Chapter 4

Seconds To Love


History was repeating itself. 
As much as she tried to move her legs, they simply refused to budge. 
The tyres made a blood-curdling scream again. 
Krystal braced herself for the pain that was about to come, but to her horror, she felt a forceful push on her back. 
Once again, the familiar figure was lying in a pool of blood metres away from the halted car. 
Krystal rushed to where Minho was lying and held him tightly into her arms. 
"Why?! Why Minho, why?" She wailed, shaking him lightly. 
His eyes opened and his weak reply left Krystal's mouth hanging agape. 
"Because I love you, and nothing would change my love for you. Even if we were given another 60 seconds, or another, my decision would still be the same."
With that, he fell into a deep sleep in Krystal's arms. 
Krystal planted a gentle kiss on his lips and replied in a trembling voice, "Yes, 60 seconds is enough for this story. 60 seconds... It's short, but it's enough to prove your love for me, and to illustrate our very own love story..." 
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Chapter 4: this is so sad~ ㅠ ㅠ
i loved the story line though!
Chapter 4: Pity Minho Oppa :'(
But i know that their love never end
Love your story, gomawo for sharing ^^
kachan08 #3
Chapter 4: True love never lies...
I love minho for loving krystal so much that he willingly die to save her. And I love krystal for loving minho so much, she rather him not save her.. They're willing to die for each other, and that's true love.
MinSoojung #4
Chapter 4: Pity minstal. Love it.
Yayacute #5
Chapter 4: I feel like i want to cry.
Chapter 4: this story is so sad. poor minho