Chapter 30: The Answers

The Wedding Singer


Kyuhyun smiles slyly when he feels a tightening grip on his hand. He looks at their intertwined fingers. His hand fits perfectly fine in Siwon's bigger, rough and tanned hand. They both walk slowly along the corridor heading to the main house. Kyuhyun has to stop after a few steps, taking a deep breath before making another move. The moment he was able to walk on his own, he decided that he would no longer need his wheelchair. He is grateful that Siwon patiently accompanies him during their walk although they move in snail's pace.

Daddy! Kyuppa! Come on!” Suho shouts at them. The boy rushes ahead, followed by his little brother Tao to the dining room.

It's a sunny Saturday morning and Siwon has intended to bring Kyuhyun for a stroll around the property. However, Mr. Jeong beats him. The chief bodyguard has another plan for the family members.

Due to the accident that jeopardized Mr. Cho's life, I have spoken to Mr. Choi and I insist that all family members must take martial arts class as a precaution if such a similar ambush happens,” he says, welcomed with a nod from Choi Kiho.

Kyuhyun looks around and he is not surprised to see eager faces of Seunghyun, Minho and Changmin. Even the boys are enthusiastic as well, except one child who tries hard to hide his pout.

Are we also learning to fight?” Tao and Kai say in unison.

Yes, young masters. You will,” Mr. Jeong replies, with a small smile on his handsome face. He then turns around and motions to two younger men standing a few steps behind him to move forward.

Mr. Choi, Mr. Cho, these are Kim Woobin and Lee Jongsuk. They just joined us a week ago and they will specially guard Master Suho and Master Tao.”

The said two men approach Siwon and shake their hands to the future head of the family. Siwon pats their shoulders, knowing that both men just lost their fathers in the accident.

I'm very sorry for what happened to your fathers. I know 'thank you' would never be enough and would never bring them back alive. But still, I thank you for willingly take over your late fathers' positions to help protect my family,” Siwon says.

The fathers of Woobin and Jongsuk were among the four bodyguards being shot by unknown men. Only Mr. Ryu survived the accident and he is back to his old job after being hospitalized for his wound. And although Siwon has asked Mr. Jeong to give more time for his man to recover but Mr. Ryu declines, saying he will be more useful serving the Choi's family.

Siwon motions Suho and Tao to come and greet their new bodyguards. The two boys come closer and shake the hands of Woobin and Jongsuk. “Nice to meet you....” Suho pauses, not sure how he should properly address his bodyguards.

The little boy gives a questionable look at Siwon, who just smiles back at him. “You can call him Uncle Woobin and Uncle Jongsuk. I hope you don't mind Mr. Kim, Mr. Lee.”

That will be fine, Mr. Choi,” replies Woobin, who is slightly taller than Jongsuk.



The family members head to another building that previously was only used as a training center for the bodyguards. Due to the new plan, it was renovated to accommodate the need to train the family members. Siwon, Seunghyun and Minho were very good in martial arts during their school days. But they have not practiced any moves since busily working at the company.

The three plus Changmin and Sooyoung enthusiastically start their routines while Kyuhyun, Jiwon and Mrs. Choi watch at the benches lined on one side of the gym. Jiwon is holding Myungsoo and the baby seems to enjoy all the shouts from the arena where all the four adults exercise their offensive and defensive moves.

Kyuhyun is stunned when he sees Suho sits on the bench, pouting. “Why don't you join them?”

I don't feel like it,” the boy mumbles, his eyes fixed to his little brother who is busily training with Kai.

Kyuhyun smiles. He rubs Suho's back. “You fought against your friend. What's his name?”

Jinwoo. But he started it.”

I know... It's just unusual that you don't want to join them,” Kyuhyun says while intently looks at the boy. Suho only shakes his head, his hands are now busy playing with the PSP.

The training session goes on for hours before the adults leave the gym and head to another part of the property. Kyuhyun is about to head back to the house when he hears a familiar sound. He is frozen on the spot. He tries hard to check if he's the only one who hears it.

What is it Kyuhyun?” Mrs. Choi asks him.

Did you hear that?”

