First Strange Meeting.

Two Hearts, Two Missions, and One Love.

    After hearing about his mission Kris proud that he was the one who was going to bring victory over to his side. Yet he was still trying to figure out why his master would say that he may change into one of them by doing it. Everyone knows that he is the most strongest with his feelings especially since he had almost none.

    Today he had off so since he had nothing to do because his group, EXO all had to find someone new to change, he decided to work all day to pay off the rent for his apartment, the bills, and the maid that cleans his apartment. When he walked in the restaurant his boss was shocked, "Kris is that you? You are here on time, no, you are here earlier than on time!". Kris let out a small laugh at his boss's face and said "Yes I am here early aren't I allowed to be unless I should just be late every day." "No no no that's not what I meant I am just... umm... proud of you." his boss said.

      After a long day of cooking people's food, it was almost time to close. "Hey Kris why don't you cook some food for us to eat once everyone is gone?" "okay." Kris responded. He was very hungry because he skipped lunch from all of the costumers he had to cook for. He made a lot of food that could feed more than just two people. "Wow, Kris what is this? I said to cook food for only us which is two people!" "Sorry I was hungry" Kris said just as he was putting to finished food onto plates. "Take all of this food out to one of the tables." said Mr. Kim, his boss. "Yes sir."

   As Mr. Kim was counting the profit that his restaurant made the door opened with a ding sound. " Hello Mr. Kim" said a beautiful voice. He didn't hear her so she said even louder, "Ahjussi! Here is the desert you order" holding up a bag with little cakes in it for proof Mr. Kim finally looked up and was surprised. " Seohyun! Is that really you? Oh my, how long has it been?" He almost yell. When Seohyun was younger her parents weren't around that much so Mr. Kim took care of her. He was like her second dad. " Its been 4 years." She replied smiling since she was so happy to be reunited with her fake "dad." "You grown so much in these 4 years, are you going to a good college? Do you have a good place to stay? Are you doing well with money? And when did I order small cakes?" he said asking on question followed right by another. "Hold on one question at a time! and umm yes, yes, enough to keep me alive, and to surprise you!"

  Seohyun helped Mr. Kim clean the shop. "Seohyun would you like to join one of my chefs and me for dinner here?" "I would love to, are we going to eat here? Because I'll go and bring out any food that is done." she said as she was putting chairs neatly where they were suppose to be at night. "That will be wonderful if you could help the cook, he cooked way to much" he said. "Okay I will be right back with food" sang Seohyun as she skipped into the kitchen.

 She entered a small kitchen filled with the most tastiest food she as ever saw. She did not know where to start. The food were put cleanly on the plates so Seohyun wanted to be careful not to mess up there beauty. Before she took the plates out to a table she tried some of the food. "Yum! This is so good!  Chef ahjussi must be a master!" She squeaked not knowing the chef "ahjussi" was behind her. "Did you just call me ahjussi?" said Kris. He took out the garbage to let the food cool before he took it out to eat but when he came in he saw a girl around his age calling him an older man. He found it funny because of how scared the girl look when she turned around but still was angry. *This girl she looks familiar? And seems to have a strong "warm" coming from her...*

 All of the food was put on a table and three chairs were placed around it. All three of them were sitting on the chairs staring at food. There was a long awkward silence. Seohyun felt a little uncomfortable be the presence of Kris, he seemed like a 'bad boy.' "You are probably just waiting me to introduce you" said Mr. Kim for he could feel the strange atmosphere around him. "Seohyun meet my employ Kris, and Kris meet my fake daughter Seohyun." Seohyun smiled to Kris and gave her hand out for a hand shake but Kris just started at it and looked back to Mr Kim. "Fake daughter?" he questioned. "Yeah, well you see her parents were never around so they asked my to watch over her and I was there with her longer than her parents were. She is like a daughter to me but she isn't." Kris just nodded silently. Seohyun's hand was still in the hair waiting for Kris to shake it but he still was not responding. She cleared loud enough to make him look then she looked down at her hand so he could follow her gaze. Kris noticed that she wanted him to shake it. Kris was a little hesitant about it though. If he were to shake her hand he would know for sure about if she is part of the Light side. He did not want to know because he would have change you: a rule that means if you meet someone and you could tell which side they are on you must change them unless if not told to.

 Kris did not know what to do but he thought that it was crazy that he does not want to have to change her. He snapped out the his thinking and shook her hand. *She is loaded with warm* he thought. *It will take some time but I can imagine how much praise I will get is I get her to our side.*

 When Kris shook Seohyun's hand she felt a negative energy from him. It's a weird feeling that she has had for years but Kris's negative energy was the strongest. She was a little scared of him but if Mr. Kim had him as a worker then he must be okay. 

 They all enjoyed the delicious food. When they were done Seohyun helped clean up and was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. Soapy water fell on the floor. She walked backwards to get a towel behind her to dry off the wet dishes but fell. Strong arms caught her preventing her from falling. "Umm th-thank you" She stuttered when she saw that Kris was holding her. He was staring at her flawless pale skin with pink lip and beautiful brown eyes. She noticed him staring and got up. Kris to quickly stood up since he realized how weird he must of looked. "Your welcome" he quickly said and left. 

 *What was I doing? What was that feeling?* He wondered. He was confused by everything so he decided to forget about it all. "Well then Miss Seohyun looks like you are my next target" he said and smirked.

 When Seohyun was done she said goodbye to Mr. Kim and left. When she was walking down the empty street she could not help but to think of what happened earlier. *Well Kris I wonder is we will meet again?* She thought.



Hi my wonderful readers and subbies! I am soooooo sorry that it took me forever to update. I know that the story is not good but I am working on it. To tell the truth I am making everything up as I type and I typed this through out several days at different times, little by little. And FYI I do not read over my work so if there is and mistakes I apologize. 

Thank you! And If any of you know Great Graphic Designers TELL ME! I need a poster for this story.

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Chapter 6: it is a good story , please write more
Chapter 3: Wooooohhhh be careful Seo, if u felt negative energy from him
Chapter 3: Seo is so naive. But I would love to see her if ever kris would be able to turn her into their side XD
Chapter 4: It's okay :)
Will wait patiently ^^
remeejois #5
Chapter 4: i really like it!

allright. i'll stick to reading this story of yours. not gonna leaving. *the truth is i love seokris sfm haha*
Chapter 1: Wooohhh very interesting!!!
Chapter 1: Kyaaa relly interersting :) can't wait for next chap..
koreanchick #9
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa~~~~
Omg seokris story <3 my love OTP ever after :) kekeke..