
Painful Desire

Youngjae didn’t have to look in the mirror to know he looked like hell. Youngjae rarely skipped sleep, but when he did, he was not the same Youngjae.

Jongup was waiting in class for Youngjae. No matter how tired Youngjae is, he never skips class. Jongup has skipped plenty of classes, but Youngjae never did in the five years he has known him.

There were a few minutes left until class started, and Jongup was getting nervous. He hurriedly searched for his phone in his bag, and when he was about to call until…


Jongup didn’t have to look to know that it was Youngjae, and that he skipped sleep. Youngjae walked to Jongup with a big smile on his face.

“Hi Jonguppie~” Youngjae giggled.

Most people would either be extremely sleepy or grumpy when skipping on sleep, but Youngjae was far from that; he became really, really hyper. It wasn’t all bad; he paid extra attention in class and answered most of the questions, if not all. He was also really funny and extra nice. Jongup was a bit scared the first time he saw Youngjae like that. Well, Youngjae is usually cheerful, but this is just plain crazy.

 “Care to explain why you weren’t home this morning?” Jongup asked, trying hard not to smile.

“Oh Jonguppie, you won’t believe what happened!” Youngjae’s eyes widened and he was about to explain until the professor walked in.

“I'll explain later!” Youngjae whispered. Jongup nodded and class started.


“So, about the not-being-at-home thing?” Jongup smirked.

“Oh, about that…” Youngjae started.

Youngjae explained everything to Jongup; he knew that even if he hid something, Jongup would find out. Youngjae didn’t tell Jongup what happened to his brother; he told him that he died with his parents in the car crash. Little did he know that Jongup knew everything. It was one of the many reasons he was so protective of Youngjae. Youngjae was oblivious to it all, of course.

“You know, you should really stop being so careless.” Jongup sighed.

“Ah, don’t worry Jonguppie~” Youngjae smiled, “I have to go to the hospital now!”

Youngjae gave Jongup a bear hug and left, failing to notice Jongup’s flushed cheeks.


Daehyun woke up with pain shooting through his body. He has never felt so much pain in his life. He slowly opened his eyes, a bit nervous of where he would be.

The hospital?

“Good morning Mr. Jung!” The nurse said.

Daehyun just nodded, unsure of how and why he ended up here.

“I’ll just give you some pain killers,” She smiled, “someone will be up with your food shortly!”

Daehyun watched her every move, he was still a bit nervous. After all, he doesn’t know what happened after he was beaten up. Now he thinks of it, why did he get beat up? His brother did tell him to be careful, but he’s heard that too often to take it seriously.

Daehyun wanted to go the toilet, but he couldn’t. His right leg was in a plaster cast and he couldn’t get up without some help. He was about to ring the bell to call a nurse before a handsome blonde man walked in.

“Hello!” he giggled, “Are you feeling alright?” he suddenly turned serious.

Daehyun scoffed and turned the other direction. He was about to ask him for help, but the man was nowhere to be found.


Daehyun tried to get up, but failed miserably as he was now lying on the ground. He groaned loudly and tried getting up but he couldn’t.

“I’m back,” Youngjae walked in, “and I-”

He stopped talking as soon as he saw Daehyun on the floor. He placed the food tray on the bed and went to help him.

“You should’ve asked for help you know.” Youngjae mumbled.

Daehyun rolled his eyes and waited for Youngjae to help him up. He was a bit taller than the latter. Youngjae helped him sit down on the bed. Daehyun stood up and pointed at the crutches. Youngjae got them for him and he went to the toilet. Youngjae was a bit confused, most people would ask for help if they were in his state.


“I have other things I have to do you know,” Youngjae mumbled, “eat up!”

Youngjae has been waiting for Daehyun to eat for 10 minutes, but he keeps refusing. Daehyun just ignored him. Youngjae then remembered what Sunhwa told him, that he should bribe him with cheesecake. How did she know that? He had no idea.

“Oh well, I guess you wouldn’t want this cheesecake I got you…” He smirked evilly as he raised a bag from the table.

Daehyun was dumbfounded, how the hell did this kid know that he loved cheesecake? It doesn’t matter though; his baby was waiting for him! He slowly removed the lid of the plate, which revealed a healthy hospital sandwich; brown bread, grilled chicken, cheese, tomato, lettuce. He didn’t mind healthy food, he just preferred fatty foods.

He finished his sandwich and was waiting patiently for his cheesecake. Youngjae chuckled at how Daehyun sat waiting for Youngjae to get it for him. Daehyun finished it in 10 seconds. Youngjae was surprised; he had never seen someone eat so quickly. Youngjae picked up the tray after Daehyun finished and asked him if he needed anything else, which also ended up with him being ignored.

“I’m only here to help.” He smiled softly and left.

Daehyun rolled his eyes; he thought Youngjae was annoying. His thoughts were interrupted when a doctor walked into his room.

“Hello Mr. Daehyun Jung, I am Sunhwa Han,” She smiled, “I’m your doctor.”

Daehyun nodded as he eyed her.

“Your right leg is broken, obviously, you had a couple of broken ribs, and a couple of toes in your right leg are broken too.” She sighed.

Daehyun was shocked, he didn’t think he would get beat up so bad.

“I asked the nurse to give you heavy painkillers, because what happened to you is no joke.” She smiled sadly.

She waited a few seconds before continuing, “I bet you’re wondering on how you got here, right?”

Daehyun nodded hesitantly.

“Well, the man that was just with you is Youngjae, Yoo Youngjae,” Sunhwa said slowly. “He found you being dragged by a couple of gangsters.”

She took a breath before finishing, “You were near death, if it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be here.”

Daehyun’s eyes widened, him?

 “Your brother came by this morning,” Sunhwa smiled softly, “don’t worry, nobody knows who you are.”

