Chapter 28: Recovery (part 2)

The Wedding Singer


Siwon tightens his arms around Tao's small figure, rocking their bodies together lightly while humming random songs. The sobbing boy finally calms down but he still tightly clutches Siwon's shirt. Suho sits between Minho and Mrs. Choi. He leans closer to the old lady and hugs her tight.

They all are waiting in uncertainty. Siwon's heart feels like sinking by each second. He is getting more and more nervous whenever he sees nurses get in and out of Kyuhyun's room, carrying different medical equipment. He knows he is holding on a thin rope of hope but he holds it tight, definitely not letting his hope vanishes.

Dear Lord, please save Kyuhyun. Don't take him away from me. Not now. I need him, we need him. Please, keep him alive.” He prays like there's no tomorrow, perhaps it's the only time in his life that he prays this hard.

A few minutes later, Sooyoung arrives with her father and Mr. Choi Kiho. As soon as Mr. Choi spots his son, he approaches Siwon, squeezes his shoulder and sits next to him. Siwon feels relieved that his father is there. He leans his head on his father’s shoulder and Mr. Choi intertwines their fingers. His presence helps Siwon eases his anxiety. “Thank you,” he whispers. And his father just tightens his grip.

After a torturing 30 minutes, Shindong comes out and goes straight to Siwon. “You'd better come inside.”


You'll know later. Come on.”

Tao holds his hand but Mr. Choi grabs the boy softly and persuades him to stay at the waiting room.

Siwon walks shakily into the room...




Kyuhyun starts following his family into their car.

Kyuppa... Kyuppa... Don't leave us! No!” Tao screams while crying.

Kyuhyun turns around again. His heart is in pain when he sees the little boy crying and calling out his name. His tears start to roll down his cheeks.

Kyuhyun, we have to go...” his mother calls again.

Kyu... Baby, please don't leave us...” Siwon begs him to stay.

Kyuhyun turns his head to his parents and sister and back to Siwon and the boys... He has to choose.

He faces his family and realizes that now is his chance to reunite with them after the car accident when he was only 12. But when he sees Siwon, Suho and Tao, he is not ready to let them go.

Oemma...” He doesn't know what to do.

Kyuhyun, if you want to come with us, you have to hurry,” his father says while stretching his hand, asking his son to hand over the clarinet box.

Oemma...” Kyuhyun feels his brain stops functioning. He stands still.

His parents are staring at each other as if speaking through their eyes. Then his mother comes closer and pulls him into her embrace. “Sweetheart, we understand if you want to stay with them. They're your family now.”

Oemma...” Kyuhyun is crying while tightening his hug. “I love you.”

Go to them. They need you more.”

Kyuhyun kisses his mother's cheek, hugs his father and sister before turning around and run to the boys and Siwon, who widely opens his arms to welcome him in his embrace....




Once he gets inside the room, dr. Park welcomes him. “Mr. Choi, we managed to save him. Mr. Cho is in a stable condition now. He is fully awake but he is still very weak. We will conduct more tests tomorrow to check his condition. You may talk to him now.”

Siwon feels like crying. With b eyes, he repeatedly thanks the handsome doctor, who just smiles and shakes his hand. Siwon walks closer to the hospital bed. He is stunned when he sees Kyuhyun is staring at him with a small smile.

He sits next to the bed and holds Kyuhyun's hand.

Hi...” he says softly while rubbing Kyuhyun's cheek. “I miss you.”

Hi...” Kyuhyun's voice falls as a whisper. “Miss you too... The boys?”

They're outside, wanting to meet you.”

I'm sorry...” Tears start rolling from Kyuhyun's eyes. “I was panicked and... There were gunshots...”

Susshhh... Don't talk about it, okay? Just rest.” Siwon tries to calm down his husband. His thumb rubs Kyuhyun's cheek non-stop.

They just stare at each other. Words can't explain their feelings. Kyuhyun leans to the warmth of Siwon's palm hand. The older one smiles slyly before leaning down and puts a kiss on Kyuhyun's forehead. “I love you.”

I love you too.”

