Finding Each Other. Again.

At One Point In Time, You Were My World.

    “Excuse me! Pardon me, I just need to get through. Sir! Ummmmmm, Sir!”

   He turn his head to look back at the commotion. He saw a familiar face, he’d only seen that face once, but it made an impression. His heart started to beat a little faster as she approached him.

    “Hi! Ummmmmm, I think you may have dropped this and I just wanted to-”

   She looked up to see his face. She’d stopped what she was saying and tilted her head to the left, she felt like she had seen him somewhere.

    “I’m sorry to bother you, but you dropped this and I thought you would want it back. Have I seen you before?” She asked while she handed him a little crystal stud.

    “Oh! Thanks, and yes, we have met before. A charm fell off of your bracelet, and I returned it to you.”

He answered. She dropped the stud into his hand, and he felt his ear, nothing was there. He then put his earring on then waited for her reply.

    “Oh yea! I remember, thanks again. I suppose we’re even now.” She smiled.

   He stared at her for a bit. Neither of them realised that they were causing a back up in the market, not to mention attention.

    “Well, I better go now, thank you! I better catch up with some of my members. Bye!”

    “Ok! Bye! Take care! Try not to lose that stud again!”

   He walked away with his back towards the crowd, but his face towards her. Once she was out of sight he turned around, walked forward, and sighed. He thought about her again, and remembered how she didn’t remember who he was, or who he is. Why doesn’t she know who he is? He’s an idol from a big-hit boy group, U-Kiss. Any girl would’ve collapsed if they were in her position, but why wouldn’t she? Then he bumped into someone.

    “Yah! Dongho! What’s up with you? You’re not watching where you’re going.” Soo Hyun told him.

    “Sorry, I lost my earring.”

    “You lost it? But it’s on your ear!”

    “Someone already returned it to me before I realised it was missing.”

    “Really? Who?”

    “A lady.”

    “Really? Was she pretty, nice? Did she scream, fall, faint? Was she old? Do you have her number? Can I go-out with her?”

    “Ahahahaha, yah! She was nice, pretty, it seemed like she wasn’t a fan though, she didn’t know who I was, and she acted as if I was just another person in the crowd. She’s about my age. No, I do not have her number, and you know the company wouldn’t allow her to date you!

    “Aigoo, that’s a waste, she doesn’t even know us!” He chuckled, and lead Dongho to the rest of the group.


   She walked away with a smile on her face. His face again, she thought. She didn’t know much about him, but she wanted to. Of course, she remembered him, but she didn’t want to seem creepy by saying ‘Yah! I know you! We met before! I love your smile, and your fresh face! Where are you from? What’s your number? We should meet-up sometime!” and things like that. She looked over her shoulder to see where he was, but he was nowhere in sight. She sighed, walked away and kept her thoughts to herself.

   Ae Sook met up with the rest of her friends at some other coffee shop, the same coffee shop that she met Dongho in for the first time. She checked the place out, she saw her friends around a table in the corner. They waved her over. She smile and said, “Hey! Sorry I’m late, I was held back a bit.”

    “Ahahahaha, hello! That’s cool, what happened?” said her best-friend, Mi Sun.

    “Oh, nothing.” She sat down and began to space out. She started to think about him again. His smile, his voice, he stare, his touch, he scent. She smiled to herself.

    “Yah! What’s that look for? What exactly happened before you got here?” asked Hyun Shik, her best-guy-friend.

    “Ok, so there’s this guy...” She began to explain. From when she lost her charm, to when she got to the shop. She didn’t care what she told them because she knows that they wouldn’t ever judge her, they’ll listen, and they’ll help her out if they can.

    “Omomomo! You met Shin Dongho, THE Shin Dongho, and you bought him coffee?!?!?!?!?!” Mi Sun exclaimed.

    “THE Shin Dongho? What’s that suppose to mean?” Ae sook asked.

