You're Back.

The Cold Ones.


After Seohyun have disappear on the five boys without any goodbyes or note the boys looked everywhere for her, they couldn’t find her. But the five boys never give up the hope of not seeing her again, they know one day she would come back to them. The boys went to find the three girls that left, there's always a place the three girls would go after they done something bad or hurt someone they care about. Minho, Dongwoon, and Hoya went to that place and surely enough the three girls were there.




The three boys called their name out, the three girls came out of the house and saw them standing there. As the boys walk into their house and sat across from them. Krystal decided to take Minho and they went walking, Hyuna and Dongwoon went to the room she stays in. Suzy and Hoya stay in the living room.

"Minho, I'm sorry for what I done. I let the feelings took over me."

Look towards her way. "Krystal..where did she go?"

Turn to look at him."I really don’t know, we just took her to the train and told her to leave..we didn’t ask where she was going."

Sigh and look down on the ground. "How long will we have to wait until she return to us again."

"I'm sorry." looking up into the sky. "Minho ah, I'm thinking about leaving this world behind."

Turn to face her. "What? What do you mean?" he said and stopping her from walking.

"I lived in this world for such a long time already..i'm thinking about leaving..even if I can became human in the next's better to be gone then see you with her."

"Krystal..I do care about you..i really do." put his arms on her shoulder.

"I know Minho." move his arms from her shoulder. "But she the one you and your brothers waited for all this time."


Minho and Krystal didn’t talk to each other as they have a silent walk together, Hyuna and Dongwoon decided to say bye to one other.


"Dongwoon ah, when I see you looking at that human girl..i wanted to kill her, so you wouldn’t stare at her..but after what I done to you and your brother..i'm sorry."

Look up to her. "Hyuna, I'm sorry for hurting you as well."

She try to smile. "Let's say goodbye for forever..i don’t think we should see each other again."

Stood up. "I think that's for the best Hyuna. Thank you for everything." he said and walk over to her.


Suzy didn’t want to say anything but she knew she was wrong for doing that to someone that Hoya cared about.


"Suzy, let's have our goodbyes..i don’t you to do something like this ever again..i forgive you."

"Maybe that's the best." she said not looking a him.


Hoya saw Dongwoon walk down and out the door, he went behind Suzy and hug her for the last time before he left. Suzy watch as both brother headed out and meet with Minho, when Krystal came back she told the too girls what she wanted to do.


"Hyuna, Suzy..i want to say good bye to you and for everything we been through..i think It's time for me to leave..i been living for to long's not pretty anymore."

"Let's leave together." Hyuna said to Krystal.

"No, we're all leaving together."


When the sun came up the girls held hand and walked outside, they smile once last time before they disappear into the thin air. The brothers had to take shelter since they knew they wouldn’t make it home before the sun rise. As Kai and Jonghyun stay in the house they couldn’t help but stare at her photo.


"Only if she was still here."

"She will be back..just wait for that day."

"We have been waiting for more then hundred years already brother. "

"Yes we have, and our time has come."


Seohyun decided to move into a quiet town and lived there, she study her english and start to look for a job. Time went by slowly for her, she kept thinking about the five brothers and how they are. She knew she missed them but she couldn’t go back as she give them her words.


It's been 5 years since Seohyun left the brothers, the brother havent heard or seen their creator since their last visit with them. Seohyun decided to come back since it’s been five years since she was gone and thought that maybe the brothers would have forgotten her. She wasn’t sure if the brothers still live in the house as she walk to the end of the city and there was the house she once lived with five brother.


"It's been 5 years since I came back..the house still looks the same. I miss you guys so much while I was gone. Jonghyun, Dongwoon, Minho, Hoya and Kai..are you guys doing well..maybe you guys are happy without me, living with your kind, doesn’t have to worry about the human girl that is in your way."


As Seohyun start walking back from the house, she felt a cold breeze past her by. She turn her head a little to see the house once more when she saw five boy  standing there.


"Seohyun." Jonghyun said in his angel voice.

"I missed you so much." Kai said and walking towards her.

