
A Million Wishes [HIATUS]



It was the middle of the night. The full moon was high in the clear liquorish sky and the twinkling stars smiled down on down-town London. Cars were driving speedily as usual in this fast paced world and people rushed from one place to another, hurriedly, briskly, animatedly. The city was pulsing, full of life. Its veins filled with the blood they called money. Everyone in their own little universe with their own little secret and dream to share; knowing so little about their surroundings and the people that they pass in their day to day lives. Walking through these streets, all the faces would just be a blur. All the features mushed into one as you stared for a moment. Taking in the moment. Before the moment was taken away.

It was peaceful, you could say, peaceful for a place where people spent every waking moment spending their fortune, their time, their lives. It was a place of status. Money. Power. Without these, you would be nothing. Nothing in this currency filled world. Unable to wake up unless something were to change the course of your life.

In the distance a loud crash was emitted, followed by a large explosion. Screams were heard and a mob of people was seen running, stumbling, falling. Loose debris flew from all directions as bystanders scrambled clumsily to safety. There were strangers helping fellow strangers and, for that small instant, you saw these universes coming into contact with one another. The brief stare a stranger gave when an outstretched hand was offered gave it all away. The feeling of pity, empathy, sympathy, fear. And this is what made us all realise, we all need a helping universe. But, if we were going to be that helping universe is another story.

The smoked cleared in the cross section and all that was revealed is a car; distorted, contorted in many ways, and its people. People surrounding the vehicle slowly edged towards it. They dusted themselves off, fixed their appearance and made sure they, themselves, were ok, the most important being in their universe, the number one priority.

Unexpectedly, the left front door of the vehicle was violently forced open. The door’s hinges snapped from the force and the door fell onto the ground, harshly making a sound as it did so. A middle aged man stumbled out; clutching his injured arm where it was clear that the bone was no longer in the right place. Blood was steadily pouring out of a deep cut in his head, yet he did not notice. His left leg, bent out of shape, prevented him from walking properly, yet he limped on by to the other side of the car. His dark story grey eyes glistened in the moonlight, his curly dark hair messed up and sloppy. And he stood there, wobbling, staring in whilst a woman sat there, unmoving, not breathing. Her angelic features were harshly contrasted by the blood gushing from a cut above her eye-brow, staining her pretty face. Her eyes were wide open, revealing the deep green and specks of grey her eyes held. was open, as if she were about to scream, her lips parted in a way that looked beautiful yet disturbingly so. Her lower body was completely gone, replaced by the dark grey dashboard of the car which crushed her fiercely, distorting her body immensely. She was gone.

The man stood there for 2 minutes as the realisation hit him. He came barging onto the car door. He yelled in despair at the top of his lungs and smashed his head onto the window violently, causing it to smash into little piece. Then, as if in slow motion, he came crashing down beside the car they both owned and there they both lay for all eternity. In each other’s presence. In each other’s love. In each other’s universe. Leaving the imperfect world behind them, starting anew in a place where they can no longer be hurt.

People stared in hopelessness as they watched the couple leave the world together, their fingers intertwined as their souls left them for a better place. Some people cried. Some people looked away. It’s funny how people say they can ‘feel our pain’ when this is a blatant lie. They feel empathy, not the pain. And this is what their daughter had always thought. Until the day a larger problem arose. And that was what took the moment away.


Hey guys!

So the prologue is rather dark, I know. But don't worry, it won't always be like this. I guess it's just setting the scene ;) Woohoooo spoilers.... Hahaha
I know it's a little dark and mysterious right now, but don't be disheartened. I promise it will all make sense in the future chapters :) I hope you enjoyed the prologue please feel free to leave a message telling me your thoughts.

Lots of love, Musical x

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hiatus sorry guys.... there's just so much to do T.T


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Chapter 3: update please?
2minfanboy #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^