Flowers For You [YeWook]

Valentine's Day Drabbles


Ryeowook let out a deep sigh. Business is not looking good and this would be the fourth time of the month that he was not having any costumers walk in his little flowershop.

Just as when he was about to go to out for lunch, a ringing of the bell that signals a costumer came in was heard. With a practice smile on his face, he turned to his costumer.What greeted him almost made him gasp- black messy hair, single lidded eyes that could melt you if you stare a little more longer and a pir of plump kissable lips. Ryeowook can only look at the man in front of him.He’s so handsome!

“Hi"-see!even his voice is handsome.Ryeowook was still lost in his trance when the man spoke again.

“Hey! Are you okay?”, then Ryewowook’s bubble burst.

“Uh.. yeah. Yes I am. What can I do for you”, Ryeowook with a visible blush adorning his cheeks.

“Well, I want to order some flowers for someone- Taken.

“Of course, Uh… Anything that she might prefer?”, Ryeowook whose mood went considerably down asked the man.He’s taken

The man then made his order. Ryeowook went to the back room to prepare the man’s order.

After Ryeowook gave the man his order, said man made his way out of the little shop but not forgetting to give a thankful smile for Ryewook.

Days passed with a minimal number of people going in and out of Ryewook’s shop. Making their orders and admiring the pieces made for them by the petite man. Not until a week later that the man that made Ryeowook breathless stepped in his shop. Now with a greeting card for the person he wants to give it to.

” Uh sir, what would you want to write in place for the person who sent it?” Ryeowook innocently looking at the man in front of him.

” It’s Kim Jongwoon… My name’s Kim Jongwoon”

” Oh.”, and Ryeowook couldn’t help but to blush which earned him a chuckle.

” You’re too cute!”, Jongwoon.

” Excuse me?”, Ryeowook who’s looking like a ripe tomato at the moment.

” Nevermind. Here’s the payment.”, and the man-no- Jongwoon headed out the door with a suppressed grin in place.

And days passed with Jongwoon going in of Ryeowook’s flower shop. Placing orders with the excuse of having too much friends to send them to or offering small conversations with the petite guy who he later on known as Kim Ryeowook.

A month after their first encounter, Ryeowook found himself falling deeply in love with Jongwoon.

” Jongwoon hyung~”, Ryeowook look into Jongwoon with a serious look on his face.

“Ne”, Jongwoon looked into Ryeowook’s eyes making the latter blush.

” What would you do if someone, a friend, tell you he loves you”?

Jongwoon almost choked on his own saliva.”He loves me”?

A nod from the younger.


” Hyung I love You!” Ryeowook.

“Ryeowook-ah -

“I..I’m sorry hyung. I just don’t know how to keep it in anymore. I..I..”?

And before Ryeowook can say more, Jongwoon stood from his seat and head out of the shop hurriedly, leaving a teary-eyed Ryewook behind.

Days passed and Ryeowook was no better. He decided to close his shop and stay at home. Instead of a sweet sunshiny smile, tear tracks makes way down from his eyes.

A couple of days to Valentine’s Day, Ryeowook re-opened his shop with a vow to forget Jongwoon and move on with his life. Catering to his costumer’s orders, he almost forgot what his broken heart went through.

On the day of Hearts, a familiar figure made his way inside Ryeowook’s flower shop. A determined look on his face. Ryeowook on the other hand have to calm himself down and will his tears away. He doesn’t want to cry for this man anymore.

“Good day to you sir! What can I do for you?”, Instead of the usual cheerful voice, his was replaced with a rather cold and unfeeling one. The faster he could make Jongwoon’s order, the faster the man would leave his sight.

“Yes please. I want a boquet of red roses.”, Jongwoon.

” Any note to go with that sir?”, Ryeowook.

“Later”, Jongwoon looked seriously at Ryeowook who turned away from him and made his way to the back room

After a good 15 minutes, Ryeowook re-ermerged from the back room with a very beautiful bouquet of red roses on his right hand.

“For the note…Will you write I’m sorry . I love you too

And tears starts falling from Ryeowook’s eyes. “Jongwoon hyung..”

“I’m sorry Ryeowook-ah. I was surprised and a bit shock. I did not know what to say that time. But I swear… I swear. I love you"

And before they could totally decipher what really happened, Ryeowook was being thoroughly kissed by Jongwoon.

“I love you Kim Ryeowook”, Jongwoon after he let go of the younger’s lips.

“I love you too Kim Jongwoon”, Ryeowook tracing the oler’s lips.

” Ryeowook-ah, flowers for you?"

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kaykaygirl #1
Chapter 3: Yewook!! I love your Yewook!!!
Chapter 3: Kyu plans a surprise dinner for his Minnie <3 <3 <3 but he will a gift too :P lol I really love it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: Eunhae were so cute <3 <3 <3 Hae just want to be with Hyukkie and that makes it all special :D I really love it ;)