Chapter 3: Staying Alive

The Wedding Singer


Siwon approaches the Front Desk. He smiles to the receptionist. “Can I have a late check out tomorrow?” he asks.

Wait for a moment Sir, let me check,” the receptionist replies. “And your room number is...”


It's been arranged Mr. Choi. You're gonna have a late check out tomorrow. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

No, that will be it. Thank you.”

Siwon turns around when suddenly he hears siren. An ambulance is seen heading to the lobby of the resort and a few paramedics drag a stretcher heading to the elevator.

What's going on? Any guest in trouble?” he asks the receptionist.

We're not sure yet Sir but there's a guest who needs medical assistance.”

Siwon takes a seat in one of the lobby's leather couches, waiting for his friends for dinner. The newly wedded couple already left the island for their honeymoon so the whole group decided that they just want to hang out in the bar before flying back to Seoul the next day.

His friends approach him and they are ready to head to the hotel's restaurant when Siwon spots Ryeowook and Yesung following a stretcher to the ambulance. A body lies on it. His heart beats much faster.

Kyuhyun... Something is happening to him,” he thinks, rushing to catch the two.

Yesung hyung, what happens?”

Kyuhyun..... He...” Ryeowook can't finish his words. He and Yesung are pushed into the ambulance.

Siwon asks the bell boy for a taxi and tells the driver to follow the ambulance.



Once he reaches the hospital, he searches at the Emergency Room and finds the two sit with Yesung embrace the crying Ryeowook.

Hyung, please tell me what happens,” Siwon asks, trying to catch his breath.

We found Kyuhyun in the bathroom, unconscious. He... he took sleeping pills, we thought he tried to kill himself,”Yesung says.

It's our fault. No, it's my fault. We shouldn't come here... I only thought about the money. I thought he moved on. I never thought it would affect him this much,” Ryeowook explains between his sobs.

Siwon gets more confused. Yesung sees him, in doubt whether he should tell the tall guy or not. After all he's a stranger and he's a friend of Zhou Mi. But in the end, Yesung tells Siwon everything. The latter is shocked. He has never had any idea that Zhou Mi had been dating Kyuhyun... Four years?

Where have I been? Why didn't he even tell us anything? We only know that he's been dating Jessica in the past few months,” Siwon frowns, his eyebrows knit. He believes none of their friends know. He starts to doubt if he really knows Zhou Mi well. “No wonder Kyuhyun seemed very sad, very depressed. Who wouldn't? Singing in your ex' wedding must have felt like hell.”

He dashes out of the ER, pulling out his phone from his pocket, calling one of his friend.

Hyukjae, I'll skip dinner.”

> “Where are you?”

I'm at the hospital.”

> “What? What happened?”

I can't tell you right now. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

Then he remembers that his two new friends have also skipped their dinner. He heads to the hospital's canteen, feeling relief that it still opens. He brought coffee and some biscuits for Yesung and Ryeowook but the two already lost their appetite.

The torturing wait finally ends when the doctor comes out from the ER and approaches them.

Any of you are Mr. Cho Kyuhyun's family?” the doctor asks.

We are,” Yesung and Ryeowook reply.

Mr. Cho has been stabilized. He will be moved to the room in a moment. He is no longer in a life-threatening condition. We will monitor him intensively,” the doctor said, while patting the two's shoulders.

I want one of you to stay with him. When he wakes up, he maybe in a very emotional state,” the doctor continues.

Yes doctor, we understand. Thank you,” Yesung replies.

Once inside the room, Ryeowook tells Yesung that he will stay in Jeju until Kyuhyun is discharged because the older must return to Seoul to run the cafe. Siwon tells them that he will take turn with Ryeowook in taking care of Kyuhyun.

They do not realize that Kyuhyun has opened his eyes.

Hyung.... “ his word falls only as a whisper.

Kyuhyun...” Ryeowook rushes to him. “Lie still, don't move.”

Why am I still alive?”

Kyu....” Ryeowook tries hard to hold back his tears.


Suddenly, Kyuhyun starts to cry, it gets louder and he begins to scream hysterically. “Let me die! Please hyung.... please.... It hurts! Please....”

Yesung and Ryeowook rush to either side of the hospital bed and struggle to calm down the youngest but Kyuhyun is slightly bigger than both of them and being hysterical only makes him stronger.

