Can I ?

Can I ? [Drabble]

Cho Kyuhyun was never a poor boy, his family even owned the most successful automotive and retail industry all over Korea. His father even told him that after he graduates from the college later, he have already prepared the spot as CEO in one of his corporation for Kyuhyun to fill in.

Yeah, Kyuhyun was just another lucky bastard who had to do nothing in order to get something. He could just said something to his father and then an hour later, he would got what he wanted.

And to everybody dislike, Kyuhyun was aware of that and that made him so full of himself. Sure he was handsome, his body was in a good shape. Not too thin and not too big. And not to mention that he was a genius. He didn't need to work hard for every lesson he took in his college.

Yes, in everybody's eyes, Kyuhyun was perfect like that!

But God was fair when he created the world. No one in this world was perfect. And Cho Kyuhyun was included.


Kyuhyun sighed for the nth time that afternoon. He stood by the rail of school's rooftop and  stared to nothing particular at the sky above him.

He was a very lucky man when it comes to money and brain. Well, his father was rich and that made him rich too, right? And it was not his fault that he was a genius, it just came by nature.

But there was something messing up with his mind lately. Something that really annoyed him to the point he couldn't keep that thought away even just for a second.

It was a new student who had just transferred to this college a week ago. And either he like it or not, he was aware that the boy was interesting.

The boy was handsome. But Kyuhyun preferred to called him pretty because even he has a blond hair with a rather muscular body, he was still looked so delicate. He was Slightly shorter than Kyuhyun and has a beautiful doe-eyes. The most interesting part, he owned the sweetest smile that Kyuhyun ever seen in the world.

Kyuhyun could stare at that smile from time to time to the point he might be cry because how perfect that boy was.

But there were not things that messed Kyuhyun's mind up right now. It was the unhealthy feeling of owning something from that boy which could made him crazy for just a merely thought about that. Something that only the boy had and Kyuhyun dying to have it, even just a mere second. He could even begged the boy to lend him the thing Kyuhyun ogling about.

But on a second thought. He was the great Cho Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun never ever borrowed something from everybody. 

Again, Kyuhyun sighed. If there was something that Kyuhyun couldn't buy with his money, then it must be the thing that blond boy owned. And man! That's really frustrating!


Kyuhyun was back to his right mind when he heard the door of the rooftop being opened by someone. And the moment he spotted his eyes with the figure who had just opened the door, Kyuhyun held his breath.

'Sorry, did I disturb you?' The boy who just opened the door muttered slowly while walking to the rail. Just a few meters from where Kyuhyun was standing at the moment.

Kyuhyun could feel his heart beating crazily when he watched the boy came near him. 'No, not at all Sungmin-ssi!' Answered Kyuhyun shyly. He tried to avoid Sungmin's eyes but he decided that it would be very rude when you didn't see the person's eyes while talking to them.

The boy who was standing before him right now was rather shock, judging for the expression that plastered in his face. 'You know my name?!' Said Sungmin, rather excitedly. A beam spread over his beautiful face.

Oh my god! Kyuhyun whispered under his breath.

Hiding his blushing cheek, Kyuhyun just nodded his head and back to what he was doing earlier. Watching the sky as if that was the most interesting thing in the world.

And from the corner of his eyes, Kyuhyun could see that Sungmin was doing the same thing. Sungmin's side view was so beautiful to the point he could just stand there all day to watch him.

His hair, his brows, his doe-eyes, his pointed nose, his cheek and his lips... Everything was just perfect!

'Sungmin-ssi...' Kyuhyun called the boy next to him. And by the time Sungmin looked at him with smile plastered at his beautiful face, Kyuhyun couldn't hold it anymore.

'Could I borrow a kiss from you? I promise I'll give it back' Added Kyuhyun without even blinked his eyes.

And when Sungmin suddenly smile again, he knew that he must returned what he borrowed as soon as possible.




A.n : This is failed! (⌣́_⌣̀)◦

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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: The great cho kyuhyun can blushing and act shy too, eehhh???
ehi so sweet...i would like too...just one kiss min xD
venzsuju #3
Chapter 2: hahaha funny~
i like when kyu shy~
Chapter 2: aww great chapter <33
kyuminS2 #5
Yah you idiot cho kyuhyun how could you return a kiss
rizzorin #6
Chapter 2: hahahahah!!~ nice!!~~ update soon~ eheheh~
plainawesome #7
Chapter 1: I'm sure it hasn't finished yet, right? I couldn't guess it's a kiss Kyuhyun wants. And how'd you borrow and return a kiss? By kissing all over again? Haha, there will be a lot of kisses.
plainawesome #8
Chapter 1: I'm sure it hasn't finished yet, right? I couldn't guess it's a kiss Kyuhyun want. Ang how'd toh borrow and return a kiss? By kissing all over again? Lol
Chapter 2: thankyu for the sequel..
it's cute..
update soon^^
rizzorin #10
Chapter 1: hahah~ cute~ i wanted more~ hahaahah~ update sooN~