Coloring Fun

Coloring Fun [Oneshot]


“Aoi!” Brooke piped as she picked up a blue crayon and started coloring the person’s pants blue.

Sheila looked over at her, “Why are his pants blue?”

“It’s aoi Sheila, get it right.” Brooke said smiling at Sheila.

She rolled her eyes, “Why are you coloring the man’s pants Aoi Brooke?”

“Because they are blue jeans, and I feel this man needs to have blue pants so he’s not copying his wife.” She stated holding her coloring page up for Sheila to look at.

“Oh, true.” Sheila said nodding her head. “Kuroi” She said picking up the black crayon and coloring the dog’s fur that was on her coloring sheet.

GD walked into the room with a questioning look, “Why are you two shouting out random colors in Japanese?” he asked. Then added, “And why are you both laying on the floor coloring?”

Sheila piped up, “Were practicing our colors so we don’t forget them.” Brooke gave him a matter-of-fact look.

“O.K. But I still don’t get why you two are laying on the floor coloring.” He said slowly with a skeptical look.

“Because it’s fun.” Sheila said, “Don’t you think me puppy is cute?”

GD laughed, “Well my puppy is cuter.” He said proudly and held up his Iphone to show the girls a picture he had taken of Gaho sleeping.

“Awwwww!” They both said.

“Speaking of Gaho where is he?” Brooke asked.

“Yeah I haven’t seen him once since I’ve been here.” Sheila added.

GD looked at the floor, “Well since we’ve been busy I had to leave him with my sister so he could be with someone who would play with him. If I would’ve known two were coming sooner I would’ve kept him, so you guys could look after him. Then I’d be able to see him when I got a spare moment or two.” He said gloomily.

Sheila and Brooke both stood up, Sheila hugged GD, “Oppa, don’t please don’t cry. It’s not your fault, you didn’t know.”

Brooke was rubbing his back, “Yeah Oppa.” She thought about it for a second, then added “Is there a chance we could go get him?”

GD’s lit up, his eyes still brimmed with tears. He thought about it and smiled, “I have the afternoon off tomorrow! We could go get him then!” GD exclaimed and ran out of the room.

Sheila and Brooke both just looked at each other, but before too long they were both on the ground clutching their stomachs feeling like they were going to suffocate. Daesung and SeungRi came running into the room looking frightened. “What’s wrong?” SeungRi rushed.

Brooke stopped laughing, “What?” She asked curiously.

“We thought we heard you two scream, so we came to check on you both.” Daesung said as he walked over and sat next to Sheila, who was laying on her stomach. SeungRi did the same as Daesung, “So what are you two doing?” he asked.

“Coloring pictures!” Sheila exclaimed.

“And practicing our colors in Japanese.” Brooke added feeling smart.

Daesung looked through the stack of pictures they had, “Can I color too?” he asked.

Sheila’s face lit up, “Of course!” she said scooting over so there was room for him to lay down beside her. He did so and grabbed a sheet and a brown crayon. Sheila stopped him before he could color anything, “You have to say the color of you’re crayon in Japanese.” She said.

He looked at her, “Do I really?” he sarcastically asked.

“Of course!” Brooke said as she gave SeungRi room and a sheet for him to color.

“Chaiiro” Daesung said as he began to color his teddy bear. They all colored and took turns using the crayons.

After awhile Sheila picked up the purple crayon, “I don’t know how to say this one in Japanese.” She said looking at Daesung.

“Don’t look at me, I have no clue.” He said frowning.

“Me either.” SeungRi said, coloring his candy cane very intently.

“Well you know I don’t know how to say it.” Brooke told her.

“Whatcha guys up to?” Taeyang asked as he walked into the room.

“Taeyang Oppa, how do you say purple in Japanese?” Sheila asked him.

He looked puzzled, “Purple, purple, purple. Hmmm…. I don’t remember, Sorry” He said as he saw her face drop.

“I wont ever be able to finish my picture now.” She said as she set the crayon back down.

“Sheila, you can still use it and just say the color later when you learn it.” Brooke told her.

“But that would be cheating.” She said looking at the carpet sadly.

“Would it make you feel better if Taeyang joined our game and colored too?” Daesung asked Sheila, hoping to get a smile from her.