Siwon brings Kyuhyun’s hand closer to his lips and starts kissing the back of the palm hand and each of the fingers. “Thank you... For staying alive.”

Kiss me...” It's very rare for Kyuhyun to make the first move and Siwon is more than just happy to obey. He narrows the gap and softly rubs his lips to Kyuhyun's. The kiss is sweet, tender and long, each doesn't want to let go.

Siwon pulls away and flashes his dimpled smile. He couldn't feel more grateful that Kyuhyun survived the accident.

I want to see the boys,” the younger says.

Siwon nods and walks outside the room. He shakes Tao's body as the latter is fallen asleep on Mr. Choi's lap. He carries the already awaken boy into the room while Minho follows him with Suho, who keeps yawning and rubbing his eyes, in his arms.

Kyuppa...” Tao whispers. He struggles in Siwon's arms, wanting to go down and cuddle in Kyuhyun's bed but his Daddy holds him still.

Tao, Kyuppa needs rest. You can't lie on his bed, okay.”

The little boy pouts. He sits still on Siwon's lap, who is back sitting next to the bed, but Tao's tiny hands quickly grab Kyuhyun's and he starts kissing the back of his Kyuppa's palm hand. While Suho gets down from Minho and stands next to his little brother.

Hey sweetie... Miss me?”

Tao nods frantically. “I wanna stay here with you.”

Kyuhyun smiles. He tries to raise his hand but he feels so weak. He winces when he moves his right arm, the gunshot wound is still painful.

Don't move a lot. Just stay still,” Siwon says softly.

Kyuhyun nods. He then ruffles Tao's hair and rubs Suho's cheek. “I miss you... So very much.” He wants to hug them but Siwon blocks his hands. “Not now Baby, you're still weak.”

The three of them pout and stare at him. Siwon can only sigh before he gives up. “Okay. Just a quick hug.”

And the three giggle before involving in a group hug with Suho and Tao already climbed Kyuhyun's bed. It's not a real group hug. It's more than Suho and Tao just fall on top of Kyuhyun's body. Siwon has to literally drag Suho and Tao from Kyuhyun's embrace. “Boys... Kyuppa needs to rest. You guys have to go home.”

And he is responded with loud shouts from his sons. “No! We still want to stay here!”

But it's too easy for Siwon to grab the two boys in each of his hands despite their struggle. Kyuhyun can only smile. “You can come tomorrow after school, okay?”

Only after being promised that they can visit their Kyuppa, they finally agree to go home with the Chois.

Siwon's mother approaches Kyuhyun and kisses his forehead. “Get well soon, Kyuhyun. I’m relieved you are safe. Siwon needs you, the boys need you too.”

Thank you. I've never told you this before but... I love you,” Kyuhyun says with tears escape from the corner of his eyes.

Ooh Kyuhyun.... I love you too.” And the old lady sobs.

Mr. Choi, who is standing behind her, squeezes her shoulders lightly. He then leans closer to kiss Kyuhyun’s forehead. The younger is startled. It’s their first ever physical contact as Siwon’s father is always a very formal person, definitely not a touchy feely one. “Get well soon, Son.”

They are finally on their own. Siwon keeps holding Kyuhyun's hand while staring intently for the other. “What was that about?” he asks.


You told my mother that you loved her. She was surprised,” he explains.

Kyuhyun remembers his dream. It was odd but it felt so real. He tells Siwon about his meeting with his family.

I miss them... But I have a new family now. And I want to watch the boys grow up,” Kyuhyun says while staring at the ceiling. Another droplet escapes from the corner of his eyes.

Thank you.... For choosing me over your family. It must be hard,” Siwon replies while wiping the tears away.

They both fall silent. Kyuhyun is enjoying Siwon's touch, warmth radiates from his husband's palm hand and his soft stare is comforting. He blinks his eyes, fighting hard his sleepiness until he hears Siwon chuckles.

Sleep. You need it.”

But Kyuhyun is afraid. He scares that once he closes his eyes, he will lose his chance to see Siwon again.

I'll be here when you wake up. I promise,” Siwon says as if knowing what's in Kyuhyun's mind.

Kyuhyun finally falls asleep but his hand keeps holding Siwon's.