What? Oh... Do you mean the gunshots? I think they are in the shooting range,” she explains. But she is quick to notice the horror look at Kyuhyun's face. “Honey, are you alright?”

Kyuhyun is dumbfounded. It's like flashes of the scene minutes before his car flipped were visible before his eyes. He is trembling and is startled when his mother-in-law squeezes his shoulder lightly.

Let's go inside,” she says softly, helping Kyuhyun to sit on the couch once they reach the living room. She takes a glass of water and hands it over to his son-in-law. “Are you alright?” She knows the answer but she still needs to confirm.

I... I'm fine... It's just that...”

Kyuhyun stares at Mrs. Choi, who looks back at him with concern. The lady moves closer to give him a big hug while rubbing Kyuhyun's back. “It's alright... It's alright... You are safe now.”

It may be a small gesture but for Kyuhyun it means a lot. The hug, the rubs, her sweet words, those trigger his emotion to explode and before he knows it, he is crying hard in his mother-in-law's embrace. “Ooh honey... It's alright. Don't be afraid. We will protect you,” she says with tears start running down her cheeks.

It takes a while for Kyuhyun to calm himself down. But he makes a mental note that he will never allow Suho and Tao to learn shooting.




Kyuhyun is back to his music school despite Siwon's objection, arguing that he is not fully healthy. But the younger one insists as he is so bored to stay home alone. He agrees not to take any singing jobs though, as requested by his husband. Siwon himself has been drown to his piles of works as well, getting home late at night.

Despite the business as usual, there is something still bothering Siwon. The police have yet to capture any of the shooters nor find any new clues on the accident. It seems they don't make any progress in their investigation and that drives the businessman crazy.

Until one night...

It's already 8 p.m. and Siwon wants to go home earlier than any other nights. He just put his laptop and some files into his briefcase when Minho barges in. “Hyung! You've got to come with me!”

What? Where? Can't it wait till morning?”

No. It's about the accident. Let's go to the police HQ.”

After telling Kyuhyun that he will go home late, again, Siwon and Minho rush to the awaiting cars in front of the lobby. Yunho and Changmin are already there. Siwon greets them and the entourage heads to the police office.

They are ushered to the chamber next to the investigation room and they see a man who is sitting on a chair with two detectives currently grilling him. The four young men silently observe the ongoing interrogation through the one-way mirror. They watch how the suspect, whose name is Lee Won-tak, has his facial expression slowly changed. The suspect looks rather tall, perhaps 1.7m, rather bulky and has beard. He has a scar on the corner of his left eye. He finally breaks down after being questioned intensively for more than two hours, begging for the safety of his family as a trade off for his confession.

Won-tak told the detectives that he was a mere pawn and executor and that he was given order by someone else. He had been told to tail Kyuhyun for two weeks before the ambush, finding out his routine including the boys' schedule. He starts giving out names but none of those are familiar in Siwon's ears.

Minho has a small smile on his face when listening to the man's confession. But his smile vanishes when he sees Siwon's grumpy expression.

This is useless. He gives us unfamiliar names,” Siwon grumbles.

Be patient, hyung. This is just the beginning,” Minho replies.

Senior Superintendent Han Woo-go, who is already familiar with the Chois, discuss the latest development and promises that he will contact them whenever his men are able to nab other perpetrators as mentioned by Won-tak.

We will start chasing after the names given by the suspects and we'll get back to you next week. Hopefully, there's good result,” Mr. Han tells the four young men.

Siwon shakes hand with the high-ranked police officer before he and his cousins head home.

I wish the police can come up with more suspects by next week,” he tells Minho, who is driving next to him.

Minho only nods. He knows his cousin is still furious as the preliminary investigation seems to be going nowhere. But he believes in Mr. Han and he has a deep trust in Sully's father that the force are doing their best in capturing the culprits who had tried to kill Kyuhyun.

And although Siwon feels dissatisfied with the investigation, he knows he can do nothing about it. He realizes that Minho deals with the problem better as he has been more familiar with all police procedures, including the investigation and interrogation process.


