A Moment Being Frozen in Time.

You're the Reason Behind both My Happiness and My Pain




Author's POV


All of their classmates silently whisper with each other and scoffed in disbelief. There’s no way Kai and Ji-eun are in a relationship. Kyungsoo keeps quite, he’s figuring out how to help his friend, knowing the truth behind the situation.


“I don’t believe you? I know you hang around with Ji-eun, but that doesn’t mean you like each other. Besides no one ever saw the both of you doing anything intimate that a couples does.” Soo-Jung’s forehead wrinkled in disgust.


“I don’t care of what you say or what you think. I love her and that’s all matters.”


“Yeah right, I’m sure that you’re lying and everybody knows that.”


Kai look around as he sees his classmates nodded in agreement of Soo-Jung’s statement. He moved closer to Ji-eun and wrapped his hand around her waist which made her blush.


“K-Kai what are you doing?” Her voice crack feeling embarrass as she whisper at Kai’s ear.


Kai chuckled softly. "I’m sorry. Please go with the flow. She'll stop bugging me before you know it."


His hot breath blowing down on Ji-euns's ears and neck made her body shiver. "How do you know if it's gonna work!?" Ji-eun glared at him, she wanted to push Kai away but her body is frozen.


He smiled, "You'll see." 


Before Ji-eun could whisper back at him, Kai stared at the girl with her arms folded across her chest. "As you can see we like each other? Are you satisfied now?"


She narrowed her eyes at the two of them, "Is this a bluff? Of course not, k-kiss her in front of us." 


Ji-eun stared in horror this past her limit. "I-I don't really think it's necessary-"


Kai was thinking of kissing her.


Hell no, she’ll definitely hate me.


Ji-eun took a few minutes to realize that people were actually staring at the two of them and she snapped out of her senses and pushed Kai away. Kai nearly lost his balance as he stepped back.


Kai knows that his little act is now over and hope he won’t regret what’s going to happen next.


I’m so sorry Ji-eun, please don’t hate me.


Ji-eun stood there, as she slowly looks around at her classmate’s confused eyes. She felt her eyes are getting heavier and heavier, tears are about to fall.


“That’s enough.” A loud voice caught all of their attention. It’s Kyungsoo, he gently grabbed Ji-eun’s hand from behind. “Just tell them the truth Ji-eun and this will be all over.”


I see it’s over now.


She gathers all her courage and said. “I-I like Kai, and he’s right we’re dating.” She finally said it and is able to smile again.


It’s not actually a date but a research study but yes, I like Kai.


“Words are not enough to prove it.” Soo-Jung continues to argue, she wants Kai now more than ever and she hated herself for loosing him the first time.


“Stop it! I said enough.” Kyungsoo’s eye widened exponentially like it gonna swallow Soo-Jung whole body.


Soo-Jung felt fear looking at those eyes but it’s not enough to stop her.


As Kyungsoo continue to explain. “I may agree with you for not believing Kai.” He took another breath before he continues his speech. “But to doubt Ji-eun’s words, it’s very foolish of you. I trusted her and respected her, and that’s enough for me, she’s my friend and I known her for a long time.”


Everyone was silence on Kyungsoo’s statement, ‘he’s right’ all of their classmates nodded in agreement. All of them trust and respects Ji-eun, she had done a lot of amazing things and who are them to doubt Ji-eun, just because of Soo-Jung’s obsession. Soo-Jung looked pitiful, tears falls from her eyes as she walks away.


“The both of you come with me.” Kyungsoo pointed at Kai and Ji-eun.


They just followed him until they arrived at the Student Body Office. Then he left the two of them alone saying ‘the two of you need to talk’.


There is strong tension in the air as they sat at the couch slightly apart with each other.


The two of them locked gazes, neither of them pulled away. Eyes roaming at each other’s face like searching for something until both of them looked at each others lips at the same time, and then they look away feeling flustered and tense.


“Kai I-I”


“I’m sorry Ji-eun, I’m really am.” Kai speak up before Ji-eun could finish her words. “It’s the truth, I like you and you’re the only one I want to be with at the prom.”


“Why didn’t you tell me before? I would like to be with you too.”


