Playful Kiss(B.A.P & Infinite)

Fanfic Ideas~~


Yoo Youngjae

Jung Hyemi(OC)

Lee Nara(OC)

Nam Woohyun




Yoo Youngjae(19)

The male lead of the series. Youngjae had no goal in his life, because he was too smart to find one. He is considered very cold hearted and is considered as the smartest person having an IQ of 200 and always being the best in everything. He is also a very good cook and an excellent tennis player.Has an face that even girls are envy at him.Rich.Although he is a perfect boyfriend,he is a cold and aloof person who has a boring lifestyle.

Jung Hyemi will be a problem that he has never ever met.Although he finds her annoying and is constantly avoiding her,he has a strange feeling in his heart towards Hyemi that he can't deny...Little did he know that Hyemi is slowly changing him...

Jung Hyemi(OC)(19)

The female lead of the series. She has been in love with the handsome and genius Youngjae since their first year in high school after seeing his speech at the opening ceremony. After their newly-built and poorly constructed house was destroyed in a mild earthquake, she and her father moved into his household, her father being very close friends with his father since they were in school. Hyemi is not very smart, having been in Class F for all through high school (students are sorted by abilities and Class F is the lowest) and being in the department in the university considered as Class F. She is however very spirited and Youngjae once says how he can do 90% of the things in the world, and she can do the 10% that he can't. She usually ends up in trouble and Youngjae always saves her.After doing lots of things for Youngjae,She has finally moved him and they got married..


Lee Nara(OC)(19)

She is the female version of Youngjae,has high IQ and is very pretty.She likes Youngjae and is always finding ways to get closer to him.She thinks that she and Youngjae is meant to be until she found out that Youngjae is actually in love with Hyemi..


Nam Woohyun(19)

Woohyun has fallen in love with Hyemi since the first year of high school after she saved him from danger.He is working in Hyemi's dad noodles shop.He has an interest in cooking.He has use many ways to confess to Hyemi but was rejected but he did not give up.Hyemi and him dated for a while when Hyemi thought that Youngjae did not like her.


Story Plot:


"Mischievous Kiss" is a romantic-comedy covering the romance between Yoo Youngjae, an arrogant young man with a genius IQ, and Jung Hye Mi, a ditzy young woman who gets poor grades, but whose heart is as powerful as Seung-Jo's mind.

The series is based off from a Taiwanese drama and a Japanese manga book. It is call "It Started With a Kiss." It is about a girl in F class that falls in love with an A class boy. She liked him since the first year of high school. Once, she decided to tell him she likes him but was rejected. So the story continues about the girl who keeps chasing after the boy she loves.






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Hey, it's creative! Just that it usually have the same kind of storyline and a bit of the plot. not totally original, but it's unique!!
Chapter 6: i want to ask what is aegyo? i don't know...
Chapter 6: Did anyone ever claim to right Chapter 5? It sounds interesting that I really want to read it. Haha
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 1: oh ya thanks for subscribing unnie/dongseng/chingu
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #5
Chapter 1: name:CherryTotomatoZELO96
plot:one shot(bap)
chapter: idk but ill try to type^^
I just opened a Poster Request Shop and I've been wondering if you needed a poster for your shop? :) Here's the link:
Name: justordinary
Plot: Boys Before Flowers
Chapters: NA (maybe about 20-35)

Are you able to commit to the story?
Yes, i'll finish them :)