Based on Siwon’s request, the police agree not to publicly uncover their investigation result as it is still premature. And the future CEO, somehow, believes that there must be someone within the Choi Enterprisess being involved in the accident. Siwon still has not informed Kyuhyun on the investigation results because it pains him to see Kyuhyun struggles with his nightmare about the accident.

Days pass by and before he realizes it, Minho is already standing in front of Siwon with a wide grin. “Mr. Han just called and he said they have arrested a few more suspects and they have given out names.”

Siwon puts a small smile while observing his younger cousin. “You know what? Sometimes I doubt you actually spend your energy working for our company. Obviously, you are more into this investigation.”

Hyuuunnngggg….” Minho whines. “How could you?”

Siwon laughs. “Come on, let’s go.”

They are joined by Changmin and Yunho while Mr. Jeong leads his men in other cars. But unlike the previous week, this time they are ushered to the Police chief’s office. Minho greets Comr. Gen. Choi followed by the other three men. Sully’s father welcomes them and motions them to sit down. He grabs a folder from his desk and sits with his guests along with Sr. Superintendent Han.

The police chief opens the folder and reads out the investigation results. From three other suspects who have been questioned, the police earn another name and the man is currently under interrogation. Siwon and Minho are shocked when the name is revealed. It’s the name of one of their staffs, not at the Choi Enterprisess building, but he is one of the engineers responsible for the Choi’s aircraft at the Incheon airport hangar.

The four of them have to wait much longer at the chamber next to the investigation room as the engineer, Park Dae-sung, keeps giving conflicting answers to the four detectives questioning him. Siwon keeps fidgeting his fists, a sign he is impatient with the result of the interrogation. Yunho squeezes his shoulder before whispering: “Any idea of his track record in the company? Any alliance? Any other suspect?”

Siwon shakes his head. He can't recall anything. The truth is he often sees the man at the hangar whenever he travels overseas with his father on the company's plane but he never actually communicates with him. He then makes phone calls to Hyukjae and Taecyeon, asking the two to search on Dae-sung’s files in the company’s database.

Half an hour later, Hyukjae and Taecyeon send him emails on their findings over Dae-sung. Apparently, the engineer was alleged of embezzling 10 million won of the company’s money but the internal auditor has yet to be able to prove the suspicion. The evidences are still not enough to build a case against him.

Siwon passes the information to Mr. Han, who eagerly enters the interrogation room with more ammunition. The effort is fruitful and Dae-sung breaks down when he is reminded that he will not only lose his job at the company but also face lawsuit. He immediately admits his wrongdoings but claiming that he desperately needs the money to pay for his son’s medical bills as he is currently being treated with leukemia.

Siwon is dumbfounded. He never knows about Dae-sung’s problem. He feels he is a bad leader for not noticing his employee’s difficulties. But how can he when he has to manage over 20,000 employees?

The detectives tell Dae-sung to just spill out the beans by revealing the name of the persons who might give him the order in trade of a more lenient sentence. Mr. Han tells him that Choi Siwon is willing to write off his debt, that Dae-sung doesn’t need to return the money and that Siwon will help pay for his son’s medication. Upon hearing those offers, Dae-sung cries harder and he says he will reveal anything he knows but he request full protection for his family, especially his son.

The moment of truth is like a huge sledgehammer hits Siwon’s head. Not only that Dae-sung revealed Cha Seung-won as the main actor of the whole commotion. It is a strong accusation, considering Seung-won’s position as one of the top executives at the Choi Enterprisess. It is going to be a battle between Dae-sung’s words against Seung-won’s at the court.

Dae-sung reveals that he has known Seung-won since his childhood as they used to be neighbors. He had been invited to meet Seung-won a couple of times where he also met several other men, including Lee Won-tak. He later found out that Won-tak was tasked with tailing Kyuhyun and killing him.

His own task was to sabotage the Choi Enterprises’s plane.

Mr. Cha told me that Mr. Choi Siwon was about to go to Shanghai and ordered me to sabotage his plane. But there were two aircrafts in the hangar and I did not check again and just planted a time bomb in one of those planes. The bomb was arranged to explode 15 minutes after it took off. I had no idea that there was a change of plan and that I… I actually failed,” Dae-sung explained.

