Chapter 1

A Million Wishes [HIATUS]


A/N: This means they’re speaking Korean and this means they’re speaking English

Chapter 1

It’s time to move on here, we go Teen Top Top.  It’s time to move on here, we go Teen Top Top. It’s time to move on here, we go Teen Top Top. It’s time to move on, na ije saranghago sipeo.”

The aura of dedication and perseverance radiated through the walls of one special building in the middle of Seoul as six very special boys filled its vicinity with shouts, stomps and sweat. It was the beginning of February 2013 and Teen Top’s latest song, ‘I Wanna Love’ just came out; forcing upon them the responsibility of promoting this new tune appropriately. Therefore, practice is imperative if they wish to even come close to winning Music Bank once again.  

The rehearsal studio was quite large. There were mirrors on an entire wall where the boys faced as they watched their knife-like moves sync up to one another. Exercising equipment was found in one corner of the room whilst a T.V. and a stereo system were found in another. There were no windows in the room causing no loss of heat. Because of this, their body heat radiated from one person to another, causing perspiration in the middle of winter.

Sweat was dripping from their foreheads and the atmosphere in the rehearsal studio was rather tense. It was not because there was a fight, nor was it because they didn’t particularly feel well that day. It was their dedication to what they loved to do that drove these boys to breaking point and, quite frankly, they were exhausted.

Ttokk Ttokk Ttokk

In the midst of rehearsals, a quiet knock was heard from the door and an older lady from the reception downstairs came in shyly and cautiously. At first the boys didn’t notice the lady that was standing behind them holding a medium sized package in her hands as she watched the boys in awe.

Ahem,” finally making a noise when the song came to an end. “The mailman delivered a package for you. I think it’s fan mail.” She shyly looked up at them as they stared directly at her direction still in their performance positions.

The first one to react was Ricky, the second youngest member of the group. He eagerly got up from his position and ran all the way to the door, where the woman was standing.

Uwah! Noona, thank you very much.” Ricky then gave a 90 degree bow, taking the package, as the lady retreated, bowing to the boys on her way out.

Wow! A package from a fan! How exciting!” Ricky sat in the middle of the room and the other followed him, sitting in a circle formation.

Ya! Quickly open it, Ricky; we don’t have all day you know.” As Chunji, the powerful main vocals of the group, plopped himself comfortably right next to L. Joe, he flicked his hair whilst doing so and gave an impatient glare Ricky’s way.

Ricky looked up from the package and stopped what he was doing. “Hyung, patient is virtue!”

Ya! What the heck is wrong with you?” L. Joe, one of the group’s rappers, stared directly at Ricky, sending chills down his spine. “Patience is a virtue. If you don’t know it, don’t pretend that you do.” He has spent 5 years of his life living in America and therefore had the chance to learn the language. Now, he is rather fluent in English and is the group’s ‘spokesperson ’ when it comes to western fans.

Haha, Um….. Sorry, hyung. Hehe.” The maknae just looked apologetically at his hyung with his arm behind his head, rubbing his neck. His cute eye smile appeared and the problem seemed to had dissipated.

Returning to the task at hand, Ricky quickly yet carefully opened the cardboard box in which the heavy package was found. Finally reaching the inside, round, heavy item was found wrapped in Christmas paper as well as an envelope.

Read Letter First’ was written in cursive handwriting on a card stuck onto the package.

’Lead-u retter first-u’ Aish! I don’t understand it! Hyung, it’s a western fan. What does it say?” Ricky was quick to spot the language the letter was in and handed the note to his band member. L. Joe took the note and briskly translated its message into English.

It’s telling us to read the letter first. That one inside the box.” L. Joe pointed at a bright pink envelope hiding in the cardboard box.

Ricky looked in the box where the package came from and found the envelope that contained the letter the note was talking about.

To Teen Top’ was written in cursive once again on the front.

Hyung, I think it’s in English again. Can you read it, please?

Aish! Just hand it here already! I’m not as good in English as you think I am.” Teen Top’s L. Joe stood from where he sat and instead sat in front of Ricky, who had his arm outstretched towards the boy with the letter in his hand.

L. Joe opened up the letter and unravelled the note that was inside. “Woah!” He muttered. “It’s in Korean!

In an instant, all the boys crowded around the boy with the letter and started to read it from all different angles.

Dear Teen Top,

‘I am a big fan of your music and your style. You have been my inspiration from the very first day of your debut. I was there in the audience at one of your very first concerts and I remember falling in love with all of the members instantaneously. You boys really set a great example to all of us and I hope that you’re all enjoying this experience as much as your fans are.

‘The reason I’m writing to you is because, I feel that you guys need a little guiding ‘push’ in the right direction. I don’t mean to offend you in any way, however, I feel that you are lacking in fans in some parts of the world and I want to help.

‘In the box you will find a jar filled with 1000 hand-crafted paper stars. I read that these can grant a person a wish and thought that this was the best gift I would ever be able to give you. I made these by hand for a month whilst listening to all your songs, so I hope you treasure them and use your wish wisely. However, I was worried that this wouldn’t be enough. Please, look inside the jar, you’ll find a special surprise.

