Support from China

Room For Pain

Henry POV

Me and Zhou Mi had left during the night while the others stayed in Ryeowook's room. Heechul had left us in charge of getting Geng in the morning and Leeteuk thought it best as the youngest went home to sleep. I wanted to protest but i couldn't, the managers had come in to get most of the group back and working on schedules. That didn't happen and so me and Zhou Mi were somehow accepted as a peace offering. I think the managers have gotten the hint that none of the members plan to move and since we weren't reported to have come to Korea with them we will need to appear as if we have flown here. When home we were simply told to rest and come back in the morning by the managers, most likely so they can make an official statement or sort out something.

Needless to say niether me or Zhou mi got much sleep during the night. we mostly had the Tv on as background noice and looked at our phones hoping for news. We did dose on and off but we didn't get major sleep and before we knew it we were driving to meet Geng from the airport. Honestly I was just itching to go back to the hospital I want to be with him and make sure he is ok the way he has always done with me. We walked into the airport only to see Geng run staight up to us give us a hug and tell us we need to go in chinese as he rushed off towards the car park. It was a very slient ride to the hospital where not much was said but I do know that Geng is seriously thinking about something. I suppose that it something that I will find out soon. 

"What do you know? How is he?" Geng spoke up in Chinese. I suppose it's quicker for him than translating in his head and well easier for Zhou Mi. I think it's best to just let them talk.

"We don't really know a lot we were sent home from the hospital last night. He was unconscious when we left. I think Leeteuk said that it was a stomach ulcer that Ryeowook had left until it got this bad." Zhou Mi paused for a moment so that he could collect himself and not cry while driving. "He had to have emergancy surgery but we don't know much more. We haven't heard from the others and we can only assume that nothing else has happened."

Geng simply nodded and continued his thoughts. 

We got to the hospital and walked into the room and were shocked. Ryeowook was hooked up to more machines and drips than when we left I was sure about it. And the other members look worse from ware. All zoned out with either glossy or teary eyes clinging to another member except Yesung who was kneeling beside Ryeowook's bed holding Ryeowook's hand face down on the bedding by the pillow, shoulders shaking slightly. 

"What happened?" Zhou mi asked the room. His question was met with silence and the three chinese member were left guessing what was going on. Geng had a suspition that most didn't even register they had come in the room. I could tell by rhe way he looked at each of thw members. Geng is an amazing leader with an insight very simular to Leeteuk's he never liked to show it often but when he did it was like magic. maybe that's what we need rift now, HanGeng's magic.


Hangeng's POV

Just looking at all the members I could tell he had gotten worse especially by the reaction's of Henry and Zhou Mi when we walked in. They are all braking down why they sidn't see this in their heads or at least something along those lines. It's time I gathered the strengh I have gained since I left to open their eyes.

"Zhou Mi, Henry sit down. Everyone you need to listen to me. Can someone explain properly what is going on with Ryeowook."

Leeteuk finally noticed we were in the room and explained Ryeowook's condition to me as the other members all pulled out of their worlds and woke up to what was going on around them. When Teuk finished explaining i could see all the other members talking to each other while Siwon had gathered Yesung up from the bed and placed him on the chair next to his in the corner. Yesung was staring straight infront of him, tears slowly falling down his cheeks and siwon had a hand on his thigh for support. I am worried about him but until we all talk and find out what Wook has kept secret and worried about we can't help him. And there is a lot we can find out by ourselves.

"As hard as this is going to be guys we need to talk. We all know wook very well and we know that a lot of his worries will be about work us and his family. The only way that we can help him right now is talk about our issues especially if you have confided or talked to wook concerning it. We can't help him till we know."

"So that's what he meant." Kyuhyun whispered but the room was that silent everyone could hear him.

'Well it would make sence right. We were in more pain. He felt that our pains were worse than his" said Sungmin bringing hand up to hide his face once he finished.

"And if we could fight throught ours, then he could fight through his." Leeteuk finished quietly.

"What I am going to say will hurt two members in this room but I have to ask has anyone been sorting through the fanmail with Wook? Especially M members?" The blank stare and slow,confused shakes of the head proved his suspitions. "So he has been doing it alone. I bet he has hardly slept in Taiwan the idiot."

"What do you mean help go through fanmail. You don't have the right to do that." Leeteuk spoke out angry. Leeteuk holds the trust between us and the fans so close to his heart and to him this sounded like me and Ryeowook were breaking that trust. 

"Cutting to the point because we have a lot to talk about, Ryeowook has been sorting out the fanmail taking out as much hate mail for Zhou Mi and Henry as he could. We did this together, but since I left there hasn't been an increase in their hate mail so he has been doing this alone." I heard Zhou Mi gasp and Henry mutter something before running to Donghae hiding his head in Donghae's chest. "I'm sorry, but it was the best we could do to protect you. This is the kind of thing I am talking about though. Ryeowook will have worried himself a lot trying to hide it by himself and finding the time to do it unnoticed."

"So you think that there are lot of things like this that have built up over time." Yesung said over the tears, a light in his eyes as it clicked. 

"Anything you have spoken to him about worries you have told him even problems he has solved for you." 

