Things don’t always remain the same.

You're the Reason Behind both My Happiness and My Pain




Author’s POV


The alarm rang. Ji-eun stretches her arm before waking up. She looked at the digital clock on her bedside near the lampshade and it says 5:30am. She still wanted to sleep since its Saturday but she felt hungry. Once she stepped out the room and closed the door behind, she heard some shuffling and crackling sounds.


“Oh my god! Is there a thief?” Ji-eun felt very scared.


Ji-eun bravely took the broomstick lying near the trash bin. She looked around the house and frowned when she saw the kitchen lights on.


What is the thief doing in the kitchen? A food thief? A cat? But cats can’t turn on lights.


“Ouch, ouch, ouch!” Ji-eun heard someone hissing as she slowly walked towards the kitchen while her arms shaking. But the voice seams familiar and then Ji-eun sighs of relief knowing it was Kai.


I totally forgot Kai slept here last night.


“Kim JongIn, what are you doing? You scared the hell out of me.”


Kai smiled innocently. “Babe, why are you already awake?”


“I felt a little hungry. What are you cooking? What’s all with this mess?” As she looked around the kitchen, flour scattered and there’s a lot of trash everywhere.


“I’m trying to make ‘Lasagna’.”


“Lasagna?” Ji-eun asked. “What for? And why are cooking so early in the morning?”


“I want to make up with you. I felt guilty letting you watch that boring movie last time and about the incident-.”


“Yah! I told you to forget about it. I don’t want to hear it anymore and I don’t want our relationship to be filled with guilt.” She locked arms around Kai’s waist. “And about the movie, I enjoyed it and I’m the one who should make up for sleeping the whole time.” Ji-eun removed her hands at Kai’s waist and happily prepares hot choco and chocolate chips for the two of them.


Then she sat on the chair besides Kai. “So why are you so indulged on making this Lasagna?” Ji-eun giving Kai her sweet smile.


“I planned another date for us, Babe. I hope this time everything would be perfect.” Kai said while mixing spaghetti sauce.


 “Ok, uhmm… Do you need some help?” Ji-eun asked while smelling the sweet aroma of Kai’s sauce.


“Babe, can you taste this for me?” Kai dip his forefinger in the sauce and pointed it towards Ji-eun.


“Ummm…” Ji-eun can hear Kai clicking his tongue while staring at Ji-eun’s lips. “The sauce is right, maybe you should add a bit of pepper. I like it a little spicier.”


I shouldn’t be embarrassed right? Kai is my boyfriend after all.


Kai put his final touches and then cleaned his mess with Ji-eun doing most of the job. Kai told her that he would pick her at around 7:30pm before leaving the house with the lasagna they made. Kai and the rest of the basketball team need to practice even if it’s Saturday because they had a hard time from the last match, that’s why they need to be more serious and exert more effort if they want to make it to finals.


Ji-eun decided to clean the house and tend to her garden all morning while waiting for Kai to pick her. It’s already 7:15pm. Ji-eun already finished fixing her self, while looking at the mirror she can’t help but smile noticing the necklace with heart shape pendant that Kai had given her.


I’ll always keep his heart near mine.


She quickly ran outside, hearing a honk outside her house.


Ji-eun happily greets Kai. “You’re early. It’s only 7:20pm”


“I’m just excited in our date.” Kai grinned and walked out of his car. Open the door at the passenger’s seat for her.


“Thanks, I didn’t know you have a car?”


“I don’t, I mean. I borrowed it from Sehun. I begged Sehun to lend it to me and I promised that I would take good care of it.”


Ji-eun gave him soft chuckle. “So you have driver license? When did you learn to drive?”


“……” Kai kept quite ignoring Ji-eun’s question.


“JongIn!....” Ji-eun yelled at him and gave him a small pout.


“Don’t worry babe, I will keep you safe no matter what.” Kai said while he continues to drive carefully until they reached the entrance of a park near an airport.


Kai lead the way holding Ji-eun’s hand while carrying a large back pack and his other hand holding some kind of picnic basket. They walked in silence but its mutual one, neither wanted to break it because they just enjoyed each other’s company. They walked for about twenty-five minutes until they reach a small hill with a paragola on top and a small pond at the bottom with various koi fishes swimming. They all glow in the moonlight and the pond shine brightly with the reflection of the stars.We were written in the stars, my love, all that separated us, was time, the time it took to read the map which was placed within our hearts, to find our way back to one another.’


Ji-eun looked at the beautiful view with her eyes widen and shinning brightly like the stars. It’s her first time feeling this happy that her tear started to fall, while Kai is sets up a blanket just outside the paragola and told Ji-eun to sit beside him.