The sunshine goes through the curtain and wakes up Siwon. He automatically checks his watch. It's 6 a.m. He has skipped going to the office for more than a week now. He stretches his body which turned stiff from sleeping while sitting.

He observes the sleeping Kyuhyun. The younger frowns in his sleep, which is something unusual. He is seemingly having a nightmare as he lightly shakes his head from left to right. Siwon starts to worry when he looks at the heart rate monitor which shows Kyuhyun's heart beat is increasing rapidly. He softly taps his husband while calling his name.

Kyuhyun... Baby... Kyu... Wake up...”

The younger opens his eyes while slightly panting. “Siwonnie...”

Good morning. Did you... sleep well?” Siwon tries to remain calm. He suspects his husband was dreaming about the accident.

I... I dreamed of the crash...” Kyuhyun closes his eyes, trying hard to shake off the bad memories. “I'm scared. I thought I couldn't save the boys.”

Hey... You're all safe now.” Siwon's thumb rubs Kyuhyun's cheek, comforting the other. He stops when he sees the horror in Kyuhyun's face. “What? What is it?”

I... I... I can't move my legs.” Kyuhyun winces.

Hey. You have a broken leg. It is held in a cast. Don't try to move too much.”

I can't move my legs,” Kyuhyun repeats.

Siwon shifts his gaze to the legs and touches them. He starts massaging them. “Feel anything?” Kyuhyun shakes his head. He widens his eyes while gasping. “What if... What...”

Hey... Let's call the doctor, okay.”

Siwon gets out of the room and asks the nurse to contact dr. Park. He explains briefly the situation to the doctor through the phone.

Dr. Park arrives about an hour later. It takes about half an hour for the doctor to check on Kyuhyun's condition. Siwon is nervously waiting, hoping nothing serious happens to his husband.

Mr. Choi, I suspect your husband is suffering from spinal cord injury. We have to do the test to confirm. Perhaps when the car flipped over, the roof was crushed and that put extreme stress on the passenger's spinal cord. I suspect that Mr. Cho had been in another car accident before this. Am I right?”

Siwon nods. He remembers the accident that claimed the lives of Kyuhyun's family.

Is it possible for me to have Mr. Cho's medical record from the previous accident?”

Siwon is stunned. But he thinks of the only persons who could help him. “I'll try to get it doctor. And I'll hand it over to you as soon as possible.”

Dr. Park smiles. “In the mean time, let Mr. Cho recovers from his injury and then we can work on his physiotherapy sessions. I believe he can walk again.”

After the doctor leaves the room, Kyuhyun starts questioning Siwon. “What did he say? Am I paralyzed? Wonnie...”

Hey... Look, he said you just need to heal from the injuries and physiotherapy will help you back on your feet again. There's nothing to worry about.”

Kyuhyun looks at Siwon's eyes. He knows his husband is a lousy liar. But he finds nothing in those onyx orbs. “Help me... Help me walk again, please.” His voice is hoarse.

It breaks Siwon's heart but he can't cry. He smiles to Kyuhyun. “You will walk again, I promise. I will stay by your side.”




Leeteuk and Kangin arrive after lunch. They got a phone call from Siwon, asking the two hyungs if they knew anything about Kyuhyun's medical record. They bring the documents and an old box.

Kangin hands over the record and explains things to Siwon while Leeteuk approaches Kyuhyun's bed. He puts the box slowly in the bed, opens it and hands over the instrument to Kyuhyun's hands.

Ooh... Hyung, where did you find it?”

It's in the storage. You left it there when you moved into Yesung's apartment, remember?”

Kyuhyun smiles when he sees his old clarinet. He touches the instrument softly and suddenly he remembers his dream. He can't help to feel sad because the clarinet is his birthday present from his late father.

Kangin approaches him and ruffles his hair.

Where's Siwon?” Kyuhyun asks him.

Oh, he said he needed to discuss on your previous medical record with your doctor.”

Kyuhyun shares with his hyungs on his dream. Leeteuk can't hide his tears when Kyuhyun finishes his story. “Oh God... Kyuhyun. It must be hard for you,” he says while hugging his dongsaeng.

