


The teacher dismissed them not soon after, before Luhan had a chance to molest the taller boy in every way he knew how. Without saying a word, Sehun scraped his chair back, grabbed his books, and hightailed it out of the room.
And collided instantly with Luhan’s band of admirers.
“So you think you’re Luhan’s new friend?”
Sehun blinked upwards as he righted himself from the sudden collision into this boy’s chest, and stepped backwards warily when Kris and his face came into view. It was a popular fact around the school that this boy never smiled. Ever. No one knew the reason, but really, no one wanted to know. It gave the boy an air of mystique, an aura of untouchability.
And in that moment, face glaring down at him, Sehun had to admit he was terrified.
“Uh, not friends, exactly... more....” Sehun stumbled over the right way to phrase his situation without making out that he hated Luhan, and offending the daunting figure towering over him.
It appeared he didn’t have to, however, as Luhan took that moment to announce himself with a shout.
“Sehun-ah! You said we’d be going home together after school to work on the project, right?!”
The taller boy’s head swung sideways to see Luhan a metre away from the scene, hands clasped in front of him and blinking at them an overly-innocent gaze. Sehun’s heart dropped; all hopes of escape disappearing.
Of course Luhan would come out with something like that. Especially in front of his cronies, who would absolutely slaughter Sehun if he said no.
Thankfully, face Kris intervened before Sehun could embarrass himself with another stuttered answer.
“Luhan, what’s so special about this guy?”
Ouch, that hurt. For a second, Sehun forgot all about his awkward situation as he tried to defend his pride.
“Hey!” He frowned, offended, but promptly shut up when Kris sent a death glare in his direction.
“You don’t like Sehun?” Luhan pouted, eyes sparkling, and Sehun witnessed the effect this had on Kris. The tall boy melted, stepping back from Sehun as if surrendering.
“It’s not that I don’t like him, Luhan.” Kris frowned, voice growing soft. “It’s just that he’s not doing much to protect you.”
The gang of people behind Kris agreed with this, and exclamations of, “He’s not one of us!”, were heard. Sehun saw his chance, and while the group were occupied with hating him, he attempted to back away.
One step backwards. They hadn’t noticed yet. Everything was going well.
Two steps backwards. Kris had now turned around, and was conversing with the gang loudly. Maybe he could really get away...
His back collided with something hard, and as an arm twisted around his waist, he didn’t have to guess just who he’d walked into.
“Don’t even think about it.” Luhan growled into his ear, and the angry mob of followers returned their attention on Sehun as soon as the shorter boy’s removed his arm.
“We just don’t think he’s taking on the responsibility properly.” One of the group spoke up. Luhan chuckled lightly at this, sauntering over to his ‘friends’.
“Don’t blame Sehun.” Luhan’s voice was melodious and smooth, and he worried his lip between his teeth after he’d spoken. His followers looked nothing less than charmed by this blatant display of girlishness. “He’ll look after me while we do this project, okay?”
On the last word, Luhan literally fluttered his eyelashes. Sehun felt sick.
Kris stepped forward solemnly, his head tilting to the side. “Well, I guess he does look kinda badass. Maybe he’ll keep away unwanted attention.” He seemed to be considering Luhan’s choice out loud, and Sehun allowed himself a small moment of pride at what he felt was a compliment. The school face thought he was badass- that had to count for something, right?
“Okay. Sehun-ssi, we’ll leave it up to you.” A follower announced, and there were murmurs of agreement from the band of people. Luhan grinned victoriously.
“You have to work hard to protect him!” Another exclaimed, fixing Sehun with a glare that clearly read- ’You hurt him, and we WILL come for you.’
Unsurprisingly, Sehun didn’t doubt that.
Then, just as quickly as they’d came, the guild of followers dispersed and went their separate ways leaving Sehun and Luhan alone in the corridor: The former blinking from confusion at what has just happened, and the latter smirking like the devil himself.
“Don’t forget, Sehun-ah.” Luhan swung around and winked at the taller boy, and Sehun gulped. There was something about that one movement that just spelled trouble. It brought back reminders of soft lips on his skin, a touch like fire dancing up and down his torso.
Sehun felt the blush the wink inspired, and desperately hoped that Luhan didn't see it. The other boy didn't need any more encouragement.
Without replying, Sehun spun on his heel and stormed in the opposite direction. He didn't need this right now. If he was going home with Luhan, he needed at least five hours to mentally prepare himself.
As he sat in his last lesson of the day, Sehun finally took the time to get his thoughts in order.
One thing was clear: For some reason, whatever reason, Luhan had... claimed him. There was really no other word for it. Maybe he was doing it out of spite- he knew Sehun despised him, and wanted to show that even someone like him could be broken down. Maybe Luhan was doing it as some sort of bet- but Sehun doubted this somehow. Or maybe, just maybe, Luhan had chosen to cling onto Sehun because he actually liked him.
For some reason, this possibility terrified Sehun the most.
And Sehun had no idea how his own feelings were reacting to this situation. Luhan flaunted his beauty; he was meant to be the embodiment of everything Sehun hated, but the tall boy found that every time Luhan’s delicate fingers landed on him, his heart would beat at five times its normal speed. Every time Luhan so much as got close to him, Sehun’s rational thought would stall and a blush would manifest itself on his cheeks. There was something about the terrifying, gorgeous boy that messed with his head, and, horrifyingly, Sehun couldn’t help but be excited over the prospect of going home with him.
As if on cue, the bell rang just as Sehun’s brain completed that thought, and his heart leapt into his throat. He hurriedly packed his things and left the classroom with the flow of other students, half-heartedly hoping that Luhan had forgotten all about what he forced Sehun into.
But, of course, when he reached the gates of the school, a smiling Luhan stood there with one or two of his gang. Sehun took half a second to admire the way the sunlight played upon Luhan’s hair, causing it to glow and look almost as transcendent as the face it framed, before he caught what he was doing and mentally slapped himself. No. There was to be no getting captivated by his beauty. That was what he wanted, but he wouldn’t get it from Sehun. 
The tall boy kept his head down.
Maybe he’ll lose him in the crowd.
He was yanked backwards by the strap of his bag, and spun around to face a beaming Luhan, and a very unimpressed-looking Kris. 
But then again, when did Kris ever look happy?
The boy was shooting him a death glare so harsh that Sehun was almost surprised he was still alive, so he knew he had to lie.
“Oh, Luhan, I didn’t hear you.” Sehun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, feigning nonchalance. This made Kris’ shoulders relax slightly, and Sehun breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wouldn’t be murdered today.
“We’re going to your house right?” The small boy grinned, linking his arm through Sehun’s. The blonde boy raised an eyebrow.
“We are?”
“Yes, you are.” Kris took an intimidating step forward, and Sehun backed off. “Luhan wants to see your house.”
Luhan reinforced this with an energetic nod and another smile. Seriously, the power ratio here was not in Sehun’s favour.
“Uh, okay, sure. Are you coming too, Kris?” He had to ask, because, as scary as he was, Kris might bring some hope into Sehun’s situation. If Kris was joining them, they had no chance of being left alone, and there was no way Luhan would break his ‘cutesy’ act when one of his main bodyguards was around.
Then Kris had to shatter all of Sehun’s dreams.
“I’m afraid not. I’ve got my own project to work on.” His lips curled into something that was nearly a smile but not quite, before he made to leave. Suddenly, he spun back again. “If you dare take advantage of him, I will quite literally break your face.”
Sehun’s eyes widened at the low threat- scared despite how ironic it was to him- but Luhan just shrugged it off with a light chuckle.
“I’ll be fine, Kris.”
Then, just like that, the two boys were left alone: Sehun ready to escape at any moment, and Luhan with his arm gradually sliding around the taller’s waist.
“Are you ready?” Came the whispered question into Sehun’s ear.
No he was not. He really, really wasn’t. But he wasn’t about to let Luhan know that.




