Assigned A Mission

Two Hearts, Two Missions, and One Love.

        "Kris you may enter" boomed a mysterious voice. Kris then walked into a dark room where light was shone very little. "Yes master, you wished to see me" Kris asked the voice. "As you know we are in war with the Light side" it echoed. "Yes sir I very well know that" Kris replied knowing that he would be asked to do something serious. "Well for some reason we are getting traitors. They want to join that precious little Light side. We are LOSING   THIS WAR!" It shouted in rage. "Very soon I will tell you about a mission that you must fulfill in order for us to be able win. Do you understand Kris?" said the loud deep voice. "Yes sir." Kris said with a smile forming on his mouth because of how much he loved getting jobs and completing them without a flaw. He loved getting praise. "Come back tomorrow so I can tell you a little more about you mission and while you are waiting why don't you gather some more people for us." the voice said before it disappeared. "As you wish master" Kris said as he was leaving.



          "Hey Kris!" yelled a voice behind Kris. It was one of his brothers Tao. " Did you just talk to our master?" he asked "Yes I did" Kris replied back. "Have you ever wondered who he was?" Tao said staring off into space."No, all we need to know is that he is our lord, and we shouldn't need to know." Kris said glaring at Tao to make sure that he understands that he shouldn't ask that. "Sorry" Tao whispered with his head hanging down. " Anyway do you want to go and hang out with the rest of the guys?" Tao asked acting as if nothing just happened."I can't I have work to do which you all have work to do also." Kris said. "But we already did ours for the week" Tao cried. Even though Kris was disappointed at them for not doing extra work he could yell at them since they did do what they are suppose to do.



       "Hey boss sorry I'm late!" Kris yelled out to his boss that he works for at a small restaurant in town. "Kris, if you weren't such a good cook and attracted so many costumers you would so be fired." The boss said to Kris. "Yes Mr. Kim" Kris chuckled. He knew that he was good looking so he was able to do many things because he was. He was tall, had a well built body, a great hair cut along with his blond and dark brown hair, also a nice deep voice that girls loved. He also dressed great and acted cool which make him popular with guys to. And yes he worked at a store to. He was a cook. Even though he had a place to stay in the Dark side's headquarters he needed to seem normal so he also owned an apartment that he had to pay for.

          "Hey there cutie" said a girl who walked in front of Kris blocking his way to go to the kitchen. When he saw her he could sense that she had a small flame in her heart that could be played with and turned to ice fast. *Big mistake for you girl* Kris thought right before he replied by saying "Hey there beautiful." The girl thought that she would be able to play with him so she said "How about when you are done with your job we have some fun together?" "Okay" Kris said with a smirk. Girls like those really disgusted him, he couldn't believe that people were like that especially on the Light side. But then he remembered what he was taught, Some may seem normal or that they are on our side but it's not about what's on the outside but what is in their heart. *No kidding* he thought.

         Kris just ended his shift of work today and walked out to see the same girl with her actual boyfriend. *Perfect* he thought. He pulled out his phone and called the girl's number since she gave it to him, "Hey umm HyunA right? Are you ready? Meet me at..." he looked around and saw a fancy restaurant at the end of the street that HyunA and her boyfriend were on, "meet me at -----, okay?" "Okay I'm coming" she said and Kris could tell that she didn't want her boyfriend to know. Kris just smirked at his plan the plan that he had.

           "Bye bye oppa I have to go now" HyunA pouted to her boyfriend Onew. "It's okay babe I'll see you tomorrow" Onew said and kissed his sad girlfriend. Onew was walking towards where Kris was and HyunA was walking to where she would meet Kris. Once he saw Onew come he stood right in front of him and said "Your girl there wanted me to tell you to come back here in one hour, I think she said that it is some kind of surprise." "Umm thanks man. Can't wait I bet that it will be good." said Onew. *Yeah it will be good alright* Kris thought to himself. "No problem. See ya around later." he said "Yeah bye" Onew replied. Kris just then walked until he met HyunA. "Hello my lady shall we have a dinner" he said and then he kissed her had. "Why of course my romantic prince" she giggled. *You better enjoy this last time for you* he thought as they entered the restaurant. 


