Chapter 2

A Million Wishes [HIATUS]


A/N: This means they're speaking Korean and This means they're speaking English

Chapter 2

So, are you sure you want to go along with this? Are you completely sure?

It was a beautiful, frosty winter morning in a quaint countryside located in England. The sun was shining outside; reflecting on the melting frost on the grass and turning them into dew. The birds were happily chirping their usual tune and the grasshoppers gleefully joined in to the mix.

This is my dream ever since I was young. I need to go through with it or else I’m just wasting my life away.” Venus Maledicam stood confidently, staring out into the acres upon acres of land her family owned though the thick, floor to ceiling window. Her uncle sat meters away from her on the large regal sofa with gold ts and red, velvet cushions.  The sunrise was perfect for the Maledicam mansion as it shone clearly into the sizeable front room they both were currently situated in. This started casting shadows of the moving curtains onto the creamy marble floor as the wind blew gracefully through their woven fibres. It was truly a work of elegance.

 “This isn’t just one of those things that you can redo and start again, Venus. This is your life.”

Her uncle stood up from where he sat and carefully made his way to the girl standing before the window. She swiftly turned around to face him, her thigh length, dark hair following closely behind. Her face was now basking in the sun’s majestic rays; her stormy grey eyes catching it, now twinkling with life.

Yes, uncle, I know. But my mind is set and nothing can stop me, not even my body.” With embarrassment, Venus looked down to her small hands and clasped them tightly together, her nimble fingers intertwining with one another. Her hair now covered her face and a look of sadness ruled her beautiful features.

With a sigh, her uncle once again attempted to discourage the irresponsible child from her sudden decision to leave, “What happens if it doesn’t work out? If what they told was wrong?” He placed his hand on the girl’s right shoulder, causing her to look up at him. “What would you do then?” He continued.

Venus’ thin, brown eyebrows furrowed deeply with dejection, her eyes growing darker. The girl’s thin, bow shaped lips was pouted tightly, this automatically signified to her uncle that this girl was deep in thought.

Then,” She finally had replied after a few minutes of thought, “I’ll spend my remaining time in a country I love.” Venus separated from her uncle’s touch and walked towards the large fireplace in front of the sofas her uncle sat in only moments before. She kneeled down, picked up the poker and slowly played with the wood as flames danced across the scene like a ballet performance.

Sighing one last time, her uncle decided that he couldn’t do anything to change this girl’s decision. “Well, if that’s how you think you’re going to spend your life, then so be it. I’ll make the preparations regarding your money.

The girl looked up from where she sat and her eyes burned as brightly as the fire beside her. “Really? I can go?

With a curt nod, her uncle proceeded to walk out of the living room, making his way out to his own home.

Venus jumped with glee as she finally got what she had wanted all her life, she can finally make her way to Korea. To be quite frank, it wasn’t like anyone could stop her anyway; she had already sent a message to a record company in Korea telling them that she was coming to one of their rehearsal studios to audition. She didn’t care if they were going to see her or not. In this industry, you need to be forceful if you want to be noticed.

Of course, she hasn’t always been like this, desperation drove her to be this way. It’s been a few months since her parent’s death. When she found out, Venus was distraught. In the next few weeks, she was in depression. Self-harming seemed to be the only way she could release some of her stress. Whilst cutting herself, she thought of the pain her parents had felt during that car accident, blaming herself for what had happened.

You see, moments before the crash, she was on the phone with her father, the driver of the vehicle. She got into a rather large argument with him regarding the call he got from her school concerning her awful behaviour and appalling grades.

It’s not my fault!’ She said.

Then whose is it?’ He said.

Yours for being such horrible parents!’ She screamed.

And crash. There no longer was a reply.

Hello? Hello?’ She repeated this again and again, yet no one replied. ‘I’m sorry’ she whispered.

And that was how she came to be. However, that wasn’t all. After weeks and months of depression, her extended family members took her to the hospital after a serious incident with a razor and her wrist. She claimed to not have attempted suicide, yet the evidence were all there. She was the last one of her family left, no siblings made it hard for her to live in such a large, empty, cold house.

When she awoke from her short comma caused by blood loss, the doctor came in with a saddened expression and asked if it was okay for her to be left with him to speak privately. Her family members agreed and evacuated the room swiftly.

Do you feel better now?’ He asked.

What’s wrong?’ She replied.

I’m afraid I have some bad news.

And that was when her life turned around.

Venus learnt the value of life and that not everyone could have it for a long time. So, she decided that her dream, to become a K-Pop idol, was no longer something she should re-enact in her sleep every single night, but something that she should live out in her precious life.

Now, her plan was in action and she intended to make her dream a reality in a matter of days. She made her way to the large marble staircase in the huge foyer of the house, managing to trip over a red, velvet rug before making the first step. As she reached her room, formerly her parent’s room, she threw items all over the place, looking for something important to her plan.