I know. But I'm glad I stay with Siwon. I can't imagine if it happens to me and he chooses his family.”

In dr. Park's room, the doctor examines Kyuhyun's medical record and concludes that the recent accident only put more pressure on his spinal cord and causes the paralysis.

If I check with the record, he previously had a mild injury on his spinal cord. Maybe at that time, he didn't undergo his treatment completely. With thorough physiotherapy sessions, Mr. Cho will be able to walk again. However, he needs to be very patient and be able to deal with all the pain.”

Dr. Park then explains all the physiotherapy sessions that Kyuhyun has to go through. It will take months but Siwon is determined that he will do anything to help his loved one.




It takes three weeks before the cast on Kyuhyun's left leg is opened. The gunshot wound on his right arm has healed and he can move his arm again. He can sit on his own but still needs to be supported by pillows.

Suho and Tao visit his everyday at the hospital. Siwon basically lives with him in the room, practically never leaving his side. Ryeowook and Yesung keep coming every morning, bringing coffee and toasts or pastries for Siwon's breakfast. His mother and Sooyoung take turn in bringing Siwon lunch and dinner and also clean clothes.

There was time when Yonghwa and Jonghyun brought Kyuhyun's students to the hospital. They cried when they saw him at the hospital bed. Some begged him to come back because they missed him very much. Kyuhyun had to comfort them, promising he will be back to teach them once he recovers fully.

Leeteuk and Kangin come once in a while to take care of their dongsaeng. They force Siwon to go home to rest, but he keeps refusing. And although Mr. Choi has given him time off from works, Siwon still reads the company's latest reports, especially the acquisition plan of Zhou Mi's company, dropped by Hyukjae, Taecyeon and Yunho.

Kyuhyun loves watching Siwon frowns whenever he reads the reports – be they in hard copies or in his laptop – while his husband is holding his hand. He studies Siwon's facial features. The older is losing weight, making his cheekbones more feasible. He barely shaves but his stubble only accentuates his handsomeness and iness. The way Siwon sips his coffee while his eyes are fixed to his laptop screen, the warmth he sends through his fingers holding Kyuhyun's makes the younger feels blessed and grateful that he has a second chance in his life.

Like what you see?”

Kyuhyun is startled when hearing Siwon asks the question with a smirk on his face. He rolls his eyes, pulls away his hand and pouts. The older laughs and grabs his hand back.

Sorry, I was only teasing you.”

You need to take a break. Go home and have a proper sleep. I'll be fine.”

No. I'll stay.”


I said I'll stay.”

Thank you... But I'm worried about you.”

Siwon shifts in his seat. He faces Kyuhyun, holds the other's hand even tighter. “Look. Thanks for your concern. But right now my priority is your recovery. And you also have to focus on your condition and your physiotherapy session.”

Kyuhyun nods. He closes his eyes slowly when he sees Siwon leans closer. But he feels nothing. When he opens his eyes, he is welcomed by a grinning Siwon. Kyuhyun playfully smacks his husband's arms, blush is spread all over his face.

Expecting something?” The grin on Siwon's face is getting wider.

Kyuhyun pouts. He keeps silent, refusing to respond. He is startled when Siwon is too quick to steal a kiss from him. “Yaaa!!!”

Siwon laughs, his dimples are visible. They both stare at each other. Siwon leans closer again and this time he kisses Kyuhyun's lips softly. They rub their lips slowly and tenderly but soon the kiss escalates into a passionate one with their tongues taste each other's hot cavern.

Kyuhyun is stunned when he feels a droplet falls on his cheek. He pushes Siwon lightly and is shocked to see his husband's tears. “Hey... What's up?”

Instead of answering, Siwon lays his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder and whispers: “Thank you... Thank you for staying alive and coming back to me.”

Kyuhyun holds his husband's muscular body tight, rubs Siwon's back and kisses the crown of his head. ”I'm here... I'm here now.” He pushes Siwon again so that he can wipe the other's tears. “Don't cry... Please.”