      " Hello sir, would you like any help?" a beautiful tall girl with long brown eyes asked Onew as he walked in a store to get his girlfriend something as a surprise. "No but thank you" He said but then he stopped and looked at her again "Wait Seohyun? Is that you?" he asked. The girl just stood there confused as to wondering how he knew her name but when she looked up she noticed that it was one of her good friends from high school. "Oh my gosh Onew is that you I haven't seen you since graduation!" Seohyun yelled but not to loud to disturb the other shoppers. "So it is you. How is college?" He asked while giving her a hug. "Its been great so far but a little tiring with this job now but I need it in order to afford a living." She sighed. "Are your parents still over seas?" remembering that her parents were always traveling and usually never had time to visit her. "Yeah. So what brings you here?" she questioned. "I'm here to buy my girlfriend a gift" he replied shyly. "Aww, so who is the lucky girl?"  " Her name it HyunA" he answered thinking of how much be loved her."Well I know exactly what you should get her" Seohyun said laughing at Onew's shyness.

     "Bye Seohyun!" He yelled to her as he walked out of the store with a perfect gift thanks to Seohyun's help. "Be careful!" she yelled back because she didn't feel so good from him, she felt like something would happen. He was walking to place that Kris told him to go. He had wondered if it was a friend of HyunA.

     They ate a romantic dinner and had some wine. Kris made sure that she had a little bit of a strong alcohol with her wine so that she would be a little drunk but not seem it. When they were walking out Kris spotted Onew from afar, *My plan it working* thought as he smirked thinking of how much praise he would get. HyunA then pushed him into a small gap between to walls and said "Well don't you think that we hadn't had any fun yet" into his ear and started to make out with him. After a little while Kris pushed her to make it seem that it was her fault for the kiss. "Wait what about your boyfriend?" he questioned. "Yeah what about your boyfriend?" said Onew, for he saw everything. "Oh umm hey, it's not what you think I just had some wine so I must be drunk" she said also confused by what was happening. "Drunk my . Everyone can perfectly tell that you are not drunk!" he said as he threw his gift to the ground. HyunA say the gift and felt really bad then so she tried to explain but he wouldn't listen. "You know what we are DONE!" He yelled right before storming off. His heart was stripped from its flame and turned to ice. She fell down crying and then a girl came running to her. It was Seohyun. Kris was about to leave since he didn't care if she was crying but when Seohyun came he stopped. He just stared from where he was. He was stunned by her beauty. When he came back to reality is tried to sense if she was from the Light side but he couldn't figure out. "He left me and didn't even listen to me or believe me" said weeping HyunA. "I hate the world!" she yelled and push Seohyun away. Her was was now a cold block of ice.

     After HyunA went away Seohyun finally got up with her hand scrapped from the fall. She couldn't understand why the girl would do that to her. Before she left she noticed a nice wrapped, it was the one that she chose out for Onew to give to his girlfriend. *Is that his girlfriend, or umm was?* She wondered. Then she went and picked it up and picked it up. She had noticed a tall figure but then it quickly went away. She was creeped out by it since it was night so she quickly left for her home.

~~~~~~~~~  [The next morning]


     When Kris woke up he went to see his Master since he was told to the night before. "Lord it is me Kris I am here to see you about a mission with you." he said. "Kris you are here on time perfect and may I say that I am pleased how you got two more recruits for us in one day." said the mysterious voice. "Thank you" replied Kris. "Since I have to meet with some other people I'll put this short. You see there is a group out people that if we get them on our side then we will win for sure, but there is one in particular that will get us to victory for sure." The voice said and Kris nodded, "It is no easy task though, it will be very hard and you in the process may be changed to their side but you are very strong so I doubt that it will happen." it said. "Yes sir, may I ask who are these people?" Kris questioned. "We are still trying to figure it out but in the mean time you should try to get some stronger people our side. You may go now." it said. "As you wish sir." Kris said. Once he got out of the room he thought *This just got a whole lot better*

Hey guys! How did you like the first chapter? It took a while to type for me! Sorry it it was bad though. And if any of you know a great place for making posters for stories please tell me. Thank you! ^_^


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Chapter 6: it is a good story , please write more
Chapter 3: Wooooohhhh be careful Seo, if u felt negative energy from him
Chapter 3: Seo is so naive. But I would love to see her if ever kris would be able to turn her into their side XD
Chapter 4: It's okay :)
Will wait patiently ^^
remeejois #5
Chapter 4: i really like it!

allright. i'll stick to reading this story of yours. not gonna leaving. *the truth is i love seokris sfm haha*
Chapter 1: Wooohhh very interesting!!!
Chapter 1: Kyaaa relly interersting :) can't wait for next chap..
koreanchick #9
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa~~~~
Omg seokris story <3 my love OTP ever after :) kekeke..