Their Eyes Were Magnets.

At One Point In Time, You Were My World.

   All Ae Sook could do for a couple of minutes was stare at him. Shin Dongho was standing infront of her. Not the Shin Dongho, the man who lived inside him. She observed his body language. He was talking to some of the other members with his earphones in, his iPhone out, and his back arched forward to laugh. She smiled at the thought of him being happy. Soon Mi Sun snapped Ae Sook out of it, and brought her to the real world. “Now you’re absolutely mesmerized by him.” Hyun Shik told her.

    “Hmmmmm? Not entirely, but knowing that he’s an idol and he bothered to speak to me is really sweet. I mean, how many idols have you sat down with and had a cup of coffee?” Ae Sook said.

    “Look Hun, I just want to warn you, there are thousands of other girls swooning over him. He has a lot of options, so don’t get all sad if next week he’s going-out with IU, or he’s been on a date with some fan-girl.” Mi Sun pointed out.

    “Oh, yea, forgot about the fans.” Ae Sook mumbled. Her mood had change a whole bunch of times within 10 minutes. She was content telling her story, confused trying to find out who Dongho was, dumbfounded when she found out who he was, nervous when he walked into the shop, and now depressed knowing she probably wouldn’t have a chance. She took the first sip of her coffee, it was now lukewarm. She looked up again to check on him. This time she met Dongho’s eyes. The minute he looked at her, she felt so nervous that she wanted to look away, but she couldn’t.


   Dongho had entered the shop with s and his manager. He breathed in the smell of caffine and cream, and sighed happily, it was the place where he first met Kim Ae Sook. He smiled to himself, due to the thought of Ae Sook, then quickly turned around and stepped into the real world again. He was listening to nothing, but had his earphones in so that he could have an excuse for not answering someone. Soo Hyun and Eli were talking about the old days, during ‘Talk to Me’. Dongho turned around and joined their conversation. Then Soo Hyun remembered Dongho’s bowl-cut, and how he was such an innocent child. Dongho laughed at them and thought about how much he actually changed.

   While waiting in line to order, Dongho looked around the shop for a bit, observing his surroundings. He looked out the window, it was quite busy on the streets, people walking by, vendors shouting to advertise their items, cars rushing past on the roads, it was a normal night. Inside the shop, he felt the warm atmosphere surrounding him, giving him a dreamy kind of feeling, he studied the shop, it was quiet, there were only 5 other people there. He studied the shop for a little longer, he felt as if there was a magnet attracting his eyes somewhere. He turned his head to the right, and there the magnet was, Kim Ae Sook.


   Their eyes met. He felt like he hadn’t seen her for years, that’s how much he longed to see her again. She looked at him, and even though her brain told her to stop staring, her heart made sure she didn’t just let him go. They could’ve just froze, and stared at each other for hours, but, both new that it wouldn’t be realistic. He acknowledge her presence. He smiled and nodded as he looked into her eyes, and she did the same. He broke the eye contact, and excused himself from the other members. She looked down feeling stupid for just staring. Then she looked up, and Shin Dongho was standing right before her eyes. She felt her cheeks go warm, and she instantly knew she was blushing. “Hey! It’s you,” She said, when she finally got the guts to say something.

    “Hey! It’s good to see you again.” He said with a smile, “Ummmmmm, I didn’t get to fully thank-you for picking up my stud. I’m really sorry, I’m kinda busy at the moment, but it’d be nice if we could grab a cup of coffee sometime.”

    “Uhhhhhh, yea, sure, that’d be great.”

    “Cool! Here’s my number.” He said while handing her a piece of papers with his digits. He smiled, then walked away while releasing a sigh of relief. Their nerves were going crazy, he was shaking, and her heart was racing. She had Shin Dongho’s cell number.


   She took the piece of paper of the table, and swiftly folded it up, and put it in her pocket like nothing happened. Mi Sun and Hyun Shik, could finally breathe. They had held their breath while Ae Sook and Dongho were talking, to hold in their smiles, laughter and screams. After a few seconds, and Dongho was back with s, they tried to attack her pocket. “Stop it! AHAHAHAHA! GUYS! It tickles!” Ae Sook screamed.

    “Let us see it!” Mi Sun commanded.

    “No. It’s mine,” Ae Sook teased, as she stuck out her tongue at them.

    “Ae Sook, just let us see it, we’re going to find out what you’re hiding anyways!” Hyun Shik whined.

    “Ahahahaha, well, if you’re going to find out anyways, you can wait,” Ae Sook told them. She stood-up and began to walk away. When her back was towards her friends, she began to look at Dongho. Dongho caught her eyes, and smiled at her. His smile made her melt, and she bit her lip to keep her from smiling to hard.  He watched as she walked out of the shop, onto the streets, until she disappeared in the crowd. That lady had a smirk on her face the minute she stepped out through the shop’s door. Dongho jumped as his phone buzzed in his hand seconds after she disappeared through the crowd. He look at his phone funny, it was a text message from an unknown number.


To: Dongho

                                From: Unknown

                                                So, when exactly are you free?


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looks interesting :)
I don't want to sound desperate but,<br />
Updateee~~ Jeballll~? >__< <3<br />
I really love your story so don't just leave it like that TT TT <br />
I want to see them get together and go on little fluffy dates and hold hands and have their first kiss and snuggle/cuddle together while watching a movie or something adorably cute that Dongho would do when he has a girlfriend. Oh gosh I sound so obsessed XD
YukiMary #3
Wow, Thats a nice starting! Heheh I'm getting interested in this story~!!<br />
<br />
Update soon~ ^^ can't wait to read more of the chapters~~ <3