
Painful Desire

His breathe quickened as he ran faster, he had to get away from Youngjae. It was not safe yet. Daehyun hid in one of the classrooms, ignoring the calls of his beloved echoing in the halls.

I’m so sorry Youngjae.

No one in Korea knew that Daehyun was back, not even his brother. He couldn’t risk anyone finding that he was there. The gang that attacked him last time was still probably looking for him, even if a long time has passed already. He couldn’t meet Youngjae while he was still in danger.

“You’re Daehyun, huh?”

Daehyun snapped his head and saw a brunette leaning on the door frame with his head hung low.

“We finally meet!” the brunette raised his head and smirked.

Daehyun simply kept on glaring at the man, not moving a muscle.

“How rude of me, let me introduce myself,” the man moved closer to Daehyun and stretched his hand out, “Jongup.”

“I hope I can be a good friend to you like how Jongup was to me.” Youngjae whispered.

“You’re Youngjae’s friend.” Daehyun said coldly, still glaring.

“I see Youngjae talked about me!” Jongup smiled.

Daehyun raised an eyebrow as Jongup turned around and bent his head to show the small tattoo that was on the back of his neck. Daehyun immediately recognized it, the mark of the Wiseong.

“Now that you know who I really am, let’s get straight to the point,” Jongup smirked, “I already know what your hyung did to my hyung and our safe house.”

Daehyun’s eyes widened, Jongup was the younger brother of the Wiseong gang?

“If you’re wondering if I really am his dongsaeng,” Jongup said as he walked slowly to Daehyun, giving him an unexpected punch to the face, “I am, and that was for my brother.”

 He took a deep breath before continuing, “That is not why I am here anyway. I’m here to talk to you about Youngjae.”

Jongup saw the twinkle in Daehyun’s eyes when he mentioned Youngjae’s name, and it only made Jongup madder.

“You will stay away from him,” Jongup glared, “You will not get ing near him, and you will not let him know of your presence, or he will get hurt.”

What the .

“ off.” Daehyun said and sent a flying punch to Jongup, which hit with the wall instead of the latter’s face.

“No, no,” Jongup chuckled, “you can’t hurt me. I’ve been training for years.”

Daehyun turned around, “You won’t hurt him.”

“Are you challenging me?” Jongup chuckled as he took out his phone and dialed a number. “Shoot next to his foot.”

Jongup smirked and turned the phone on loudspeaker, and Daehyun heard Youngjae scream out profanities.

Daehyun couldn’t stay calm anymore, he lunged at Jongup and punched him repeatedly in the face. Jongup pushed Daehyun back powerfully and took out a gun. He pointed it at Daehyun as he wiped the blood off his face.

“You don’t want to do that,” Jongup said and spit out blood. “Hurting me will only hurt Youngjae.”

Daehyun stood up and glared at Jongup, “Why are you doing this.”

Jongup chuckled and sat down on one of the chairs with the gun still pointing at Daehyun. “I love him. If I can’t have him, then no one else will.”

“You call this love?” Daehyun yelled, “You ing hurt him!”

“And you didn’t?” Jongup yelled back, “I was there for him for the past 6 ing months. I was the one that tucked him in bed when he passed out from crying. I was the one that heard him call you in the middle of the night, begging you to come back. I was the one that made sure he didn’t skip on his meals and starve himself. I was the one that made sure he went to class. I was there, and you weren’t.”

Daehyun’s eyes softened a bit when he heard that Youngjae has been crying. He thought leaving would be the best option, that leaving would mean that Youngjae wouldn’t be in this mess.

“Don’t you ing talk to me about love.” Jongup spat and sent another punch to Daehyun.

He was surprised that Daehyun didn’t even flinch as he got punched. He just looked at Jongup with cold eyes.

“I have to see him.”

“You can’t. If you get anywhere near him, I will shoot him.” Jongup said seriously, “I’m going away with him. Forget him.” And he left.

Daehyun couldn’t believe what he heard. He needed to see Youngjae, he had to see him. He didn’t care of getting hurt, he had to see him. But seeing Youngjae meant that he would get hurt. He couldn’t risk that, Youngjae was too precious.

He fell on his knees, tears rolled down his cheeks. He didn’t know what to do. He felt like a coward, he hated himself. If he doesn’t meet Youngjae, he will never be able to tell him how he really feels like. If he does, Youngjae would die. He would be hurting his beloved either way.

A decision had to be made, and a decision was made that night.

I’m sorry Youngjae.

ϞOne Month LaterϞ

Final call for passengers of flight AX71 to New York, USA.”

Youngjae checked his appearance in the mirror before leaving the toilet. Jongup suggested getting haircuts before going to the U.S., but Youngjae got a full makeover. It was a nice change, and it suited him really well!

Youngjae spots Jongup at the entrance and enters with him.

“Are you sure you want to come with me?” Youngjae asks worriedly.

“Yes, how can I leave my Youngjae alone~” Jongup pouts.

Youngjae chuckles and they sit in their seats waiting for the plane to take off.

Youngjae desperately needed a fresh start. He needed to get away from the memories of his parents, of his brother, especially of his first love. He has been hurting for too long, he just couldn’t stand it after Daehyun left. He only knew him for a short while, but in that short while he experienced a lot of new feelings. He knew Daehyun wouldn’t come back, who would?

A new life awaited him, and Youngjae couldn’t wait to start anew.

Or so he thought…


A/N: Hello my lovelies! Forgive me for not updating in a while TT

I hope you like this chapter, even if it’s really short v.v

I dedicate this chapter to BrotherBear, she really gave me a lot of motivation!

I LOVE YOU ALL MY 35 AMAZING SUBBIES! You are all daebak, I’m really thankful TT

Anyways, comment please and tell me what you think! Commenting really gives me a lot of motivation and makes me want to upload faster!

This is Youngjae new haircut:

Bye now~~

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THE END IS NEAR! Sorry for not updating for a while, I'm currently on HIATUS. School is taking up a lot of my time, please be patient my lovely readers! xoxo


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Happy123098 #1
Chapter 5: Yaashhhhh kennnmnnnnnn:-) gif
Chapter 5: okay sobbing in my corner... I don't know what to say... I'm just totally torn for Youngjae... he's so heartbroken and devastated.. the two people he trusted and loved... are part of gangs.. gahhh poor Youngjae.. and he meets Dae ='/hyun once more... and and and poor Youngjae... really ='/
Chapter 4: Dang this was whoa.. JOngup is kinda crazy... if he can't have Youngjae then no one will ... totally whoa.. and Poor Daehyun.. he needs Youngjae... he really does.. and poor Youngjae himself... crying over Daehyun when he left him... ='/
Chapter 3: dang... so close Youngjae.. sooo close...
Chapter 2: OoOOOOO so Daehyun is a gangster... and SUnwha knows but is keeping that info on a tight leash =]
Chapter 1: that picture is so cute and funny lol

ahh Youngjae always being the kind and nice person he is =] dedicated and hard working =]
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
crossing_by #9
Chapter 4: I guess in this chapter the smile that usually plastered on jongup face not there
*sigh* come on daehyun ... do something... take ur man back! Hehe
crossing_by #10
Chapter 4: I guess in this chapter the smile that usually plastered on jongup face not there
*sigh* come on daehyun ... do something... take ur man back! Hehe