Siwon quickly jumps on the bed to help the two and holds Kyuhyun's body tight. Kyuhyun fights back but Siwon – who is physically fitter and stronger – doesn't give up. He tightens his hold over Kyuhyun's skinny body while his right hand begins to rub the younger's back, whispering: “I'm here, it's okay. It's gonna be okay.”

Yesung presses the bell and in seconds a nurse rushes in, calling for her male colleagues to help Siwon calm down the patient.

The doctor bursts in and injects benzodiazepines to Kyuhyun. After a while, the singer drifts off to sleep but his facial expression shows obvious depression.

I can't leave you here Wookie,” Yesung whispers. “What if he goes hysterical again? You can't handle him alone.”

Hyung, please allow me to help. I'll watch over Kyuhyun,” Siwon interrupts. “Why don't you two return to the hotel and take a rest. Ryeowook can go back to the hospital tomorrow morning while you fly back home. I'll stay here.”

After the two leave, Siwon grabs a chair and sits next to Kyuhyun's bed. Now he has the whole night to observe the singer's face.




Kyuhyun feels something warm is holding his hand, sending a strange yet secure feeling to his body. But there is something heavy on his stomach. He slowly opens his eyes, adjusting with the lights before he can focus on the scene.

He sees a man's arm lying on this tummy while another hand is, unconsciously, rubbing his palm. He knows that the man is definitely not Yesung or Ryeowook. "Who is it? Why do I feel warmth with his touches?”

Kyuhyun tries to slowly remove the arm but apparently it wakes up the owner.

Si.. Siwon-ssi?” Kyuhyun is surprised.

Good morning,” Siwon greets him, smiling widely that shows his dimples. He slept the whole night on the chair while his head rested on the bed.

What... Why are you here?”

Well, I told Yesung hyung and Ryeowook to return to the hotel and let me take care of you here. Yesung needs to return to Seoul but Ryeowook will come here after breakfast... Maybe in half an hour,” Siwon replies, looking at his wristwatch.

Kyuhyun covers his face with both hands, feeling ashamed to the other. “Heaven must hate me this much that this man even has the chance to see me in this state. Can things get worse?”

Siwon touches Kyuhyun's palm softly. “It must be hard for you....”

Kyuhyun snaps with teary eyes. “Do you... By any chance... Do...”

Yesung hyung told me everything last night.”

Sighing, Kyuhyun turns to the older. “I'm pathetic, aren't I?”

Hey, you just went through something terrible.... Just take a rest, okay?”

Kyuhyun feels his tears rolling down his cheeks. He turns around, trying not to let the other see but Siwon is quicker. He wipes the tears away. Kyuhyun stuns. “Why should he care so much? He makes me confused.”

Sorry,” Kyuhyun whispers.

Just be grateful for staying alive,” Siwon says softly. “Look, I don't mean to be judgmental or preachy but everyone deserves a second chance. People have their heart broken, yet they still move on. Time will heal your wound, just believe in that. Life is too precious to be wasted.”


Siwon is curious on Kyuhyun's relationship with Zhou Mi but he doesn't have the heart to raise a question, not with the latter's condition.

Did he... Did Zhou Mi ever talk about me?” Kyuhyun asks, before regretting it. He knows the answer already.

Nope,” Siwon replies hesitantly. He feels bad. “Sorry.”

Don't be. He deserves someone better,” Kyuhyun says. “And that's not me.”

Hey... Never look down on yourself. He's just too stupid to not realize how precious you are.”

You just try to cheer me up,” Kyuhyun looks at the taller guy.

I'm being honest. You're precious... At least to your hyungs and to me,” Siwon replies.

To you?”


You don't know me. And I don't know you.”

You know my name. You know my face. Just give me time and we'll get to know each other,” Siwon smiles, showing off his dimples.

Without realizing it, Kyuhyun pokes one of the dimples, chuckling.

What's so funny?” Siwon raises his eyebrows.

How can you get those?”

Siwon holds Kyuhyun's hand and stares at the younger. Kyuhyun freezes, pulling his hand away, but he can't help the blush on his cheeks.

You're blushing,” Siwon teases him, rubbing Kyuhyun's cheeks.

S... Siwon....,” Kyuhyun lips are trembling.