Siwon gasps when he hears the confession. The only plane besides the Choi’s that was being parked at the hangar on that day belonged to Zhou Mi’s family. His knees wobble. “This can’t be true,” he whispers.

Yunho also slumps his body to the nearest chair. He can't believe the confession. “Jess... Oh God!”

Both Siwon and Yunho stare at each other in shock. Yunho rubs Siwon's back while sobbing a little. “His confession is strong enough to put Cha behind bars. But we still have work on it, looking for supporting facts,” he tells Siwon, who only nods. “I promise we’ll win this case against him and he will be punished.”

Minho and Changmin keep their focus listening to Dae-sung’s confession. The suspect said he had tried to refuse fulfilling the order but he couldn’t. His father’s debt to Seung-won’s family remains unpaid, he stole money from the company and Seung-won used those to pressure him to do his job.

Mr. Han concludes the interrogation and meets his four guesses, asking the Choi Enterprises’s cooperation when the police are about to arrest Cha Seung-won.




It is 8:30 a.m. and it looks like business as usual at the lobby at the Choi Enterprises building. The staffs at the front desk are greeting guesses, accepting delivered documents and answering phone calls. But something is odd when they see Choi Minho and Jung Yunho are standing in the lobby area, talking casually as if they have nothing else to do at their offices.

Minho flashes his smile when he sees a smaller boy with pretty face walking towards his direction. The boy is carrying a big plastic bag containing boxes and a holder containing four coffee paper cups.

Good morning Taemin,” Minho greets the boy. He stares at the boy, who once filled his heart, and the boy smiles back at him while handing over a cup of coffee. There are times when Minho still feels guilty for breaking up with Taemin but he always ensures himself that it was the best for both of them.

Good morning Minho hyung,” Taemin greets him with a small smile. He bows to Yunho and hands over another cup of coffee. He then tells Minho that he should go upstairs to deliver the coffee and the boxes of pastries ordered for a meeting in one of the company’s divisions.

Minho looks at his watch. “They should be here soon,” he mumbles while looking at Yunho, who keeps watching the main entrance.

A minute later, they see a group of policemen led by Sr. Superintendent Han. Minho and Yunho greet them and quickly usher them to Seung-won’s office. It is an expected denial and rejection from Seung-won, claiming his innocence and he even threatens to sue the police. After a long debate and struggle, the police are able to the executive into their awaiting cars. He is not handcuffed though, considering his position in the company and the society. Siwon and Choi Kiho, who had been informed about the arrest, only see the whole process in silence.

But Seung-won, who sees Siwon from the corner of his eyes, turns around and tries to release himself from the police’s grab. “You’re gonna pay for this Siwon, you and your fagot lover are gonna pay for this,” he shouts the words.

Siwon and his father remain quiet and follow the police to the lobby. It is such a shocking scene to the company’s employees to see one of their top executives being dragged by the police. Words spread quickly and most of the employees abandon their works to take a glimpse of the arrest.

It is such a humiliation for Seung-won and the man seems furious. He keeps struggling and…. It happens in a blink of an eye. Seung-won releases himself from the policemen’s grip, grabs a gun from one of the officers and aims it at Choi Kiho. Once he pulls the trigger and the first bullet is released, people start screaming and lying on the floor, hoping the bullets miss their heads. Siwon, lucky he gets all the training, is quick enough to shield his father from the bullets, pushing the older man aside and they both fall to the floor.

Are you okay, Father?” Siwon asks while Kiho only nods while trying to catch his breath.

The police start firing at Seung-won who shoots back at them. But there are too many policemen and in a second they manage to paralyze him. He is wounded but he is still breathing though as the officers are aiming at his thigh and shoulders. The police need him alive because they need his confession for his wrongdoings.

People at the lobby start to rise. Siwon and Mr. Jeong, who have been following them, help Choi Kiho to stand up. Minho and Yunho look around and they find one of the receptionists got hit by the bullet. There are two security guards who are also wounded but they manage to stand up.

You’re gonna be okay,” Yunho ensures the female receptionist, while pressing his hand on the wound at her shoulder. She flinches. “Hang in there, we’re waiting for the ambulance.”

