Sugar Coating It All

Meeting You...



  Dragging my feet across the cold floor, I taste the salty tears that travel down my fragile face. I tightly embraced the necklace, that was all I had left from Omma. It all happened so fast.... Why? That was the question that my heart longed the answer to, yet I doubted I ever would. 

   "Kwon Areum!" A harsh voice called out, they wanted me... My mind was full of emotion, yet I couldn't move, I felt as though I were paralyzed. However, I could sense I would never apologize for my disobedience. Those happy memories, the last thread holding together my sanity, is more important to me than my new parents ever will be. If only I could of changed the course of time a couple weeks


_ _ _ _


   Walking into the local ice cream parlor, I absorbed the overwhelming smell of sugar.
Even though it was quite a small shop, it still had recieved many customers. The place was packed.  I immediately imprinted my hands on the glass that seperated me from the buckets full of ice cream. I was amazed at all the different flavors of ice cream, there were some flavors I have never even heard of! I decided to go with Greentea Mochi ice cream while Omma went with a plain Vanilla ice cream cone. I eagerly grabbed the ice cream as the young lady handed  it gingerly to me.. I immediately felt a nudge causing me to jump. 

    "What do you say to her?", Omma said in an inaudible tone.

    "Ahh~ Komapseumnida." She flashed me a small smile as she began coating a cone in chocolate.

   "Is it good, Areum-ah?" my mother asked, giving me her beautiful eyesmile.

   Omma was the type of person every woman was jealous of- or at least she used to be. She was a gentle, independent, and intelligent woman. She had the perfect life, husband, and child. She basically had no flaws. We were a very well off, Appa's business was at it's height, but one day it dropped and we were in debt. Just like that it was over. My Omma never intended to leave my appa, she still loved him. But Appa did something unforgivable. He abandoned Omma and I and took all of the remaining money, leaving us without a single penny. After that we moved into a smaller part of the city and tried to start a fresh, just the two of us. It was hard at first but we slowly got the hang of it. What we could never adjust to was the fact that even while Omma worked many different shifts, we still couldn't afford our living expenses and pay off the debt as well. 

   "Ne, Omma." It's been a while since I last seen her smile. I missed it. Though she lost weight and wrinkles were starting to form from the lack of sleep and excessive work, she was still beautiful despite all the stress. Omma has always been concerned with her appearance and what others thought of her. "Don't touch your face, you'll break out and ruin your complexion!" "Don't eat sweets, you'll gain weight and your teeth will rot!" Despite the annoying remarks, I loved her and felt her love for me. I was starting to wonder why she brought me to get ice cream. We barely had the money to pay the rent, so it was unusual for her to spend the money so frivalessly. She always hated sweets and also forbade me to eat any as well. But I quickly shook off all the negetive thoughts and decided to enjoy the moment. At that second nothing mattered to me more than being able to spend time with her. 

   "Omma, you shouldn't have spent money on a useless thing like this." I said while frowning a little.

   "I just got my paycheck today, so consider it as a treat from me."

   "Anything special happening today?" My omma gave a slight smile but did not answer. 

   Then in an instant it happened, the moment that would change my life forever.

   "Areum-ah~" my mother said in a soft tone, "I'll be down the street for a second, just wait for me here, arrasso? Hugging me and slipping something in my pocket, "I wont be gone for long, I promise."

   Not even assuming the reality, I sat, the last bit of my ice cream. In an instant, a tall man grasped my hand and pulled me away. I was to stunned to say anything, to scared to make a sound, because I was afraid of the result if I possibly did. I could've never expected my destination... the orphanage. 


   Now I sit here waiting silently to meet my new "parents", but that would not happen... I needed to escape this prison of a place-and soon.....



A/N: Yay! I finally uploaded the first chapter! Sorry if there are grammatical errors, I hope you enjoy reading Meeting You.... Please Anticipate on the next chapter!

*read the pink text




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Chapter 2: And i thought it was luhan....
bananaslip #2
Chapter 1: The poster is very nice. I keep getting distracted by the background. Very very distracting. Anyways, nice start! Would love to see a new chapter!
continha_troll #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^