AHA!” she shouted out loud. She pulled out a beautifully decorated glass jar and placed it on her study desk. Next, she ran into the office next to her bedroom and pulled out several pieces of coloured paper from the various shelves. She placed this next to the jar, pulled out her chair from under the desk and plopped herself down onto it.

Now, to play some music.” She held out her remote located on her desk and pressed the play button. The room was now filled with songs from her favourite K-Pop band. “Teen Top, I’m going to grant you a wish you would never forget.”

And with this, she started making her paper stars. Her goal? 1, 000 paper stars that grants a wish as her present to Teen Top once she meets them in Korea.


A few days have passed and all of the stars that Venus targeted to make were finished. All 1, 000 of them. It was all done. Throughout this process, only one thing was on her mind, Teen Top. She thought so hard trying to ‘force’ power into these little things to make sure they grant her idols a well-deserved wish. She played Teen Top music all day long even though she wasn’t making the stars, just to make sure that Teen Top was in her heart at all times.

Now that she was finished, she stepped away from her work and looked at it in awe. The jar was almost full to the brim with stars in various different colours. It was magical to look at. She eagerly ran to the left side of her bed, where her nightstand stood, and pulled out a small rectangular box from under her bed. It was made of simple cardboard and had nothing special decorated on it. It had no glossy finish and the sides were tearing because of the amount of items within it.

Carefully pulling the cover of the box away and exposing its contents, Venus poured out the contents messily onto the floor. Various items fell out, but the one that immediately caught her eye was a small portrait. She picked it up from the floor and stared at it. Her mother and father stared straight into her eyes whilst wearing their wedding outfits. He mother was in a lovely floor length, cream mermaid dress whilst her father was in traditional black tie attire. They looked so happy.

I’ll soon make you proud, Mum, Dad.” Venus wiped a tear away as she lovingly placed the portrait on her nightstand.

Returning to the task at hand, Venus searched through the various envelopes and papers that she had found in that special box of hers. When, finally, she found the envelope she was searching for. It was a thick, bright green envelope that had ‘SAVINGS scrawled across the front. Venus tore the envelope apart and revealed the contents of it. A fist full of £10 notes fell out of the envelope and had spread itself around the girl and onto the floor. The girl screeched in happiness as she saw this and picked up the loose notes, counting them up as she did so.

When she finished, she went back to the table where the jar of stars was found. She sat down, opened a drawer full of stationery items and pulled out a rubber band. Venus rolled up the notes neatly before she finally buried it deep within the jar of stars. Now, the jar was full to the brim. It took a lot of effort to bottle up the jar, but after a few minutes of doing so, Venus succeeded and started to decorated the jar with even more ribbons.

The jar was perfect. All she needed now was a letter. So, she did the same procedure once again. She looked for appropriate letter paper, a beautiful ink pen and started writing her letter. She had decided some time ago that this letter was going to be in Hangul to make it easier for the members to read it. However, having only been taking lessons for about two years, Venus only knew basic Korean and therefore did not know how to, properly, make a formal letter.

It took her some time, 5 hours to be exact, to write the letter. She had to make various phone calls to her Korean Teacher and use Google Translate multiple times, but Venus’ letter to Teen Top was done.

It was the middle of the afternoon and Venus was exhausted from all the effort she had to put into her day. She hadn’t had to put this much effort in anything ever since she quit school a few months back. But, now that she has found her fate, she was determined to not let it go.  

Venus crashed into her bed and immersed herself in the soft satin before she heard the loud twinkling of the doorbell. She grunted as she stood up and made her way down to the large, dark maple front door of the main foyer. As she looked into the peephole, she was surprised to see her uncle here so late in the day. She turned the oversized gold plated doorknob and opened the door.

Uncle!” She exclaimed, “What are you doing here at this time?

Do you mind if I come in?

Oh, not at all.” Venus stepped to the side to let her uncle into the foyer, where he stood as he let the girl shut the door behind them.

Venus,” he said after she had closed the door, “Are you sure that this is what you really want?

Yes sir,” She seriously looked up at her uncle, wondering if this was the reason as to why he came over; to try and talk her out of it.

In that case,” he sighed, “The procedure is done. I have set up your account and all the money your family owns is in your name, which can now be used. The mansion and all the land surrounding it has been cashed into your account and you’re now welcome to leave whenever you wish. Unless, of course, you change your mind. Now,” he edged closer to the door, placing his hand on the doorknob, “I fear this is where we part ways for I no longer will be able to help you. Your future is in your hands. Good luck for the future, darling niece, I hope you chose the right path to take.” Venus’ uncle leaned in to kiss her cheek before he left her in the large empty house, not even waiting for her response.

It took a few minutes for the news to finally sink into the girl’s mind and she suddenly jumped up and down.

“I can go!” She ran to the top of the stars, “I’M FREE!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Venus ran into her room and quickly went online to find tickets for a plane to Korea.

Tomorrow’ She thought, ‘Tomorrow I’ll send the package and by a few days’ time, I’ll finally be in Korea.



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hiatus sorry guys.... there's just so much to do T.T


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Chapter 3: update please?
2minfanboy #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^