That is when Minho realizes that there is a body still lying on the floor. He recognizes him immediately. “Taemin! Oh God, Taemin!” he screams. He sees blood coming out of the boy’s chest. “Hang in there Min, please,” he says while putting Taemin’s head on his lap tenderly.

Taemin stares at Minho. He starts having trouble breathing. “Hyung… hurts…”

Minho looks back at the boy, his tears start falling. “Taemin, stay with me, okay? You’re gonna be fine.” The paramedics quickly put Taemin on the stretcher and forces Minho to move. Minho keeps holding the boy’s hand and he just hops in the ambulance.

Siwon, accompanied by Yunho and his secretary Kibum, rush to the hospital to make sure that all his wounded employees get proper medical treatment and that the company will cover all the expenses. He meets with their families, telling them his regrets for the incidents and asking for their apologies. He also promises that the employees will still be able to work at the company after they recover.

He then goes to the Emergency Room lobby and meets with Minho. He hugs his cousin. “How is he?” he asks in a soft tone.

Minho wipes his tears. “He’s still inside. The doctors are trying to remove the bullet. They said it was close to his heart,” he explains. Minho sits down and covers his face with both hands. Siwon sits next to him and rubs his back. “He was at the wrong place and the wrong time.”

Siwon tells Kibum to take care of the administrative matters and asks Yunho to return to the office while he stays at the hospital to accompany Minho. “Do you… still love him?” he carefully asks while observing Minho’s reaction.

I love him, I care about him… but not in a romantic way,” Minho answers. “I still feel guilty though whenever I remember the time I told him that we couldn’t be together.”

They wait in silence until the doctors come out of the operation room. One of them approaches Minho and asks. “Are you his family?”

We are,” shouts someone from behind. Ryeowook and Yesung rush to the hospital once they got the news. “Sorry, we just got here. How’s Taemin?” Ryeowook asks the doctor.

We took out the bullet from Mr. Lee’s chest. He is in the recovery process. We hope he can pass his critical period,” the doctor tells him.

Ryeowook breaks down and cries in Yesung’s embrace. “First, Kyuhyun and now Taemin. What’s going on here?” he mumbles but Siwon still hears that. He understands the petite man’s feeling. He would have questioned the same thing if it happens to his family members.

No, he is not blaming himself but he knows his family is, somehow, responsible for causing problems to the people working for them or near them.



Minho is sitting on a chair next to the hospital bed where Taemin is lying helplessly. Tubes and wires linked his lithe body to supporting machines. He holds the boy's hand tight while silently staring at the pale face. He told Ryeowook and Yesung to go home so they can take a rest while he stays at the hospital. Taemin has been in the same state after the surgery and he has yet to regain his consciousness.

There is a knock on the door and Minho is surprised to see Sully comes in.

Hi...” she says while walking in carrying a vase of yellow roses and lilies.

Hi... What brings you here?” Minho stands up then pecks her lips.

Sully looks at the helpless body on the bed. “How is he?”

Minho follows her gaze before answering. “Still unconscious. I really hope he survives.”

He means a lot to you, doesn't he?”

Sully... Please...”

Sully holds Minho's hands. “I'm not jealous. I believe you are and will always be faithful to me. I believe you will fight for our relationship. I believe you truly love me. I don't care whatever you two had in the past. It happened in the past and you already get over it.”

Minho squeezes the girl's hands. “Yes, he means a lot to me. Yes, we had something special in the past. Yes, I still love him and care about him… but as a brother. And I hope you believe me.”

They startle when they hear a voice from the bed. Minho rushes next to Taemin and holds the boy's hand. “Taemin...” he softly calls the boy.

Taemin opens his eyes and smiles to Minho. But his smile quickly disappears when his eyes land on Sully. He tries to pull his hand from Minho's grab and it doesn't go unnoticed by the girl.

Oppa, how are you?” she tries to open a conversation.

Taemin looks hesitant at first but when he sees Sully's smile, he has to admit that Minho made the right decision to choose the girl over him. It sends a pang to his heart but when he sees how they both look good together, he realizes he has to move on.

He puts on a sincere smile. “I'm okay,” he says, but then flinches when trying to move.