Daehyun let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“We can’t always give you heavy painkillers, so you’ll be in pain for a couple of months,” she smiled sadly, “you’ll have to endure it, alright?”

Daehyun nodded and Sunhwa left the room. He was bored already.


Youngjae was helping the nurses organize patients’ papers when Sunhwa called him.

“You called noona?” Youngjae asked happily.

“Yeah, I need to talk to you about patient 71.” She smiled as she pointed to her office.

As soon as they sat down, Sunhwa turned serious.

“I know volunteers don’t usually get these kinds of tasks, but I trust you, you’ve been with us for a long time,” she smiled, “I want you to be in charge of patient 71, don’t do anything else, spend all your time with him.”

“Okay, but, why me?” Youngjae asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” she sighed, “you’re the one that saved him, you’d be perfect for the job.”

Youngjae nodded, “I’ll do my best!”

“You never know, you might even become friends!” She said happily.

Youngjae doubted it.


Daehyun was exhausted. He closed his eyes for a minute, and then heard a knock on the door. He sighed heavily and glared at the man that just walked through the door.

“Hello,” Youngjae smiled, “I didn’t introduce myself properly, my name is Yoo Youngjae, 22 years old, and I am a volunteer here.”

Youngjae bowed and Daehyun just looked at him. Youngjae looked Daehyun in the eyes and waited for him to introduce himself back, which didn’t happen. Youngjae thought it was extremely rude and was a bit mad at Daehyun. He sat down in the chair and looked outside for a few minutes, when he looked back at Daehyun, he was already asleep. He couldn’t stay upset at him after looking at his innocent sleeping face.


“Youngjae, wake up, the police are here.” Sunhwa shook Youngjae lightly.

Youngjae rubbed his eyes slowly and saw that Daehyun was awake and reading a book.


He smiled sheepishly and got up to leave the room, and then it struck him.

“Umm noona,” He asked, “Why are the police here?”

“You said you found Daehyun being dragged by gangsters, right?” She asked.

Youngjae nodded and she continued, “Well, they’re here to interrogate him.”

“Don’t you think it’s too early? He might be still shocked…” Youngjae mumbled the last part.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be alright.” Sunhwa pinched his cheeks and left.


As soon as the police left, which was 2 hours later, Youngjae walked in the room to find an angry-looking Daehyun. Youngjae wanted to say something to help, but didn’t know what to say, so he just sat there quietly for a few minutes. He thought hard about what he was going to say, and finally decided it wouldn’t hurt.

“I know how you feel,” Youngjae smiled sadly as he looked at Daehyun, “I hate gangsters.”

Daehyun saw a hint of pain in Youngjae’s eyes for a second and he quickly looked the other way.

“I,” Youngjae took a deep breath before continuing, “I lost my brother to them.”

Daehyun felt a bit sad toward the blonde for a second, but soon shrugged it off. He didn’t need anyone to feel bad for him, and he didn’t need to feel bad for anyone.

“You can talk to me if you need anything.” Youngjae finally said.

Youngjae stood up and smiled at the man. Daehyun looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

“I have to go now, a nurse will bring your dinner shortly,” He bowed, “eat it or I won’t get you any cheesecake tomorrow!”

Daehyun rolled his eyes and was about to smile before he noticed what he was about to do. Youngjae noticed it and thought he might need more time to get used to him, it was a relief that he didn’t think that Youngjae was a threat to him. He bowed one final time before walking out.

Youngjae closed the door softly and saw one his friend Junhong, one of the volunteers, putting Daehyun’s name in the little name spot next to the door.

“Oh, hello hyung!” Junhong smiled.

Junhong was the youngest volunteer at the hospital. He met Youngjae a year back when he started volunteering. He was a hyper, fun, and very smart person. Overall, he was a good kid.

“Hey!” Youngjae giggled as he ruffled Junhong’s hair.

Junhong quickly finished up what he was doing and bowed slightly to Youngjae before leaving. Youngjae looked at the name.

Daehyun Jung, huh?


A/N: Thank you my lovely 19 subscribers! I'm really happy that I got so many subscribers and I only posted one chapter!

I’m really grateful for your support! Please comment, it makes me want to upload faster hehe!

I love you and here’s some BAP goodness!


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THE END IS NEAR! Sorry for not updating for a while, I'm currently on HIATUS. School is taking up a lot of my time, please be patient my lovely readers! xoxo


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Happy123098 #1
Chapter 5: Yaashhhhh kennnmnnnnnn:-) gif
Chapter 5: okay sobbing in my corner... I don't know what to say... I'm just totally torn for Youngjae... he's so heartbroken and devastated.. the two people he trusted and loved... are part of gangs.. gahhh poor Youngjae.. and he meets Dae ='/hyun once more... and and and poor Youngjae... really ='/
Chapter 4: Dang this was whoa.. JOngup is kinda crazy... if he can't have Youngjae then no one will ... totally whoa.. and Poor Daehyun.. he needs Youngjae... he really does.. and poor Youngjae himself... crying over Daehyun when he left him... ='/
Chapter 3: dang... so close Youngjae.. sooo close...
Chapter 2: OoOOOOO so Daehyun is a gangster... and SUnwha knows but is keeping that info on a tight leash =]
Chapter 1: that picture is so cute and funny lol

ahh Youngjae always being the kind and nice person he is =] dedicated and hard working =]
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
crossing_by #9
Chapter 4: I guess in this chapter the smile that usually plastered on jongup face not there
*sigh* come on daehyun ... do something... take ur man back! Hehe
crossing_by #10
Chapter 4: I guess in this chapter the smile that usually plastered on jongup face not there
*sigh* come on daehyun ... do something... take ur man back! Hehe