Meeting Him...

Meeting You...

    "Wait, you're the one?" 

    "Excuse me?, Daehyun said confidently, although he looked as though he was slightly taken a-back by my sudden remark.

    "You're the stalker! Th-the one that gives me the banana milk, lurking around the building like- like a serial killer or something!" I accused. Even though I may have come off a little strong, I actually had to admit I got this bubbly feeling inside. 

    "Mhmm, sure, I admit I am the one, and you can't do anything about it." inching closer, he wispered in my ear, "Besides, you know you dont want me to stop, Areum-ssi." I turned at least 50 shades of red. Omo! Was he telepathic? He read my mind as though it was an open book! 

    "Daehyun-ssi, If this is out of pity, you can stop." 

    "Who said I was pitying you," I looked up and I could tell he was serious,"it was out of sympathy..." His reply made me scoff. Same thing! Who does he think he is. "And no, it is not the same thing... I just-" He did it again.  I gave him a questioning look but decided to shake it off, its probably just a coincidence.

     "Just what?" I asked, demanding him for an answer.

     "I just didn't want you to end up like me. From the moment I saw you, I felt like I was responsible for protecting you. I don't want you to experience what I have. Areum, listen to me, just this once I'll let it go, you need to learn to forget your past and accept your future, your parents must've had their reason to have done what they have. Out in the world beond you are people who want to love you and treat you as their own, so don't give up the opportunity, because you don't know what's going to happen in the future. You looked so fragile and you reminded me of myself when I first ended up at the orphanage. I would switch orphanages so often that I thought there was no point in having friends, I always minded my own business, sitting alone at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All those nights I spent weeping by myself in my dark room, when I needed someone the most, no one was there. When I needed somebody to tell me that it was okay not to be okay, I had no one to go to. There was basically no meaning in life. I just longed for the warmth of a family, someone that cared and loved me... now I don't think that's ever going to happen."

    I didn't know what to say or how to comfort him. I decided to just let him be. I finally understood what he meant, I sympathized Daehyun, I did not pity him. My eyes followed him as he sat back leaning on the trunk of the tree. I followed suit. I sat hugging my knees noticing how beautiful the landscape was beyond the orphanage. My eyes hungrily engulfed the landcape, not wanting to be to greedy I adjusted my view to Daehyun who had his eyes closed. I never got a good look at him, but he was really handsome! His eyes, to his nose, to his mouth, everything was absolute perfection. I had to resist the urge to touch his flawless face, all I could do was hopelessly admire him from a distance. Man he's perfect. "Be careful, you're staring a hole into my gorgeous face."

   "Heh, you wish I was." I quickly looked away before Daehyun could see that in fact, I really was. "Kwon Areum, remember, you can't hide anything from me." Daehyun informed with a playful smirk. 

    I rolled your eyes and got up, my back facing towards Daehyun. The sky was now bright orange with a redish-purple hugh. For once in my life since Appa left home, I felt free. I stretched your arms out embracing the moment, that is until I heard someone calling my name, bringing me back to reality. I swiftly turned facing the mischievious telepathic boy once again. "It's getting late, we better get back to our rooms before we get caught." I groaned, not wanting to go back to that dreadful place. I guess I had to go back and accept whatever punishment the deavilish pighead was going to give me. On the bright side, I got to stay here longer...with Daehyun.

    By the time we reached the building, it was already dark. Daehyun and I walked slowly in order to not get caught by the headmaster or any of the other caretakers, but luckily no one was around. We quickly made it back to our respective rooms. I noticed Daehyuns room was right across from mine. Funny thing is, how did I ever miss him if he was here all along. "You are probably wondering how you never saw me huh? Keke pabo. Anyway, goodnight, see you tomorrow at breakfast." 

     I flashed him your famous eyesmile, "Goodnight Daehyun-" 

     "Ahem, oppa" he added

     "-Oppa" I said as I rolled my eyes closing the door behind me. 

     I don't regret taking my chances and running away today. If it weren't for that decision, I wouldn't have been able to meet you, Daehyun oppa. 

I really liked meeting you...






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Chapter 2: And i thought it was luhan....
bananaslip #2
Chapter 1: The poster is very nice. I keep getting distracted by the background. Very very distracting. Anyways, nice start! Would love to see a new chapter!
continha_troll #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^