

Jongin is cocky, Luhan is oblivious, and Yixing is jealous. Fencing is life and life is each other. Written for Give me a Year.


"Nothing in life is fair except a witnessed duel." ~Lynda Williams

This is a story of friendship, love, and belonging, filtered through the eyes of someone who only knows how to fight.

This is a story about fencing.

A/N: Written for Give me a Year. For prompts, I used this and this. Title is taken from Saliva's song of the same name. Other sources of inspiration found here, here, and here. For a reference to fencing terms used in this story, look here.


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himalayancat #1
Chapter 4: Beautiful, as always. Yixing is rather masochistic, eh? I can really feel his pain in this chapter. I wonder how everything will turn out.
himalayancat #2
Chapter 3: Woah. Another awesome update. I love the few last paragraphs; the analogy is just right at the point and describes Yixing well. I'm really loving all your characters, they're all pictured really well. I'm looking forward to see how this story will unfold.Good luck :)
himalayancat #3
Chapter 2: It's really lovely. I can see that Yixing likes Luhan but he has to watch how Luhan and Jongin perfectly complement each other. I love the way you describe their personalities. Anyway, I wonder, do you fence?