Minho is about to help him but Sully is quicker. She already stands next to the bed and helps Taemin lies more comfortably. Minho is dumbfounded but his eyes sparkle when he sees the scene. He has no doubt that Sully and Taemin can be friends. Hours later, he is shooed from Taemin's room as Sully promises that she will take care of the boy until Ryeowook and Yesung arrive back.

He is about to start his car's engine when his phone buzzes. It's from Choi Kiho.

Yes, uncle?”

Minho, can you go home now?”

Sure. Is everything alright?”

You'll find out later.”

Minho is curious but he has no guts to asks his uncle further. So he obediently drives home only to find the living room is already full with the family members, including Seunghyun. “This must be very important.”

Siwon points his finger to an empty spot in the couch and Minho just sits between Changmin and Seunghyun. Nobody utters a word until they hear a click from Choi Kiho's working room. Everyone turns their head to the old man who walks towards their direction with Grandpa Choi, Sully's father and Han Woo-go.

The family members are shocked when they see Grandpa Choi and Kiho's eyes are red, apparently they just cried.

Sully's father fakes a cough before starts speaking. He looks tired and under a lot of pressure.

I have a tape of the confession of Mr. Cha Seung-won. I have shown it to Mr. Choi senior and Mr. Choi Kiho. Instead of telling you the content of the tape, it's better for you to watch it.”

Everybody pays great attention to the video. It shows Seung-won spoke uncomfortably from his hospital bed. He was surrounded by six detectives, Comr. Gen. Choi and Sr. Superintendent Han. According to the police, the questioning lasted for more than six hours and so the tape only contains the cuts from the confession.

Seung-won tried to deny all the statements from Won-tak and Dae-sung but when the detectives showed him supporting documents, his face turned paler and he knew there was no escape this time.

What he blurted out later got mixed reactions from the family members…





Little Seung-won saw his parents pleaded to an old man, who came to his house with his son who was 13 years older than him. He didn’t understand what they talked about. He just heard his parents blurted out that they promised they would pay their debts. He could not imagine the amount of money that they owed to the old man. All he knew was that the old man told them that he would take over his family’s assets, especially their company, to repay their debts.

The next day he could only watch his parents cried out loud when they were banned from entering the company and all he could see was a bunch of men took out the big wooden board at the company’s entrance and replaced it with a bigger board with a writing of “Choi Enterprises’s property”.

Seung-won still could not understand the whole picture. He thought life should go on as usual. It turned out life was getting harder each day. His family also lost their house and cars and the last thing he remembered was he found his mother hang himself. His father got drunk but was sober enough to keep reminding Seung-won that the Choi family should be responsible for their misery. It was then he realized that his father did something terrible. He did not fully understand though but he still kept his father’s journal, something that he found useful later. He lost his father a couple of years later. The old man drugged himself to death, leaving the only child in an orphanage.

Seung-won memorized the face of the old man and his son whom he blamed for taking away his family’s happiness. He later learned that the Chois were one of the richest chaebol even at that time. He studied hard during his stay at the orphanage, graduated from Korea’s noted university’s business school and found his way to work at the Choi Enterprises.

Then he met his long-time friend Dae-sung, who used to live in the same neighborhood. They started to talk and he found that Dae-sung’s father worked at the Choi Enterprises. He also found out that his friend’s father was still unable to pay back their debts and he used that as a weapon to emotionally blackmail his friend to help him with his plan.

He started to build his own network within the company, making sure he had his allies, including Park Jin Young and Dae-sung, to make his plan work. He began to read his father’s journal and he just realized that the plane crash that claimed the lives of the old Choi’s youngest son and his wife and Minsoo’s wife was not an accident. He later found out that his father, apparently, was able to hire someone to sabotage their plane that was supposed to return to Seoul from New York. But his father did not know there had been a change of plan, that Choi Kiho, the old man’s son who came to their house earlier, was not in that plane in the last minute before it was ready for take off….

During the two-hour video screening, the Choi family members’ faces have turned gloomier with each of Seung-won’s sentence. They come to realize that someone can never erase the past. Someone will never forget and there is a point where someone will get his revenge. And that was what Seung-won did. And the Chois have been too blinded, thinking they are good people but it turns out they made a fatal mistake.