Sorry...” Siwon is back on his chair. He holds Kyuhyun's hand and starts kissing it over and over. “I thought I was gonna lose you. I will bear the guilt for the rest of my life if you're gone. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have broken down.”

The knocks on the door distract their attention. Siwon's mother arrives with Sooyoung and Minho.

How are you Kyuhyun?” she asks while standing next to Kyuhyun's hospital bed.

I'm getting better.”

She turns to Siwon and rubs his shoulder gently. “You should go to Jiwon's room. She just delivered a baby boy.”

What?” Guilt is spread all over Siwon's face. How could he forget that his younger sister was carrying? He was too absorbed in his own pain and misery. He looks at Kyuhyun, who also looks shocked. “Go! Go! Now!”

Siwon runs to Jiwon's room, with Minho catching up from behind and shouts the direction. He is still panting lightly when he reaches his sister. Jiwon lies on the bed, still sweating and she holds the tiny baby wrapped in blue blanket. Changmin sits next to her, his hands keep wiping the sweats on Jiwon's forehead while his other hand holds Kai, who is sitting on his lap.

Hi baby...” Siwon whispers, afraid if he will wake up the baby.

Oppa...” Jiwon stares at her older brother.

Siwon leans closer and kisses Jiwon's forehead. “I'm sorry... I didn't even remember about your due date. I was...”

Oppa, it's okay. How's Kyuhyun oppa?”

He's getting better and the physiotherapy session has just started.”

Jiwon shows her baby to Siwon who is stunned when seeing the little creature. “Your nephew.”

Siwon takes the baby into his arms and softly swings him. “Hi. Welcome to the world, handsome.”

What's his name?” He turns to Changmin.

Myungsoo,” the new father answers and smiles proudly.

Hi Myungsoo... Kai, do you love your little brother?” The said boy only nods frantically without answering.

Siwon spends 15 minutes talking to his sister. He updates her with Kyuhyun's condition and he keeps apologizing for being too busy with himself. He returns to Kyuhyun's room with Changmin and Minho once his mother arrives to take care of his sister.

Kyuhyun grins when he spots Changmin entering his bedroom. They hug for a few minutes. Changmin can't hide his emotion when he sees Kyuhyun's state.

I'm sorry I was busy with Jiwon...”

Hey, don't be. I'm okay now. Besides, your wife and son are more important. Congratulations. Another boy?”

Yes.” Changmin smiles while showing Myungsoo's pictures on his phone screen.

Handsome,” Kyuhyun praises the baby boy.

Like father, like son.”

Tsk. You're too full of yourself.”

The three of them – Kyuhyun, Changmin and Minho – share their laughters, catching up what has been left behind. Siwon looks at the view. He can't help smiling when he sees Kyuhyun laughs, claps his hands, giggles and covers his mouth whenever Changmin or Minho throws funny comments.

Siwon feels sorry for Kyuhyun but the doctors have told him many times that the recovery will be painful and long. He should be strong for Kyuhyun and keeps encouraging his husband during the therapy.




Kyuhyun is sleeping when Suho and Tao walk into his room. Siwon puts his index finger on his lips, signaling his sons to remain quiet. Obviously their Kyuppa is tired. He spent some time with his best friends and that made his spirit high.

Kyuppa looks tired,” Tao whispers to Siwon's ears.

He is.”

But I want to show him something. Can we wake him up?” Suho seems disappointed.

Let's just wait until he wakes up. Have you had lunch?” Their daddy asks. They nod in unison.

The three just wait in silence for the next hour. Siwon is reading reports on his laptop, Tao is coloring his book while Suho is reading his book.

Have you been here long?”

Suho and Tao jump in joy when they hear the voice they miss the most. “Kyuppa!” They run to Kyuhyun's bed and each is busily talking about their days at school.

Boys! One by one please.” Siwon has to reprimand his overly excited sons.

Tao starts with his drawing book. He proudly shows his picture of a family of panda. “This is the picture of Daddy Panda, Mommy Panda and their children. Four of them. Like us.” The little boy flashes his grin while shoving his book to Kyuhyun's hand.

It's beautiful Tao. I like it.”

You do?”