"What else could count though?" Kibum said. 

"Any tiny little thing. Try and think like Wook, think about what he would worry about."

"He was worried about me." Kyuhyun almost mumbled into himself. Heads around the room rose to look at him as he continued. "He was scared that I was shaken up about the car accident. He confronted me about it in Taiwan. He noticed all the little things like me sneaking on Starcraft more often rather than sleeping and accepting more shows and appearences than normal. But he must have worried about it from the incident."

"Kyuhyun, why didn't you tell us? We all could have helped you." Leeteuk said as he walked over to younger. 

"I think that I was denying that it was happening, if I don't admit it to myself how can I tell any of you? But before I could admit it to myself Ryeowook knew." 

"I have a feeling that he had been worrying about me and thinking further Heechul. I called me while you were in Taiwan. I helped me sort out a plan to help Heechul..."

"What do you mean help me??"

"I will explain in a minute, Chul ok. He also asked me about Kangin and let me rant to him. It was because if him I found out that Kangin has spent his free time doing more work to get time off to see me. And Chullie, it's easy to see that even with us you are lonely. Kibum and Geng left your life quickly and because of the way that things are you can't see them often, Siwon isn't around as much and you find it hard to get close to the rest of us. We planned to get schedules clearences so you could go and see Kibum. And Ryeowook has been pushing hard to be a dongsaeng that can warm up you and make you feel family like again."

Listening to Leeteuk I couldn't help but feel guilty. I knew the Heechul had no hard feelings in me leaving, in fact he understood and gave me a necessary push in the right direction. I didn't hear about Kibum until the forth ablum release. But what could I do? It's not like SM hadn't been planning to pull him the best part of a year before I left, I guess I was a good excuse. But it was news to me that Heechul still couldn't connect to the rest of the group. Our companies stopped us talking when Heechul turned up drunk to one of my schedules. He sobered up and backed off for my sake but I always secretly thought that it would give him the space he needed to grow new relationships rather than cling to the one we had. I would be angrier at the other members for not telling me but I never pushed and they probably didn't tell me knowing that I could do nothing about it. 

"I know that Dalma hasn't been speaking to him recently" Kibum's voice broke me out if my thoughts. "They had an arguement over his weight. They haven't spoken for at least two weeks before Taiwan. She also said that he was worrying his parents and should stand up for himself more if it was the companies idea to diet." 

"Since when did this happen? How do you know about this Kibum." Leeteuk asked paling further as the conversation continued. 

"Ryeowook told me after I walked into the private section of a resterant they were arguing. It was just by chance really. Not that I think he would have told me otherwise. I can't help but think he has left a lot out of our resent conversations." 



A/n: I have more to this chapter but have seporated them. I feel that the two parts need to follow each other than be together so you will get this now and I will update the other half before I sleep don't you worry. However, this is the boring half of the chapter really because you know most of this but the characters in the story didn't and I also had to tell you where the chinese members disappeared to but the other half is more exciting ^^ (I hope you guys think so)

Also sorry for having to wait so long for an update. I knew exactly what I wanted from the update but the words to express it won't come to me. I caught the inspiration bug on Thursday morning but then long story story serious went down at work and I am in trouble blah blah blah and the inspiration ran away with my good mood. 

I hope that you enjoyish 

I am going to stop woffling here and get on with the other half of the update now. 

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Thank you!
I know I am really late in updating but there is less than two weeks till my mum's surprise party. That and work have been draining my energy so soon!


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Dian_K #1
Aahhh.. why so late to know this story? :(
I really love how you make the characters so near with realist! It made me always think that's all really happened everytime I read T__T ryeowook-ie ah can't see you in so much pain like that! *hiks my tears flow whenever read your great story
HeeWook moments so priceless!! I love that you made Heechul like Super(hero) brother XD
Please finish this story author-nim ... I'm really bagging you !!
Chapter 17: update?
Chapter 17: Ugh why didn't i discover this fic earlier! I finished this in one go. This is so gooood. I love the way you portray the members' feelings and concerns, the struggles they are facing. And the most of all, I'm glad they stuck to one another - how kibum and hangeng returned. On the side note, I'm really curious about eunhyuk's pov. And i realised that um sometimes there are spelling errors (so I had to figure which word you wanted to type out) no hate tho. I really love this fic. Sigh, tbh ryeowook's really stubborn.. I wish he'd listen to his hyungs for once. It's not that he's useless or anything I wish he take time off to recover. Won't it be better to fully recover before taking part in any schedule? ;A; really breaks my heart to see wookie suffer </3 I look forward to your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 16: to encourage you to update thid fic sooner i will subscribe your fic because it seems fun
Chapter 17: omg you're back! *throws confetti around*
thanks for the update!
Ryeoluv #6
Chapter 17: You're back! *clings*
=D I know how you feel dear ;-; I'm going through the same thing but this little update was good ~~ and it's inspiring me to continue my work as well!

Hopefully my updates (no matter when they will happen) can help you through your updates! Let's pull each other forward to continue our work >D
Will you continue this? I'm really curious about what will happen next
Chapter 9: I'm crying on every chapter! oh my goodness!! T-T
LoveLab #9
omgeeee!! its so nice