Chapter 12 : Stumbling block

The Wedding Singer


Gee is a killer. As soon as the clothing line was launched, it immediately becomes a hit. Sooyoung is getting busier with the production and new design while Jiwon barely has time to take a break as she needs to focus on the marketing, advertisements and finance.

Minho enjoys all the attention he gets. His face can be seen at Gee stores and on giant billboards in Seoul's major thoroughfares. Finally he can come out of his hyungs’ shadows. Minho realizes that as the youngest among the Choi’s third generation, he is nowhere close to Siwon and Seunghyun. Therefore, he is enjoying his sudden fame happily, albeit he grabs it due to his looks.

Unfortunately, it was another side of the coin for Kyuhyun. The shy boy in him returns. He is having a hard time to deal with all the attention. Whenever he is on a bus or subway, there are always a group of boys and girls asking for his autographs. Sometimes, they use camera on their mobile phones to take his pictures. Although he always wears hats and a mask to cover his face, those fans still recognize him and so he just tries his best to ignore them.

They say there’s always a price for everything, including fame and fortune. For Kyuhyun, the price he should pay is losing his privacy.

There are times when he walks back to Siwon’s apartment that he is being followed and he hears the “click” sound from cameras.

Siwon has repeatedly asked Kyuhyun to have a driven car and a group of bodyguards around him. But Kyuhyun refuses, because they will make him even awkward.

Until one day....


Siwon is having a marketing meeting that evening with his new department head: Lee Hyukjae.

Yes, he just hijacked one of his closest friends from another company. With a nearly double revenue target, Siwon needs a great marketer and he has aimed at Hyukjae to join the Choi Enterprise. Now that the said man is on his team, Siwon is upbeat that he will fulfill the target.

Suddenly, Kibum bursts in and without bowing, something he only does in emergency situation, he tells Siwon: "You've got an emergency call from Minho."

Siwon frowns. It is very unlikely for Minho to call him at the office.

"Yes, Minho."

> "Hyung, hurry come to Sapphire Blue."


> "Kyuhyun hyung.... He needs your help. Hurry!"

Siwon hangs up the phone, asks Hyukjae to come with him while telling Kibum to ask Mr. Jeong, head of security, to ready some of his men.

"What is it Siwon?" Hyukjae asks.

"Dunno. But Minho sounded very panic and it's about Kyu."

"Let's hope everything is alright."

The moment Siwon arrives at the club, he sees Sungmin's bouncers are on alert at the entrance. One of them, who immediately recognizes Siwon, ushers them to the backdoor.

The bouncer knocks on one door and quickly opens it once there is a response from inside.

Hyung, I’m glad you’re here,” Minho greets them.

Sungmin quickly drags Siwon into the corner of the room. “You’d better take him home quick. Use the backdoor,” Sungmin whispers.

What is it hyung?”

He was attacked by the visitors. I’m sorry I couldn’t prevent it. It has never happened before.”

Looking at Kyuhyun in that state breaks Siwon’s heart. His boyfriend is sitting on a chair, looks very messy, with trails of drinks on his outfit and hair. There are four other guys around him and Siwon recognizes Jonghyun rubbing Kyuhyun’s back while Minhyuk crouches in front of Kyuhyun, holding a glass of water. He has never met the other two, but he assumes that they are Yonghwa and Jungshin from the club’s new homeband.

Siwon walks closer and bends down, leveling his eyes with Kyuhyun’s. He gently grabs Kyuhyun’s chin, forcing his boyfriend to look at him. "Baby, I'm here."

Kyuhyun throws himself into Siwon’s arms and whispers: “Take me home... please, take me home.”

"Yes, Kyu, we're going home."

Siwon slings his hand on Kyuhyun's shoulder and walks him into the awaiting car through the backdoor. He asks Hyukjae to take Minho’s car and drive his dongsaeng back to their mansion while he asks Mr. Jeong to bring them home.

Once they are in the apartment, Siwon takes Kyuhyun to the bathroom and undresses him. "Let me help you shower," he says. Kyuhyun keeps silent.