Once the video stops, all heads turn to Grandpa Choi and Kiho. Both men are just stunned.

Is that true? Are we that bad? Did we corner him and make his family miserable that he wanted to take a revenge? ANSWER ME!” Siwon shouts to the two old men. Kyuhyun is shocked. This is the first time he sees Siwon goes ballistic. No, that is understatement. Siwon is raging, beyond angry, shouting to the elders whom he respect the most. He is disappointed with his grandfather and father, with the way they both run their business. What is the meaning of being wealthy if they earn it by exploiting others?

Before the two old men can answer him, Seunghyun stands up. “I lost my mother because of you two. Minho lost his parents because of you. Kyuhyun hyung almost died because of you. How are you two going to be responsible?”

They hear sobs coming from Minho. “He killed my parents... He killed Mom and Dad...” He scans the room, his eyes are already red and he says nothing but those words repeatedly. Minho doesn't blame anyone but the confession spins his world around. He had thought that it was purely an accident, not because someone intentionally wanted to end the lives of his family members.

Minho runs out of the house. Jiwon nudges Changmin with her elbow and her husband quickly chases the youngest one.

Minsoo grips Seunghyun’s hand and tries to comfort his son but it makes the younger man even more furious. He points his finger to his grandfather. “I didn’t know you’re this greedy Grandpa. I used to respect you… Now I don’t know anymore.” He dashes out, leaving the family dumbfounded.

Minsoo looks confused. He is stunned to see his son’s reaction. Until he hears Sooyoung’s scream. “Go after him. Do something! Did you just this quiet when Mom died? Did you do anything?” The girl starts beating his father’s chest while tears running down his cheeks.

It is a chaotic situation in the living room. The two police high-ranked officers seem lost, having no idea what to do. Mr. Jeong and his bodyguards also look confused. They cannot interfere but they don’t know how to react either.

Siwon’s tensed body relaxes when he feels a soft touch on his right shoulder. He turns around and sees Kyuhyun stares at him. He slumps his bigger body into Kyuhyun’s embrace. He breaks down. Kyuhyun can only rubs Siwon's back softly while whispering “It's alright, it's alright.”

It's hard for Siwon to believe that his grandfather and father, who all this time have taught him moral values on humanity and how to run their business legally and ethically, apparently have turned someone into a monster. And the Chois have paid dearly for it. Three lives have gone...



A/N: Sorry for taking a long time to update. I have been very busy lately. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint you. Thanks


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One of my favorites
mykyunie #2
Chapter 32: Wow this is perfect
Chapter 35: Reread this and got a sudden thought that Minzy's mom is one of the woman getting snapped by Jessica in earlier chapter for calling Kyu parvenue ?
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 36: I had many moments of excitement reading this, thanks for that. Beautiful and intense history.
Asaavalon #5
Chapter 36: I had a wonderful time....reading this story.....really a wonderful one...
I laughed and cried a rollercoaster experience....
I am still crying while typing this (T_T)
The love between wonkyu in this story was truly an epic one....I couldn't say more.......thankyou for this experience..
Loved it with my whole heart...
I`m speechless, this story is beyond everything i read before, such a heart warming lovely story.
to till you the truth i could not finished chapter 36 , I didn't wont to believe that one day our love one will leave us ( I know I`m stupid).
But the love and feelings that Siwone give to Kyuhyun was super amazing ( I want love like this )
thank you a love for the great story.
Chapter 36: I rarely cry while reading stories but you make me cry like hell... I cried a lot while reading this. But really, your story was amazing!
kyuwonfan #8
Chapter 36: reading this for second time....still cry.....still make me sad....maybe will read it for third and fourth time...
Chapter 36: i mean wonkyu died.
Chapter 36: im unexpected even this last chap wonkyu is date huhuhu but well wonkyu is wonkyu. Cheesy even he still alive till he dad. Yeah you are right suho your dad and kyuppa is the biggest most cheesy couple in the world :^) be happy guys.

I'm so glad for this story, really appreciate for this. Thank u for make amazing fanfic *bow*
well done <3