The Sky Was Crying.

At One Point In Time, You Were My World.

   He stared blankly out the window, watching the raindrops glide down the glass, trying to remember when his life wasn’t like this. The times when she was his everything, and he was hers. When he would wake up to her voice, her touch, her scent.


   ... 3 years before ...


    “Hello! One Petite Cafe Mocha for here please.”

    “Hi Miss, I think you might have dropped this.”

   He handed her 14K gold key charm.

    “Oh thank you, I didn’t notice it fell off.”

   She hooked the charm onto her bracelet along with a shoe, lips, the “CC” from Chanel, and a heart locket with a key-hole.

    “No problem.”

    “Would you like a cup of coffee? It’s the least I could do.”

    “No it’s fine, thank you.”

    “Are you sure? I insist.”

    “Really m’am, it’s fine.”

    “Come on, one cup of coffee couldn’t hurt.”

    “Oh, alright. One petite expresso, double-double.”

   The employer hands both of them their coffee.

                ~15 minutes later~

    “Really? Ahahahahaha! I cannot believe they told you that!”

    “Ahahahaha! I know! It’s insane!”

   His phone starts buzzing, it’s a text message from Shin Soo Hyun, one of his closest friends telling him to hurry to their dorm.

    “I’m really sorry, it’s time for me to go. Thanks for the coffee!” He says.

    “No problem! Anytime!” She replies.

   He puts his hand on the door and pushes it open.

    “Wait! I didn’t catch your name.” She exclaims.

    “Shin Dongho.”

    “Kim Ae Sook. I suppose I’ll see you around.”

   He smiles and steps out into the rain. The sky might’ve been crying, but he was perfectly satisfied with his day. You see, Dong Ho had an interview that day, about 15 minutes after he handed Ae Sook her charm, he was just picking up a cup of coffee before the interview before his “devine intervention’.

                ~Dong Ho reaches his dorm~

    “CONGRATULATIONS!” screamed Soo Hyun.

    “What is all this?” asked Dongho.

    “A party to celebrate your interview for the new variety show!” Lee Kiseop explain.

    “I didn’t go.”

    “WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” Elison Kim blurted.

    “Something else popped up.” He grinned.

    “Who is she?” asked Kevin Woo.

    “Who is who?”

    “We all know that look on your face.” Soo Hyun stated.

    “A girl, she lost a charm from her bracelet, I found it and handed it to her. She then bought me a cup of coffee to thank me. That’s all”


   What the pair didn’t know was that little coffee incident was the beginning of something breath-taking. Something no one could sell or buy. Something, only the two will hold.

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looks interesting :)
I don't want to sound desperate but,<br />
Updateee~~ Jeballll~? >__< <3<br />
I really love your story so don't just leave it like that TT TT <br />
I want to see them get together and go on little fluffy dates and hold hands and have their first kiss and snuggle/cuddle together while watching a movie or something adorably cute that Dongho would do when he has a girlfriend. Oh gosh I sound so obsessed XD
YukiMary #3
Wow, Thats a nice starting! Heheh I'm getting interested in this story~!!<br />
<br />
Update soon~ ^^ can't wait to read more of the chapters~~ <3