You and I. We still got to deal with the high school bull and the haze of teenage hormones. And then there was them.


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They call themselves Big Bang. They were the closest thing to middle class as our breed would get. No they aren't poor. Quite the contrary, they had an abundance of money. Enough to keep up with the likes of myself and the girls. But they arent like us. They are New Money.

What's that? New Money is for people who have lived in the middle class or even poverty and hit it gold. Either by the lottery, inventing something famous or something along the likes of just sheer luck. These types of people who hit a big fortune usually blow it over the next 10 years. It's just not in their upbringing to be exposed to such vast amounts of money. They go insane and start going nuts with it. It's quite amusing to be honest. But father doesn't think so. Not at all. He thinks the loop hole in the system leads to indecent exposure to us. Our family, along with most kids in East Hampton and our social circle come from Old Money. Inheritance money, trust funds, large corporations and royalties passed down throughout the generations and lived with rigid rules and teachings. It wasn't all yachts and private islands you know? Oh wait, of course you woudn't.


Anyway, that's Kwon Jiyong. The ring leader to this little 'crew' as they called it. You can make your own judgements about them later. Trust me though, they are unrefined, have no class and truly didn't deserve to go to the same school as the likes of us and even moreso live just down the street.


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As you can see already, they party a bit differently than us. They even go into the city and even party with the general public. I know, I don't get it either.


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There's always a amongst these guys right? Young money can make any kid from the block look luxurious. That's Seungri. And yes, the .


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The oldest of them. Seunghyun.

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That's Daesung. He actually reeks of middle class and always so damn cheerful.


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This guy seems dangerous even. Like he grew up in the hood. I held onto my Versace tighter the first day I saw him walk in the class room. That's Youngbae.

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So you met all the players. And now it's finally time to start the story...the story of how these five guys barged their way into my perfect life.



End of Introduction



Author's Note: So I realized WHY I couldn't write out the next chapter of ISS, I didn't have something to drabble on to keep the wheels spinning. :) A cute high school fic though on a completely different level. Please support me as you've always and I'll do my best. Thank you for reading~~ <33



Disclaimer: Pictures are not the property of Scribbler nor do I make any claim to them. 

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Chapter 4: Why Not Update?!
Kaanim #2
Chapter 3: Pls ship seungri with one of the girls. But overall it's a great story!
Chapter 4: Heeeyyy, I reallllly realllyy like this fanfic, soooooo can you update please.
sleepinginthelibrary #4
Chapter 4: Lmao jiyong is such a e
LinLin05 #5
please update this ff againnnnnnnnnnn ^^
Chapter 4: Can you please update:)
kazorashi #7
Chapter 4: Ack! I'm literally dying from Topbom cuteness!! YEEEEEE!
JoKeR_rAiNi #8
Chapter 4: new reader hereee~I love your story~
Update pleasee