Ji-eun wipe her face then gave Kai a heart full hug. “Thank’s JongIn you’re the best, I love you.”


Kai hug her back and patted her back in comforting manner. “It’s all for you babe, I’m so happy you liked it.” Kai leans down, a hand behind Ji-eun’s neck and kisses her. The world around Ji-eun starts to disappear as it usually does and all she can think of and sense is Kai. The kiss is slow, comfortable, and warm. “I love you too, Ji-eun.”


Kai pulls back and Ji-eun is left with starry-eyed. “I hope our relationship stays happily and the same.”


“Things don’t always remain the same,” Kai whispers to her. Ji-eun slips out of her dormant state and processes what Kai had said. With a hint of hope in Kai’s eyes, Ji-eun’s heart clenches. “Little things can make a difference. They may run along the same path, but the outcome isn’t always the same.”


Ji-eun thinks she gets what Kai is trying to do and say. Ji-eun smiled and looks to the starry sky then she saw an airplane passed by like a twinkling star. She grips the hand placed gently on the side of her neck and squeezes. “Yes, you’re right, it’s not the same. Our relationship keeps growing everyday.”


Kai blushed. “Because you make every day of my life special. That’s why I wanted the same for you.”


Ji-eun giggled. “We’re so cheesy JongIn.” She flopped back on the blanket and giggles more.


They continue to tease each other giving each other with sweet words while the two of them stargaze the whole night. They ate the lasagna they cooked earlier before packing up their things.


They arrived at Ji-eun’s house almost midnight.


Kai kissed Ji-eun’s cheek before she went out of the car. “Goodnight, babe.”


Ji-eun stared at Kai and kissed his cheeks. “Good night! Take care, JongIn.” She walked out from Kai’s car and waited him to drive away. She walked to her house with a smile plastered in her face, remembering all the happy moments happend that day.


A/N:     I want to thank Park_HyunAe93, shereenlohmaanchi_14chimchi and pjroxs4ever for their upvotes.

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           Many thanks to you all  c(^__^)p


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xiaohope #1
Chapter 20: Please update soon
ririyin #2
Chapter 7: i just found your story, you shoul tagged "iusinger" so you can gain more reader author nim, you have a really great story author nim, , update soon ^^
Chapter 20: please update soon authornim :-)
Chapter 20: Haaaaah , finslly i finished it and wanna read the sequel i think ;D . Why kai avoiding jieun eonni ? And why must jieun eonni the one of say sorry . It's jongin FAULT and it's so funny when she write “I’m sorry Kim JongIn.
It’s not my fault
that you’re taste in girls
is awful.” Hahaha ;D you great and the best ^^ jongin is so embrassment /die/ Author-nim update soon , yeah yeah yeah don't too long . I'm waiting for it ^^
Chapter 10: Hellooooooo , new reader here ^^ Kyaaaaa , it's really sweet more than sugar LOL So funny and so adorable ^^ But i hate JUNG SUJOONG at there -,- But i really love this story <3 your first story's really good author-nim ;D I want to continue reading it but i'm so sleepy right now and my eyes teary >,< I'll continue it tomorrow . I'm happy can read this fics \(^o^)/
Chapter 20: Hohohohoh authoorrr
I'm ur new subscribers!!!!^^
Your story is so interesting.
I can't stop catching up the chapters bc i just read ur story today.
And ur story is soooo great!!
I love their lovey dovey thingyyyy~
I love it how jieun can understand kai's 'need' really well
Until she doesn't that angry after knew that kai 'keeps' soojung photos on her notebook
She even asked for apologize!!!
How great is she!

Keep writing author!
I want your updateeesssss kkk~
And i demand for it ^o^
Chapter 20: Owww poor Kai but i think its just a prank??!LOL....well i enjoy reading this chap!! ^_^
yumi-hata #8
Chapter 20: Though I'm feeling a little bit sorry for JongIn, I think Ji-Eun should take advantage on him, just this time xD
And WTF Hunnie? Princess?? LOOL
yumi-hata #9
Chapter 20: OMOO! I didn't expect that! I thought that when she came up to "talk" to Kai, she would say: "You were the only one wrong, but my life, since we stopped to talk to each other, was turning into hell. So, let's get back together, shall we?" Or something like that, idk xD
Wow, this was... Surprising!
Now now, JongIn-ah, ottoke?? JongIn-ah, I expect you to do something gorgeous to get her back :P
LOL, but I'm laughing crazily here! When I read the card, I was like: "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, JI-EUN UNNIE TROLL!!!".
So I guess she will avoid him...? Or maybe she will , saying that she wants to break up, but in fact everything is bullsh*t. RLAB