Boy With The Banana Milk

Meeting You...


     Kwon Areum, where are you my child?” A voice called out, sending shivers down my spine, reminding me of my whole horrid experience here. Here in the orphanage no one cared, every man was for themselves. The children were as heartless and cruel as Headmaster Lee. That is except for one person…



     Without this anonymous person I don't think I would've made it far without having thoughts of suicidal or the attept to escape. Ever since day one, only that person didn't hate me nor did they judge me, instead they comforted me. Whoever it may be I was thankful. Every morning a bottle of banana milk would arrive at the foot of my door with a small encouraging note attached to it such as: "Don't let your memories overcome your dreams", "The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence" or "Not all who wander are lost". I wasn't one to believe in fate or luck, but after recieving these I couldn't help but thinking so. Because of that person life had always been better. This simple gesture became the single thing that brought me out of dispair. 




    "Kwon Areum! Come out now!" I heard the heavy footsteps of Headmaster Lee as he waddled his way down the hallway. "Where is she?!" I heard him demand of another orphan. I only had two decisions to make of which both made me involentarily cringe. One was to meet my new possible guardians or to face the punishments that the Headmaster had ready for me. Although, there is always an alternative path: Escaping. I ran towards the nearest window in the room, correction, the only window in the room. I looked out at the vast land beyond me and then looked down at the ground, three stories below me. Oh god... curse my fear of heights! I held my breath as I began climbing out of the tiny window. This is it, Kwon Areum you can do this... Finally, with my eyes closed, I counted to three and took the leap of a lifetime. As I was falling, I felt like little Alice falling into the mysterious dark rabbit hole in front of her. Fortunately for her, it was where  Wonderland awaited. I wondered if it would end up so well for me... that thought ended, though as quickly as it began when i suddenly fell to the cold hard ground, and unconscious dreams overtook me.

    I could hear the rapid breathing against my skin. I didn't have the slightest idea of what was going on around me. For all I knew I might have been long gone. I accepted that sad truth until I felt something wet trickling down my leg, and well that can NOT be normal. 

    Within an instant my eyes flickered open to see a set of ebony eyes staring down at me. I quickly gained back my consciousness and attempted to stand up, not expecting my head to meet with of the stranger. I quickly fell back against the wall hitting my head. I got up once more, finding that i had knocked down the boy as well. He slowly rised up and rubbed his now throbbing temple. 

   "Well that was quite a fall" 

   "Who are you, and what do you want from me?!" I demanded.

   "Well I'm guessing your parents didn't teach you any manners, speaking this way to an oppa." The end of the boys lips twitched up slighty forming a small smirk. 

    "Mwoh? Oppa? Who do you think you are?" I scoffed while rolling my eyes in disbelief.

    "Well that's rude, sorry I didn't introduce myself before hand, I'm Daehyun, Jung Daehyun. Nice to meet you Areum-ssi."

    I scrunched up my nose in confusion, what was someone from Busan doing here at a Seoul orphanage? "Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be placed in an orphanage in Busan?" 

   "I was... until earlier this year. You see, they transferred me here in hope that I would have a better chance to find myself some adoptive parents. No one back home waswilling to take me in because of my age, they usually go with the  much younger ones. 

   "Ahh... so it's like that." I nodded in agreement.

   "Kwon Areum!" I heard Headmaster Lee shout. 

   "Quick hide!" Daehyun grabbed my hand and dragged me to a nearby tree. The booming voice was now faintly heard against the rustling of the leaves. I looked back to find Daehyun staring right at my . I looked at him in shock as though to question why he would do such a despicable thing while i tried to cover my bottom with my hands. "YAH! You ert, What do you think you're looking at?! Move your eyes or I'll move them for you!" 

   Daehyun did nothing but look at me in amusement. "Do you think this is a joke?" 

   " got a little somethin' right there." He pointed at my pants while continuing to laugh. I felt around my pants when I realized that my left pocket was stained with banana milk and on top of the stain was a little sticky note. I quickly tore the wet note off and read, There will always be someone to cushion your fall. :) Oh, the irony. In the matter of seconds I realized who the boy was. 

"Wait you're the one?"

A/N- sorry for the long wait :)

read the orangish-yellow  text!










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Chapter 2: And i thought it was luhan....
bananaslip #2
Chapter 1: The poster is very nice. I keep getting distracted by the background. Very very distracting. Anyways, nice start! Would love to see a new chapter!
continha_troll #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^