Nobody has ever touched him but Zhou Mi and now this man touched him and he didn't resist. “What's wrong with me? Didn't I just have a broken heart? How could I let him touch me?”

Another silence.

The door is opened and Ryeowook comes in. Siwon feels relief as he has no idea what to do anymore. Kyuhyun obviously begins to feel uncomfortable with his presence. So, Siwon tells both of them that he will return to the hotel but promise to visit later. He has decided that he will cancel his afternoon flight and waits until Kyuhyun recovers before returning to Seoul.



At his hotel room, Siwon makes some phone calls to tell his friends that he will extend his stay in Jeju. He makes up a reason, doesn't want his buddies, especially Hyukjae, to be suspicious. He owes him an explanation but he doesn't plan to do it soon.

He spends the next days visiting Kyuhyun at the hospital. The younger begins to open up to him little by little.

Apart from his passion to singing, Kyuhyun loves Mathematics and they spend most of their time playing Sudoku that only sees Siwon succumb to the younger. Every time he wins, Kyuhyun demands the older to buy him chocolate ice cream and Siwon doesn't mind at all.

As Kyuhyun's physical condition is improving, the doctor allows him for a short walk around the hospital's garden and Siwon is more than just happy to accompany him. Kyuhyun's smile always plasters his face and it makes Siwon falls more into the younger.

They talk a lot, most of the time Siwon talks about himself, his position as the heir of his family's business, his friends and his hobbies. He loves speeding and he calls his new Ducati Diavel AMG his “baby”. He can talk for hours about his bike, how it makes him ride the wind and how y it looks. He also says how much he loves extreme sports, from parachuting to boat racing.

"Do you really need to push your luck?" Kyuhyun asks Siwon after listening to his stories.

"What do you mean?"

"Putting yourself in danger, I mean those activities are highly risky, right?"

Are you worried about me Kyu?”

No, no need to exaggerate things hyung. I'm just curious.”

You are worried about me,” Siwon teases the younger, smiling widely.

I am not.”

Yes, you are.”

Am not.”

You are.”

Kyuhyun rolls his eyes, he doesn't want to argue with the persistent guy. There's no way he can win over Siwon.

"I guess I need more challenges in life," Siwon explains.

Don't you think your job as a future CEO is not challenging enough?” Kyuhyun replies.

It is. But it's not as big as.... errgghh.”

As what?” the younger asks, full of curiosity.

"As how to make you fall in love with me," Siwon says softly. His eyes are fixed on Kyuhyun's, he smiles slyly while rubbing both his palms on his pants. Never in his life Siwon is this nervous, not even when he was tasked by his father to give his first presentation in front of their international business partners.

Kyuhyun is speechless.

It is a long torturing silence for Siwon, and apparently for Kyuhyun as well. The younger has no idea what to reply.

I... I don't know what to say,” Kyuhyun finally utters his words, so soft that they fall as a whisper.

Siwon only nods, trying hard to avoid his disappointment at Kyuhyun's reaction. But he understands completely that the young one needs more time.

Can I still see you once we're back in Seoul?” he asks.

Kyuhyun nods, blushing at the thought that he will still see the gorgeous guy.




Four days have passed since the incident and Kyuhyun is discharged from the hospital. Siwon helps arrange their ride home to Seoul.

Siwon keeps his words. He sees Kyuhyun every day. He comes to the cafe every morning, after finishing his work out.

He always orders Americano and pastries, which is Ryeowook's specialty. He sits in the corner, busy with his laptop, iPad and his phone. Sometimes he makes phone calls and speaks in English. Then he checks his emails or does some works at his laptop. There are times when one of his men comes to the cafe and hands over stacks of files that the tall guy needs to read.

In short, Siwon practically moves his working room to the cafe so that he can get a glimpse of Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun was furious at first. He is not used to getting too much attention. "I'll die from overdose of his attention," he thinks.

To make things worse, Yesung and Ryeowook get a new habit of teasing him. The two are extremely happy with Siwon's visit. Not only because the handsome guy's cheesiness brings back smiles to Kyuhyun's face. But his presence at the cafe slowly brings more female customers to get a glimpse of Siwon, who, despite being busy with all his works, still manages to politely response to all the flirting women, fighting for his attention.

And as if it is not enough, Siwon calls up his friends – Hyukjae, Donghae, Heechul, Hangeng and others – and they hang out at the cafe after working hours. Imagine at least five handsome hot hunks get together and the women literally queue to get inside the cafe just to get a look at them.

