

After Luhan had (much to Sehun's delight) excused himself and left, Sehun's mother took him into the kitchen for what the boy was expecting to be the excruciatingly awkward "you're my son and I love you no matter what" speech, or even the "you disgust me, get out of my house" speech.

What he wasn't anticipating, however, was his mother to squeal like a schoolgirl, before raving for about fifteen minutes about how she "always knew" he was gay, that she was "so happy" he was finally "embracing" his uality. Not to disappoint his mother, he forced a smile onto his lips and nodded his head obediently, but left the room with a vein throbbing at his temple. This, this was why he had developed a complex.

Boy, Luhan was going to pay.

Sehun wanted to fervently deny he was gay and cling onto the last shreds of his masculinity, but he knew it was hopeless. Truthfully, he'd known he favoured boys over girls for a while, but that still didn't make it any easier to admit to himself.

He trudged back to his room, but grimaced on opening the door. Everything in there reminded him of Luhan: from the rumpled bedsheets to the plethora of buttons scattered about the floor. Grimacing, he flopped down onto his bed and curled into a ball, before groaning and scrambling upright again. Even the sheets smelled of Luhan's cologne- a light, airy, sweet scent that couldn't have belonged to anyone else. Dropping his head into his hands, Sehun rubbed at his eyes in frustration as he tried to forget the entire day.

But the blonde boy materialised behind his eyelids. A smiling face, carefree and angelic, manifested in Sehun’s mind, images of his hands, his fingers, his lips, swam in and out of his subconscious. The ghost of his touch, the memory of his kiss. His chest constricted as he remembered Luhan’s lips teasing up and down his neck, forcing him to in a deep breath of air before he forgot how to breathe entirely.

Sehun felt sick.

His stomach twisted in the most horrible way, a sinking feeling of dread settling in his gut. But this wasn’t the worst part. No, the single, most positively awful thing about it was that he was beginning to forget why he hated Luhan in the first place.

Sure, the guy was popular because he was cute, but... surely he couldn’t help that? Actually spending time with Luhan face-to-face had made Sehun realise that there were hardships that came with fame, and appearance alone was never a valid reason to hate someone...


Sehun desperately wanted someone, anyone to come into his head and disagree with him, to give him a sound reason why it was absolutely necessary to hate Luhan and everything he stood for, but he knew that was ridiculous.

He was about to shut up his brain with a long, warm, relaxing shower, when his phone began buzzing like an agitated wasp in his schoolbag.

Sighing, Sehun heaved to his feet and wearily started throwing his books around the room until he found his phone. Frowning at the unknown number on the screen, he hit ‘accept’ and held the device to his ear.


“Hey Sehun,”

Sehun very nearly choked on his own spit as his velvet voice floated through the speaker.

“How did you get my number?” Was the next thought that came into Sehun’s mind, because he never gave out his number to people, and was definitely sure that if he were to break that rule, it wouldn’t be to Luhan. 

A chuckle sounded down the phone, “Chanyeol gave it to me. He got it from-”

It clicked into place in Sehun’s head.

“Baekhyun, yeah, okay.” Sehun frowned. He had been lab partners with renowned school geek Byun Baekhyun the previous year, and had given him his phone number for easy contacting purposes because of a project. Then, at the start of this year, Baekhyun had miraculously become hot, and began dating Chanyeol- the school’s biggest flirt.

“Anyway, how are you?” Luhan asked, and Sehun cocked an eyebrow.

“Is that just a small-talk thing, or are you actually concerned?”

“I just want to know how you are.” Sehun could almost hear the small boy’s shrug.

“I’m fine thanks.” Sehun was still dubious as to where this conversation was headed, so he kept his answer brief. There was a pause of silence before Luhan spoke up again.

“That’s it? Not going to inquire as to how I am?”

“I refuse to make small-talk with a guy who molested me in front of my own mother.”

This caused a laugh to ring down the phone, and Sehun rolled his eyes. “Hey, If I remember correctly, it was you who kissed me, wasn’t it?”

“Was there a point to this phone call?” Sehun answered before that line of questioning could continue, attempting to keep control over the conversation. Luhan ‘hmm’d, and nerves settled in Sehun’s stomach. Luhan sounded like he was plotting something, and whatever plan he had was never, ever going to turn out good for Sehun.

“I was just thinking...” The blonde boy trailed off, and Sehun worriedly pressed his phone further into his ear.


“I was thinking about you...” Luhan’s voice had dropped a few octaves lower, a sound that was becoming very familiar to Sehun’s ears. Sehun tried to fight back the blush creeping onto his cheeks.

“O-okay, we should move on to a different topic.”