Yes. Of course.” Kyuhyun pulls Tao closer and pecks his cheek. “There. That's my present for your beautiful picture.”

The little boy smiles slyly.

What about you Suho?”

Suho raises his head and looks at Kyuhyun and Siwon back and forth. “I got a star but...”

But what buddy?” Siwon stares at a piece of paper being crumpled on Suho's hand. “Is that your assignment?”

Suho only nods. “The teacher asked us to write a short piece on hero.”

Well, yours must be good,” Kyuhyun tries to encourage the boy. “Why don't you read it?”

Can I sit next to you?” Suho stares at Kyuhyun with lots of hope. Kyuhyun smiles wide while patting the space next to him. The boys smiles and sits next to his Kyuppa. He starts reading his essay.


My Hero

I always thought I would need Captain America to save the world, to save me. I was wrong. I only need my father to do so. My Kyuppa saved my brother and me when some bad guys chased after us. He sped up his car and he took the bullets aimed at us only to make sure we were safe. He sacrificed his life for us. Now I know how much he loves me and my brother. I don't need Captain America to be my hero. All I need is my Kyuppa.”


Silence engulfs the room. Suho looks around nervously. He pouts and keeps his head down. “I knew it. It ,” he mumbles.

Siwon stands up from his chair and walks to the nearest wall. His hands are on his hips. Suho can't help to hide his disappointment when he sees his Daddy is back facing him. What he doesn't know is that Siwon is hiding his tears. Listening to Suho's essay makes him emotional, not from sadness but from overjoy.

Suho is shocked when Kyuhyun holds him tight and sobs. “Thank you... Thank you Suho. That's the best essay I've ever heard. That's the best.” He puts chaste kisses all over the boy's face that makes the latter giggle.

Do you like it, Kyuppa?”

I love it.”



But Dad hates it,” he whispers.

No!” Siwon is suddenly standing next to the boys. Tear strains are visible on his cheeks. “Your essay is too beautiful that it makes me cry. It's really really wonderful. And I'm so proud of you.”

Suho clutches his hand on Kyuhyun's hospital dress, holding his Kyuppa tight. Tao joins them, sitting on the other side of Kyuhyun's body. The three are holding each other tight. Kyuhyun kisses the crown of each boy's heads.

Dad, will you join us?” Kyuhyun asks his husband softly.

Siwon smiles and holds his little family tight. Kyuhyun looks at Siwon's handsome face and smiles back. Deep inside his heart, he says: “Thank you Zhou Mi, Jessica for giving us such wonderful boys.”

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One of my favorites
mykyunie #2
Chapter 32: Wow this is perfect
Chapter 35: Reread this and got a sudden thought that Minzy's mom is one of the woman getting snapped by Jessica in earlier chapter for calling Kyu parvenue ?
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 36: I had many moments of excitement reading this, thanks for that. Beautiful and intense history.
Asaavalon #5
Chapter 36: I had a wonderful time....reading this story.....really a wonderful one...
I laughed and cried a rollercoaster experience....
I am still crying while typing this (T_T)
The love between wonkyu in this story was truly an epic one....I couldn't say more.......thankyou for this experience..
Loved it with my whole heart...
I`m speechless, this story is beyond everything i read before, such a heart warming lovely story.
to till you the truth i could not finished chapter 36 , I didn't wont to believe that one day our love one will leave us ( I know I`m stupid).
But the love and feelings that Siwone give to Kyuhyun was super amazing ( I want love like this )
thank you a love for the great story.
Chapter 36: I rarely cry while reading stories but you make me cry like hell... I cried a lot while reading this. But really, your story was amazing!
kyuwonfan #8
Chapter 36: reading this for second time....still cry.....still make me sad....maybe will read it for third and fourth time...
Chapter 36: i mean wonkyu died.
Chapter 36: im unexpected even this last chap wonkyu is date huhuhu but well wonkyu is wonkyu. Cheesy even he still alive till he dad. Yeah you are right suho your dad and kyuppa is the biggest most cheesy couple in the world :^) be happy guys.

I'm so glad for this story, really appreciate for this. Thank u for make amazing fanfic *bow*
well done <3