Sheila sat there for a moment deciding. She gave into Daesung, “Yes,” she said smiling, “Here you go.” She said handing him a coloring page of a rubber duck. Taeyang sat on the couch with his own box of crayons.

“Kiiro” He said as he started coloring his duck.

Sheila and Brooke smiled at one another, “Is there something you two aren’t telling us?” SeungRi asked when he saw them give each other looks.

Brooke smiled at him, “Oh course not! Why would we keep something from you guys?” she lied. SeungRi bought it though and smiled as he continued coloring his candy cane.

TOP came running into the room and tripped over SeungRi. “Ouch!” they both said as TOP sat up.

“Why the hell are you guys laying in the floor?” TOP spouted off angrily clutching the side of his head.

SeungRi was holding his side , “We were coloring and helping these two practice their colors in Japanese.” Daesung informed him, pointing to the girls.

TOP looked at Sheila, “So why have you two decided that in floor in the living room is the best place to color?”

Sheila thought about it, “Because the carpet is soft?”

TOP rolled his eyes, his head still throbbing. “Well maybe next time you could warn me that you guys have decided to lay in the floor.” He said softly.

Brooke smiled, “We can do that”

“Thanks” TOP smiled. The girls looked at each other and refused the urge to laugh. “What?” TOP asked.

“Nothing.” Sheila said smiling.

“Yeah, nothing.” Brooke grinned. Daesung picked this to be the best time to throw the blue crayon at TOP, it flew over his head and landed on the couch.

“Hey!” Taeyang said picking up the crayon and throwing it back at Daesung. “Don’t mark on the couch.” He said angrily.

“Sorry,” Daesung whined. Everyone broke out laughing at Daesung’s high pitched voice. Daesung turned pink but ended up laughing with them.

When everyone quieted down, They continued coloring and passing crayons around the group. TOP looked at Brooke, then at the stack of coloring sheets. Brooke saw this, “Do you want to color too? You can have a coloring sheet if you want.” She said smiling.

TOP hesitated a minute before grabbing the page on the top of the stack, it was of two hearts with a single arrow threw them. He smiled and picked up the red crayon. Brooke almost had a heart attack when he didn’t say the color, “TOP!!! You can’t use the crayon until you say it’s color in Japanese.”

TOP looked at her sideways but she wasn’t giving in. “Fine,” he said, “Akai.”

“Yay!” Brooke exclaimed happily. SeungRi and TOP laughed along with Brooke. Sheila gave Daesung a weird look which he returned. Taeyang was sitting there quietly coloring his rubber duck’s bill orange.

“OMG! My sister said we could go pick Gaho up tomorrow!” GD said ecstatic as he ran into the living room. He stopped when he saw that everyone was coloring, without him. “What, what's this?” he asked in a sad voice.

Sheila got up and handed GD a coloring page she had been hiding under the coffee table. “Here you go,” she said smiling, “I thought it looked like Gaho so I saved it for you.”

GD took it and grinned from cheek to cheek. “Thank you!” He yelled as he picked Sheila up and spun her around. She went rigid and didn’t move for a second after he put her down. “Oh, sorry Sheila. I forgot you didn’t like being picked up.” He apologized.

Daesung jumped up and picked Sheila up bridal style. “She only likes it when I pick her up!” He said in triumph.

Sheila flicked his forehead, “Don’t say that. I don’t like to be picked up period, but you don’t ever listen.”

“Haha, true, very true.” He said smiling at her.

“Can you put me down now?” She asked giving him a puppy face.

He laughed and set her down, then decided to resume coloring. Sheila smiled and sat next to him rub his back. Brooke laughed at when he laid his head down on the floor. Sheila smiled as she felt his breathing change.

GD quietly sat down on the other side of Daesung and started to color his picture of Gaho. He smiled over at Sheila who returned it.

Then out of no where Daesung bean to snore really loudly which made  everyone almost die of laughter. Sheila rubbed his back again and he quieted down.

Daesung woke up and looked at Sheila, “What’s all the noise?”

Sheila couldn’t help herself and started laughing with everyone as she ruffled his hair, “You are so cute!”

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cute bigbang fanfic.... i'll be looking forward to it!
Starlightshine #2
Kyaa... So cute! XD