Another update! Yay!

I just want to thank you guys for the immense amount of love you're throwing at this! I was really unsure when I started it, but you're giving me the confidence to carry on! Thank you all so much!
Also, apologies for any HUGE grammar or spelling or typo mistakes in this. I'm really tired, and I'm just trying to update it before I go crazy.


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Okay, things have calmed down. Next chapter should be done by Christmas, but no promises. busy T^T.


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CrazyShoe #1
Chapter 9: Ahhh, luhan is so hot in this I love your writing! Please continue this!!!
Chapter 9: Stumbled upon this fic again. I just love this. So much. I was hoping i would be able to read more of this fic in future....pls?
Chapter 9: I really do like this fanfic, like a lot, I hope you will update this in the future bc this one is gold
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 9: I love aggressive and possessive luhan top lu is so hot i kinda get confused at the ending i hope you update soon
Scootamew #5
Chapter 9: *sobs* no no no authorssi hoW COULD YOU STOP AHHH
CrazyShoe #6
Chapter 9: Please, please, pleaseeeeee, update!!! This is such a good story and I love it when luhan tops (Although it doesn't happen a lot) so please tell me you are planning on continuing this!!
Chapter 9: Will this be ever updated? This fic is really good. Why do most good fics die out? Huhu
oxyjen #8
Authornim, this fic is really good! are you still going to update this? don't leave us hanging.. huhhuhu