Seasons Of Love~(B.A.P,Teen Top,EXO,B1A4,BTOB)

Fanfic Ideas~~

The passions in love,although it differs from man to man. During the process,there are some " nature" rules, like spring, summer, autumn, winter seasons. Love, just like the spring, full of vitality and hope. Love, is like the summer, full of passion burning; after the passion, romance is attributed to insipid, like autumn; said: " marriage is the grave of love! " Married life is like a long winter, all kinds of tests follow close on succession, slightly different, love will enter hibernation.

Story plot:

Choi Hyemi(OC) is a waitress,deliverer and salesperson.Because the family burden, the working conditions and her few part time jobs,she have never date before.
Yook Sungjae(BTOB) is a popular idol, although often potrayed on screen as a cassanova and great lover,but because his job, he never really tasted the taste of love.
By chance, Hyemi became a temporary maid to Sungjae, her feelings towards him gradually change from the mutual enmity to mutual appreciation to mutual affection .
As people from different background,personalities,positions and identities, are they able to push aside all obstacles and difficulties and get together?
Famed television producer Kang Junhee(OC) faces heavy criticism over a female programme that she produced. In order to salvage her reputation, she personally hosts a new reality show in which many men chase after her. As a result, she meets her ex-lover Cha Sunwoo(B1A4) again, who had left her to further his studies overseas years ago. Junhee wants to use this chance to take revenge, but as they spend time more often,her relationship with Sunwoo unexpectedly becomes closer and closer…
Shin Hyeyeon(OC) is a hairstylist working in a high-end salon,she is co-workers with Bang Yongguk(B.A.P) who is secretly in love with her.However,Hyeyeon has a crush on one of her regulars,Kris Wu(EXO),A barrister who owns his own law firm in the same building Hyeyeon works as. Because of accident, Hyeyeon missed the chance of dating Kris and instead is moved by Yongguk's pursuit and they eventually falls in love and got married.
During the start of the marriage life,it was sweet and romantic but as time passes and due to Hyeyeon's quick temper,they quarrel more often and making them emotionally discord.Hyeyeon eventually discover Yongguk having an affair with one of their co-workers when she found out that she was pregnant.Hyeyeon falls to be mentally and physically exhausted.She can't help but imagine that if there had been no occurrence of the accident,would she be happier with Kris?
Cho Yoomi(OC) was tidying up her room one day when she discover a box of old receipts and she hires Lee Byunghun(Teen Top) to investigate it for her.

Meticulous Byunghun discovered that the optimistic Yoomi has hidden emotional disease problems and he comes up with all kinds of methods to comfort Yoomi.At the same time, Yoomi also see through the surface of Byunghun that actually live in the shadow of his father who left him and his mother alone. Two people who encourage each other, unconsciously becoming friends, but developed feelings towards each other. Soon after, Byunghun confessed to Yoomi but she rejected him as she is more concerned about finding out the truth about the box than dating.

Will they finally start dating and find out the truth?

Characters profile:


Choi Hyemi--->25 years old

Hyemi's mother died young, she lived with his father, sister and her grandmother. Since Hyemi was young,she has taken up the role of her mother by taking care of her family. During her high school,her father abandoned the family,leaving them with debts. In order to pay off the debts and their expenses,Hyemi gave up her dream to go to an university and instead she took up several jobs at the age of 18 and took care of the family.Despite her problems in the family,she is cheerful,positive and care much for her family.Due to working at a young age,she has no time take notice of her own life and love…will this change after meeting Sungjae?

Yook Sungjae--->27 years old

Sungjae loves his acting career.He debuted at a young age but was not popular due to his rebellious attitude and refusal to compromise with the company,he was on hiatus. Later on, with the continuous efforts and appreciation by his manager,he taught Sungjae the ways of doing things in the entertainment life. Finally,he rise to fame and become the hottest artist in Asia.
Due to his job, he was deliberately made dandy and had a cynical romantic image.He is actually devoted and warm-hearted but due to his job,he does not reveals his true nature easily…Will he change after meeting Hyemi?

Kang Jun Hee(OC)--->28 years old

Seek to prevail over others, arrogant,stubborn,does not like to face defeat; persistent, perfectionist, strict demands on oneself and others.Is confident in front of others but is actually afraid of loneliness and solitude.
She has never stop loving Sunwoo even after he left,After his absence,she immerses herself in work and do not care about love.After meeting Sunwoo in the show,her feelings have been coming back to her,just like the high school days..

Cha Sunwoo--->28 years old

Talented, since primary school to university, he has been the top student.After meeting Junhee who is as competitive as him,he started to fall in love with her and eventually they started dating until one day,he has to leave her due to furthering his studies in States.Even after leaving,he still loves Junhee and did not date anyone else since.

He is a perfectionist just like Junhee. Although he seems very strict,he is actually very soft-hearted,especially towards Junhee. He does not easily reveals his caring side to anyone.

Shin Hyeyeon--->26 years old

Has a quick temper, speak frankly;love to complain; prioritise herself and ignore the feelings of others.After quarrelling with Yongguk, she does not reviews herself and instead blames him,leading their relationship to become stiff...

Bang Yongguk--->29 years old


Cheerful,easy-going, considerate, know how to give in others; filial, prioritise his family; do not like to argue, peaceful and is willing to take the blame if it means peace..

Kris Wu-->29 years old


Kris is born in a rich family and graduated from a famous university.After graduation,he sets up his own law firm .Due to his devotion in work, he fails to find love..

Cho Yoomi--->27 years old


Works as a cultural tour guide. Strong and independent, smart and knowledgeable, full of analytical skills, rich spirit of researching. Although she looks optimistic and cheerful, but in fact has been troubled due to the aftermath of amnesia..

Lee Byunghun--->29 years old

Humorous, concept of man in micro, Takes up tasks given to him well, courageous to accept challenges, do not easily give up, do not believe in everlasting love due to his father..

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Hey, it's creative! Just that it usually have the same kind of storyline and a bit of the plot. not totally original, but it's unique!!
Chapter 6: i want to ask what is aegyo? i don't know...
Chapter 6: Did anyone ever claim to right Chapter 5? It sounds interesting that I really want to read it. Haha
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 1: oh ya thanks for subscribing unnie/dongseng/chingu
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #5
Chapter 1: name:CherryTotomatoZELO96
plot:one shot(bap)
chapter: idk but ill try to type^^
I just opened a Poster Request Shop and I've been wondering if you needed a poster for your shop? :) Here's the link:
Name: justordinary
Plot: Boys Before Flowers
Chapters: NA (maybe about 20-35)

Are you able to commit to the story?
Yes, i'll finish them :)