How can someone get out from the calendar ?


This afternoon, I went to the Major office to get my lecture schedule. I need to survey which building would I visit for my lecture. I brought my steps to an auditorium that has a great stage and so many seats for audience. This is my classroom for musical class. Sunlight through window was enough to enlighten. I saw a boy with hoodie; dancing. He was great or I can say it too great. The way he waved his body was just… amazing. Like he was born to dance or can I say that he’s a dancing machine?

“Oh Youngin-ah! Annyeong!” he said when he saw me

“Taemin?” I gasped, couldn’t believe that was him dancing like mad. He turned off his tune on the phone and ran towards me while smiling… again.

“What? Like you see a ghost…”

“You… dance?”

“Yeah, that’s why I choose Dance Major, remember?”

“You were really awesome you know that!” I lightly hit his shoulder

“Ah really? Well I’m not really good I guess. What are you doing here? You’re not stalking me aren’t you?”

“Uh of course not! I will have a musical class here in this auditorium”

“Hey! Me too! Is it on Wednesday at 1PM?”

“Yeah, don’t say that we’re classmate…”

“But yes we are silly!” he chuckled and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go! I’ll treat you lunch!”

Taemin is such a nice friend. He has a bright personality and smiles a lot. He told about him more when we eat our lunch. His mother died when he was 5 and he almost died along with his mother. He said even though his mother isn’t here anymore but he must smiles a lot and always be happy. He doesn’t want to make his mom sad up there. Really, Taemin is a good child. We finished our lunch and went back to the rent house. He kept telling a funny story that made me laugh.

“Wanna see my room? I finished tidy up last night, finally” he said

“Why not? I’m curious!”

We approached his room on the 2nd floor and I couldn’t believe his room was seriously neat and well organized.

“So what do you think?” he asked. But my attention was into a picture on the small table. A picture of him with a boy who has a similar face like him smiling happily.

“Is that your twin?” I asked. The other boy has a fair skin unlike him

“No, that’s my step brother, Jongin” he answered




aaaaaaaa sorry for short update (again) T____T

i know it's not really good but i just arrive in korea and need to tidy upppp


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Chapter 6: New reader here!!!! :D
Can't wait to see how the story unfolds
KISSmeBecca #2
Chapter 5: C. BOTH!! OTL
Chapter 5: I ship both i think its too hard to choose ^^
Chapter 5: I think you should ship Youngin and Lay because... idk why. It just seems like they fit together better than Youngin and Taemin. Or I just don't know.
(Honestly, you can do anything you want. You're the author ^^)
Chapter 4: New reader here! I love your story update soon ^^
KimbaTWL #6
Chapter 3: Oh~ exciting XD thanks for the update!
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: LOL poor laylay. XD
kowarinai #8
Chapter 2: thanks for updating ;)
KimbaTWL #9
I’m excited for this story XD Update soon please~ ^^