It's the eighth day since Siwon began working from the cafe when out of the blue he asks Yesung if he can take Kyuhyun out.

"Is that a date?" Yesung asks.

"Well, sort of," Siwon replies.

"It's up to him but don't overdo things. He has just gone through a nightmare," Yesung warns Siwon.

Luckily, the boy agrees to Siwon's offer. So, at lunch time, Siwon leaves the cafe.



He returns to pick up Kyuhyun at 7 p.m., dresses up in black tie that only makes the younger furious as he feels under dress. Kyuhyun wants to cancel the date but Siwon coaxes him, saying that the young looks beautiful as well. Siwon thinks Kyuhyun looks stunning in his tight jeans that shows off his curvy hips and long-sleeves V-neck cashmere wool shirt.

Siwon drives Kyuhyun on his silver Audi R8 and takes him to Samcheonggak, a fine dining restaurant near the Blue House (presidential palace). Apparently, the tall guy has reserved a private room there. “What is he going to talk about that he needs to take me here?” Kyuhyun can't help frowning his forehead.

Siwon can't help smiling every time he sees the younger shoves the food into his mouth. The way Kyuhyun eats makes the food seems extremely delicious.

"You said you wanna say something. What is it?" Kyuhyun asks.

"Aahhh, it can wait. Just finish your meal first," Siwon replies.

"It's unfair"


"I'm the only one eating while you keep staring at me."

"I'm not hungry.... Besides, I love watching you eat," Siwon says, chuckling but he earns a death glare from the younger.

Hyung, you order the set menu which is 150,000 won each and you barely eat them? You have too much cash,” Kyuhyun says.

Siwon only smiles.

When the waiters already cleaned up the table, Siwon sips his coffee, clears his throat before starting to speak. He is definitely nervous.

"You must realize that I have a special feeling for you. I think... I... I.... I love you,” Siwon stutters.

Kyuhyun remains silent. But his heart beats faster and harder. He wishes that Siwon can't listen to his heart beat.

Kyu... Please say something.”

Kyuhyun rubs both his palms. He is speechless.

"Kyu, please be honest. I know you still need time but I need a hint."

Kyuhyun wishes he can go invisible.

H... Hyung, I need to sort out my feelings. I just went through a horrible broken heart, I almost killed myself... I don't know. Everything is happening so fast," Kyuhyun sighs, after a long thought.

"I get it. I don't want to be pushy... But...."

"But what?"

I'm afraid I don't have time.”

What do you mean?” Kyuhyun widens his eyes.

"Kyu, I have to fly back to New York the day after tomorrow....."

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One of my favorites
mykyunie #2
Chapter 32: Wow this is perfect
Chapter 35: Reread this and got a sudden thought that Minzy's mom is one of the woman getting snapped by Jessica in earlier chapter for calling Kyu parvenue ?
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 36: I had many moments of excitement reading this, thanks for that. Beautiful and intense history.
Asaavalon #5
Chapter 36: I had a wonderful time....reading this story.....really a wonderful one...
I laughed and cried a rollercoaster experience....
I am still crying while typing this (T_T)
The love between wonkyu in this story was truly an epic one....I couldn't say more.......thankyou for this experience..
Loved it with my whole heart...
I`m speechless, this story is beyond everything i read before, such a heart warming lovely story.
to till you the truth i could not finished chapter 36 , I didn't wont to believe that one day our love one will leave us ( I know I`m stupid).
But the love and feelings that Siwone give to Kyuhyun was super amazing ( I want love like this )
thank you a love for the great story.
Chapter 36: I rarely cry while reading stories but you make me cry like hell... I cried a lot while reading this. But really, your story was amazing!
kyuwonfan #8
Chapter 36: reading this for second time....still cry.....still make me sad....maybe will read it for third and fourth time...
Chapter 36: i mean wonkyu died.
Chapter 36: im unexpected even this last chap wonkyu is date huhuhu but well wonkyu is wonkyu. Cheesy even he still alive till he dad. Yeah you are right suho your dad and kyuppa is the biggest most cheesy couple in the world :^) be happy guys.

I'm so glad for this story, really appreciate for this. Thank u for make amazing fanfic *bow*
well done <3