“But don’t you want to know what I was thinking?” Luhan’s voice curled at the end, the way a pleading teenage girl’s might when she wanted something. Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

“Not particularly.”

There was a sigh from the other end of the line, and for a brief moment, Sehun was overcome with victory. Before, “You were touching me.”

Oh God.

Sehun's mouth went dry, and the pause of silence encouraged Luhan further.

"Your hands were... sliding down my sides." Luhan stopped to in a small breath. "Your lips were at my throat."

Despite himself, Sehun could see it in his minds eye. He saw his fingers smoothing over Luhan's skin, saw the marks his lips left on Luhan's pale neck. He gulped heavily, still not quite able to reply.

"You were squirming beneath me as I kissed down your chest."

Sehun cleared his throat loudly, voice suddenly coming back as he guessed where this was headed.

"Stop there!"

"You moaned my name." Luhan continued regardless, amusement tinting his tone.


"You were so, so-"


Luhan finally shut up, and Sehun's entire body felt hot as he desperately tried to block the images from his head.

"Jesus Christ! You can't say things like that!" Sehun blurted out, desperately trying to mask how flustered he felt.

"Why not?" He heard Luhan's pout in his tone, and took a deep, calming breath. It didn't work.

"Because I am not having phone with you!" Sehun lay back on his bed, throwing his arm over his eyes as he felt his heart rate slow back to normal.

"What's wrong with saying things like that? What's wrong with touching you?" Luhan sounded incredibly put-upon as he fired questions at Sehun. "What's wrong with doing it every day?"

Sehun opened his mouth, and was about to reply with the first thing that came into his head when Luhan cut him off.

"If I want to do it, if I want to have it, it already... It belongs to me."

Sehun's mouth fell open. Was this boy for real? But despite his shock, Sehun's heart skipped a little, and a shiver ran down his spine.


"I like you, so it's only natural."

Sehun blinked, his thoughts stuttering to a halt.

"You WHAT?" 

"I like you. So I'm entitled to this. I'm entitled to make-out sessions, and phone , and real ."

Somewhere in Sehun's mind, he had the nagging feeling that Luhan didn't really understand how relationships worked, but his shock prevented any sort of rational thought taking place.

"So that's why I'm coming over tomorrow night." Luhan continued, and the meaning behind these words hit Sehun a few seconds too late.

But before he could stutter out a pathetic excuse about his mother being home, or him being busy, Luhan chuckled.

"Don't you dare say your mother's home, because I know for a fact that she isn't. I checked with her boss."

"You checked my mother's work schedule?! With her BOSS?!"

Luhan laughed, and Sehun felt like throwing his phone against a wall. "People do crazy things for love."

"You mean ."

", love, same thing." Luhan dismissed, and Sehun gawked in disbelief once again.

This boy was impossible.

But Sehun couldn't help the shiver of excitement that tingled down his spine.




This is about 100 words shorter than I wanted it to be, but the next chapter is guaranteed to be better.

You can see where the next chapter's headed, can't you? ;) (silently changes the rating on the foreword)

This is also a couple of days (almost a week actually) earlier than it was going to be put up, but I only have one exam left now, so updates should be a bit more frequent!

And another thing- I'm going on holiday in two weeks, so there won't be an update that week, but expect TWO when I get back! Even if I can't post one chapter per week, I'm still going to write one chapter per week, so you still get constant updates!

I'm very, very sorry for not updating so long, but it was a necessary evil, I'm afraid T_T

Anyway! I hope you liked this chapter! <3 And I got to 100 subscribers! That's HUGE for me! Now if only all 100 of you could comment.... ;)
Just kidding ^^ I really love you all! Thank you so much for putting up with me! <3
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Okay, things have calmed down. Next chapter should be done by Christmas, but no promises. busy T^T.


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CrazyShoe #1
Chapter 9: Ahhh, luhan is so hot in this I love your writing! Please continue this!!!
Chapter 9: Stumbled upon this fic again. I just love this. So much. I was hoping i would be able to read more of this fic in future....pls?
Chapter 9: I really do like this fanfic, like a lot, I hope you will update this in the future bc this one is gold
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 9: I love aggressive and possessive luhan top lu is so hot i kinda get confused at the ending i hope you update soon
Scootamew #5
Chapter 9: *sobs* no no no authorssi hoW COULD YOU STOP AHHH
CrazyShoe #6
Chapter 9: Please, please, pleaseeeeee, update!!! This is such a good story and I love it when luhan tops (Although it doesn't happen a lot) so please tell me you are planning on continuing this!!
Chapter 9: Will this be ever updated? This fic is really good. Why do most good fics die out? Huhu
oxyjen #8
Authornim, this fic is really good! are you still going to update this? don't leave us hanging.. huhhuhu