    “You babo! The maknae of U-Kiss! Ae Sook, did he have blackish-brown hair? About 180cm tall? With a whole bunch of other guys?” Hyun Shik asked.

    “What? U-Kiss, what’s that?” Ae Sook wondered.

    “You really haven’t learned anything since you got here, have you? It’s been a whole month since you’ve moved from L.A, and you don’t know a K-Pop single boy-group?” Mi Sun pointed out.

    “I know some! SHINee, 2pm, 2am, Wonder Girls!” Ae Sook told them.

    “You’re a real babo, aren’t you? Wonder Girls, are girls!”

    “Those are the big ones, from big companies, you don’t know Dalmation, F.Cuz, Big-Bang, and U-Kiss!” Mi Sun stated.

    “So? You guys were Korean all the way, even in L.A! You spoke Korean, loved Korean music, food, everything! I was totally white-washed! My step-dad wasn’t Korean, so my mom had to be all ‘American’. You can’t blame me, it’s been a month, cut me some slack!” Ae Sook, said in English.

    “Aigoo. You’re really a crazy one!” Mi Sun blurted.

    “What? And yes, he did have blackish-brown hair, but almost all Asians hair are naturally that colour! I do not carry a tape-measurer with me everywhere, so I don’t know his height. And, if I saw you with a whole bunch of other guys, I wouldn’t assume that you’re an idol!” Ae Sook explained.

    “Ughhhh! That’s not my point! I’m trying to find out what the atmosphere was! Was there a lot of people around you guys?” Hyun Shik said.

    “Well, kinda, but it’s a market! Isn’t it always crowded?” Ae Sook asked.

    “Ok, did he look like this?” Mi Sun pulled out a web-page on her iPhone. Ae Sook’s eyes widened.

    “OMOMOMO! That’s him!” Ae Sook blurted. He looked so different than the photo, but she knew it was him. When she saw him at the coffee shop and market before, she really saw his style and personality: sweet, warm, fresh, out-going, but kinda shy; but in the photo he was wearing a black suit, and he had red hair, and he looked really pissed-off, and he looked really badass. Ae Sook slumped into her chair. She wondered why he didn’t tell her that he was an idol, or why he didn’t start to sing to her, or completely ignore her. Sun-nie and Shik saw her reaction.

    “It’s alright kiddo, atleast you met him, twice!” Hyun Shik said with a smile on his face.

    “But, he was so cute, and sweet, and funny. I already met him twice, we most likely won’t meet again. And plus, he’s an idol, he can’t be seen with someone like me.” Ae Sook sighed.

    “There are no rules saying you can’t meet! You’re a classy lady too, you have a steady job, you have your own place, you’re educated well, you’re pretty as well! So why can’t you be seen with him?” Mi Sun said, trying to lighten up her mood. Then at that moment, the chime rang on the door, and Ae Sook’s stummy felt a little weird, like butterflies where in there. Then she looked up and realised the situation. Mi Sun and Hyun Shik looked at the direction she was staring at and realised her predicament.


   Shin Dongho had just entered the coffee shop.



Hello there! Sorry it took so long for me to update, Word on my laptop crashed, which caused my laptop to freeze, and so my step-dad had to fix it. :/ Hope you like it :) If anyone really reads it :P

And... I don't really have a banner for this story cuz I'm kinda new at this... So if anyone wants to make one for it... It'd be nice :)

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looks interesting :)
I don't want to sound desperate but,<br />
Updateee~~ Jeballll~? >__< <3<br />
I really love your story so don't just leave it like that TT TT <br />
I want to see them get together and go on little fluffy dates and hold hands and have their first kiss and snuggle/cuddle together while watching a movie or something adorably cute that Dongho would do when he has a girlfriend. Oh gosh I sound so obsessed XD
YukiMary #3
Wow, Thats a nice starting! Heheh I'm getting interested in this story~!!<br />
<br />
Update soon~ ^^ can't wait to read more of the chapters~~ <3