“So you like me too?”


“I said I accept your invitation.”


“R-right... So does that mean you don’t like me?” Kai reach for Ji-eun’s arms touching it softly.


“I” She paused before staring at Kai’s eyes and smiled. “I like you too, Kai”


Kai beam a smile, leaning for a kiss. Kai's lips were pressed against her and her eyes widened. Ji-eun felt nervous so she shut her eyes. Kai continue to kiss her until she felt like she was floating. She relaxed her shoulder and felt the curves of Kai lips moving against her. Their foreheads were pressed against each other as Kai kissed even more, Ji-eun is now kissing him back. She felt strong hands squeezing onto her arms to hold her and slowly sliding down to her waist.


Time stopped in that moment for Ji-eun. She wasn’t sure what to think, what to do. A slow rush of warmth envelops her body and her heart begins to beat again after a moment of being frozen in time. Realizing the situation she slowly pushes Kai away.


Kai softly bites the tip of his index finger and he can still feel the warmth of Ji-eun's lips. A stunned look in his eyes as he remembers he was kissing Ji-eun. Kai gave a satisfied smile when saw Ji-eun’s flustered face. “I like you more than anyone else.”



A/N:     Sorry for the waiting, i hope you like it.

I know the story is a bit too fast and there's a reason behind it. We'll the new title say it, no need to explain. ^__^

Kindly leave some comments, I really really appreciate you're comments. It inspire me, so again thank you very much.

I wanna thank ElizaLee again for the nice poster ^___^.

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xiaohope #1
Chapter 20: Please update soon
ririyin #2
Chapter 7: i just found your story, you shoul tagged "iusinger" so you can gain more reader author nim, you have a really great story author nim, , update soon ^^
Chapter 20: please update soon authornim :-)
Chapter 20: Haaaaah , finslly i finished it and wanna read the sequel i think ;D . Why kai avoiding jieun eonni ? And why must jieun eonni the one of say sorry . It's jongin FAULT and it's so funny when she write “I’m sorry Kim JongIn.
It’s not my fault
that you’re taste in girls
is awful.” Hahaha ;D you great and the best ^^ jongin is so embrassment /die/ Author-nim update soon , yeah yeah yeah don't too long . I'm waiting for it ^^
Chapter 10: Hellooooooo , new reader here ^^ Kyaaaaa , it's really sweet more than sugar LOL So funny and so adorable ^^ But i hate JUNG SUJOONG at there -,- But i really love this story <3 your first story's really good author-nim ;D I want to continue reading it but i'm so sleepy right now and my eyes teary >,< I'll continue it tomorrow . I'm happy can read this fics \(^o^)/
Chapter 20: Hohohohoh authoorrr
I'm ur new subscribers!!!!^^
Your story is so interesting.
I can't stop catching up the chapters bc i just read ur story today.
And ur story is soooo great!!
I love their lovey dovey thingyyyy~
I love it how jieun can understand kai's 'need' really well
Until she doesn't that angry after knew that kai 'keeps' soojung photos on her notebook
She even asked for apologize!!!
How great is she!

Keep writing author!
I want your updateeesssss kkk~
And i demand for it ^o^
Chapter 20: Owww poor Kai but i think its just a prank??!LOL....well i enjoy reading this chap!! ^_^
yumi-hata #8
Chapter 20: Though I'm feeling a little bit sorry for JongIn, I think Ji-Eun should take advantage on him, just this time xD
And WTF Hunnie? Princess?? LOOL
yumi-hata #9
Chapter 20: OMOO! I didn't expect that! I thought that when she came up to "talk" to Kai, she would say: "You were the only one wrong, but my life, since we stopped to talk to each other, was turning into hell. So, let's get back together, shall we?" Or something like that, idk xD
Wow, this was... Surprising!
Now now, JongIn-ah, ottoke?? JongIn-ah, I expect you to do something gorgeous to get her back :P
LOL, but I'm laughing crazily here! When I read the card, I was like: "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, JI-EUN UNNIE TROLL!!!".
So I guess she will avoid him...? Or maybe she will , saying that she wants to break up, but in fact everything is bullsh*t. RLAB