Seohyun turn around and it was really them. "Jonghyun, Minho, Dongwoon, Hoya, Kai is that really you?"


Seohyun ran to Kai and he hugged her, the others boys also came in and join the hug. They went back inside the house and Seohyun notice everything was still the same as it was five years ago, even her room was still as it is.


"You havent change at all." she said to them.

They smile at her. "You aged." Minho said to her.

"Yah, I'm still human..of course I will age."

"Your still beautiful as always noona." Kai said and hug her again.

Hoya push Kai away. "Enough, hugging Seohyun."

Seohyun quick give Hoya a hug as he hug her back."I miss you." she said to him.

"I miss you too." Break the hug when Dongwoon stood up. "I miss all of you." walk over to hug Dongwoon.

"I went crazy looking for you."

"I went crazy missing you too."


Seohyun went to the kitchen when she saw Minho taking out a cake, he smile when he saw her, Minho walk over and lead her to the counter.


"Seohyun ah, I just bought this cake for you. It’s a welcome back cake."

"It's so pretty." she smile and hugged Minho. "I miss you doing things for me."

"Yah, is that all I'm good for?" he said and break the hug.

Laugh. "I'm kidding..i do really miss you guys a lot."

"Good, you have to live with us from now on."


Minho watch as Seohyun eat her cake, she smile at him. The two were just sitting with each other and talking when Jonghyun came behind her and kiss her on the cheek.


"Hey." he said to her.

"Jonghyun, where did you go?"

"Out..i got hungry."


Three months after Seohyun move back into the house with the brothers she was able to go out of the house as she please. She decided to go and take a walk alone at night when she saw some man taking a young boy into the dark alley, Seohyun ran to the alley and killed all the man. She carry the young boy and bought him back to the house. Seohyun decided to bite him since he was bleeding to much and he wouldn’t make it. After a few days the young boy woke up and saw a pretty girl sitting next to him.


"Hi." Seohyun said to the young boy.

"It’s you..your the noona from couple years ago." he said as he sat on the bed.

"Your that little boy that bought me a sandwich?"

Nod his head."Yeah, noona you look beautiful."

She smile at the young boy." Are you feeling better?"

"I feel great..but how did I get here?"

"I saw these man took you into a alley and I came to save you."

"But, they stab did you save me?"

"I turn you into." Look at the boys next to her. "Into one of us."

"Seohyun couldn’t let you die so she turn you into one of us, you cant be out until the sunlight goes down. You will have to learn how to control your thirst."

"I'm sorry that I have to turn you into a Cold One like us..i just don’t want to see you die at such a young age."

He smile."No, thank you for saving me and giving me other chance at life. Do you think I can go see my parents one last time before I leave them forever."

"I'll have Kai and Hoya go with you. From on now we're your family."

"What's your name kid." Dongwoon said.

"I'm Ren."

"Welcome to the family Ren, I'm Dongwoon, this is Jonghyun he the oldest so we have to listen. This here is Minho, Kai and Hoya. And this is Seohyun."



Hoya and Kai took the Ren to see his parents at night when everyone is sleeping, he watch as his parents sleep and left a note for them. The three of them came back and they left the country to start over.



Ok, so I don’t know if this is a good ending for you guys, but I really like I hoping you guys will like it too..haha. 

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Chapter 4: wow... seohyun went back to the brothers.
and they became big family, especially with ren's addition.
anyway, she became their sister? or?
Chapter 3: Seohyun ran away.
Where did she go???
Oo... Will they find her??
Hope not the girls though.
SeohyunorSica #3
Chapter 3: Wahhh.......
1004hyun #4
Chapter 3: It is so interesting, poor seohyun. I wish this story is minseo or seokai
Hope to understand this story as it continues :)
Chapter 1: Woah.... Are they vampires?
Woot. Hoya and Dongwoon were already back and they knew that Seohyun was at their basement?
What will be happen????
No one can save her now, except the other brothers save her.
Chapter 1: GAH~ seems so interesting... Please update soon!!^^
Chapter 1: Story of Vampire? Good
Chapter 1: Sounds great! :-)
Woooohhh Interesting.... R the five bro like vampire or something