‘This is £600 Great British Pounds and approximately 1, 000, 000₩. This is a gift for you, from me. Please accept it, there are no strings attached. The only favour I’ll be asking is for you to look out for me in the next few days. Your Manager would know who I am if you asked about me by name. But I won’t tell you my name, yet. Because it takes away the mystery, right?

‘Well, I hope you guys appreciate the gift and that you understand this letter. I’m sorry, I’m new at Korean.

I offer you my wish,
Cursed Beauty’

While reading the letter, Niel, the group’s lead emotional vocal, picked up the wrapped package and started fumbling with it. After a few minutes, he finally opens the wrapping paper and reveals a beautifully decorated jar with multi-coloured ribbons all around it and multi-coloured stars within it.

Woah!” Niel stared at the contents of the jar from the outside, completely fascinated by the stars it held within its glass walls.

CAP and Chunji joined Niel as he stared at the jar whilst Changjo, L. Joe and Ricky read the letter out loud.

Hearing the news of money being found in the heart of the jar, Chunji quickly grabs the jar from the other boys’ hands and runs away to a corner in the room. CAP and Niel run after him and watched as he opened the overflowing jar and stuck his hand into it. The colourful stars spilled out of its container, spreading all over the floor, but none of the boys cared. They were so fixated on trying to find the ‘buried treasure’ that was hidden in this magical gift.

I found it! I found it! I found it! I found it!” Chunji exclaimed, “It’s real and it’s here. This person really did give us money!” And it was true. Chunji pulled out a think roll of £10 notes from the jar and shoed it off so that all the members could see.

Woah! So cool! How much does it calculate to in Won?” CAP, being the sensible leader he was, asked the practical question that all of them should have been thinking all this while.

Almost in an instant, all six members dropped what they were doing and got their phones out to convert the amount they were currently holding in their hands.

1, 050, 000₩!” Changjo exclaimed as put away his humongous Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

Woah! Maknae and his phone are so cool!” Chunji came over to where Changjo was standing and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. “I’ll be a good hyung and treat you to top quality meat, yeah?” Chunji waved the roll of money in front of the maknae’s face and teasingly flirted with him.

Oh! Chunji hyung is so cool. He’s the best. I love Chunji hyung!” Ricky called out from where he stood. He came running towards the couple and joined in with their hugging.

I love Chunji hyung too!” Niel called out as he too joined the group.

L. Joe!” Chunji called out as they started to head towards the door, “Do you want to join us? We can afford enough meat for two servings per person.” Chunji’s bright smile radiated from the corner of the room to the other and, finally, L. Joe agreed; coolly walking towards the group with his hands in his pockets.

Wait, where do you think you’re going?” CAP called out. Chunji and the rest of the group stopped in their tracks and looked back at the leader that they had left behind.

Don’t worry CAP hyung, you’re invited too.” Chunji winked at him.

No,” CAP came towards the group and dragged them all back to the centre of the room, “We can’t use this money for ourselves.

Why not? The fan gave it to us. Therefore it is ours, right guys?” The whole group nodded along to Chunji’s statement, genuinely agreeing to his opinion.

Don’t you remember what the letter said? ‘Look out for me in a few days’, ‘Your manager would know who I am’. Andy hyung must have something to do with this. What if this is his money? We have to tell him, ok?

Ugh!” They all grunted at the same time. “I hate it when you’re right.”

Good. I’ll make the calls to Andy hyung.”


A few days had passed and, still, no sign from this ‘Cursed Beauty’. The adrenaline rush from having a rich fan present them with 1, 000, 000₩ worth of GBP wore away after their calls from manager Andy. It seems that Andy had an e-mail from a potential trainee a few days before the incident. However, he thought that it was just one of those spam messages he would often receive and therefore threw the e-mail away. What’s worse, he seemed to take CAP’s view on things and took the money the fan presented them with, claiming that it was ‘Company property’. The Teen Top members did not mind the happenings. They were just proud to hear how impressed manager Andy was when he found out they earned 1, 000, 000₩ from a dedicated fan.

Right now, the members are back once again to practice their routines before they were going to retire for the day. They had finished their schedules in the morning and are now using every bit of their spare time to practice their songs. ‘Be Ma Girl’ was their main song tonight and had been practicing for an hour already.

I wanna love you all day. Wanna love you all night. You got me feelin’ so hot. Oh yeah oh yeah

As the song neared its end, a large commotion could be heard from outside the doors of the rehearsal room. Crashes, screams and banging could be heard from beyond the studio. The Teen Top members, having notices this, turned the music system down and listened out for where the sounds could be heading for.

As the noises neared their rehearsal studio, Teen Top backed away from the door, gathering in the opposite corner of the room. In this moment, the door for their room slammed open and a foreign looking girl with a large multi-coloured backpack emerged from the chaos. Her long, dark hair was swept across her face and was slightly messy and tangled. She was tall with olive coloured skin and round grey eyes that looked straight into their souls.

Annyonghaseyo Oppas!” She smiled and waved at the cowering group of boys in the corner.

Almost instantly, the doorman from below, the security guard; who was holding a bright pink luggage bag, and the woman that delivered the package just a few days ago came running in after her, each one looked even more dishevelled than the other. The girl just looked behind her at the chaos and angry faces, then back at Teen Top with an innocent smile.


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hiatus sorry guys.... there's just so much to do T.T


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Chapter 3: update please?
2minfanboy #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^