After shower, Siwon brings Kyuhyun to the bed and is about to go to the bathroom when suddenly Kyuhyun grabs his wrist. "Don't leave me," he whispers.

"I'm just going to the bathroom."

But Kyuhyun shakes his head and tightens his grip. Siwon gives up and sits next to his boyfriend on the bed. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Hug me."

Siwon lies next to his lover and hugs him tight. "What is it Baby? You've always been happy to sing at Sapphire Blue."

"They hate me," Kyuhyun's whisper is almost inaudible.


"The visitors."

"What happened?"

"They... They poured their drinks on me," Kyuhyun starts sobbing. His body shakes hard that Siwon has to hold him tighter and rubs his back to calm him down.

"I was singing when suddenly one of them told me to get off the stage. He threw a tabloid to my face and there were pictures of us in it.”


Others then start shouting, asking me to stop singing. One of them tried to drag me, another grabbed my butts and there’s another one pinched my nip....” Kyuhyun cries hard. “I hate them. I don’t wanna sing anymore.”

Siwon tries hard to hold his anger. He feel like he is going to kill those people with his bare hands.

They mocked me, they called me ‘sissy’... It happened so fast and I was stunned. I can’t even defend myself,” Kyuhyun hides his face in Siwon’s chest, wetting the latter’s shirt with his tears.

Susshhh.... You are safe now. I’m here, okay. I’m here. I’ll protect you,” Siwon hugs Kyuhyun even tighter that it seems he nearly crushes his lover’s skinny body.

"Wonnie, I just want to be happy....” Kyuhyun says after he calms down.

"Yes Baby, you will be happy. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

Siwon holds Kyuhyun tighter the whole night, even when they are sleeping.


The next morning, Siwon finds an empty space next to him and he has a bad feeling. He searches for Kyuhyun in the apartment but he is nowhere to be found. He calls the younger's mobile phone but no one picks up.

Siwon has no choice but to barge into the cafe. He only finds Ryeowook and a few younger boys who start working there to help them.

"Where is he?"

"What happened Siwon? He sounded like he's been through a hard time," Ryeowook replies. "He seems unable to deal with the problem now.”

"I need to know where he is”

That time, Yesung comes in and hands over a piece of paper to Siwon. "That's the address of the orphanage. Kyuhyun is there. Just give him time to be alone and come tomorrow."

"Thank you, hyung."

The next day, Siwon drives to the orphanage, which is located at the outskirt of Seoul. There is a huge house surrounded with spacious field. About a dozen children are seen running and playing at the field while a few bigger kids are working at the small farming site.

The children stop their game when they see Siwon's car. They look at him in anticipation and Siwon feels awkward with their stares.

"Are you here to adopt one of us?" one of the children asks him when he approaches them.

Siwon is stunned. "No sweetheart, I'm sorry. I'm looking for my friend."

"You have a friend here? Are you sure? You look.... Rich," the boy says again, looking at Siwon from head to toe.

"My friend just arrived here yesterday. He used to stay here for a long time. His name..."

"Are you a friend of Kyuhyun hyung?" the boy cuts Siwon.

"How do you know? Yes, I'm looking for him."

"He came yesterday and has stayed at his old room."

"Can I meet him?"

The boy suddenly runs towards the farming site and shouts: "Teukkie hyung... We have a guest looking for Kyuhyun hyung."

The said man – he is shorter than Siwon and has dimple on his cheeks – is staring at Siwon and slowly approaches him. He smiles and bows down when they are close enough.

"You must be Choi Siwon," the man says. "I'm Park Jungsoo but call me Leeteuk. I help run the orphanage."

"Yes. I'm sorry I came here without notify you in advance. I'm looking for..."

"Kyuhyun. Yes, Yesung told me. Kyuhyun is here, locking himself upstairs. I don't know what happened but maybe you can help. Come..."

Leeteuk brings Siwon inside the house and heads to a room upstairs. He knocks on the door before opening it up.

"Kyuhyun-ah, Siwon is here."

Siwon is stunned to see Kyuhyun. The young boy left their apartment the other day but he already lost his shine. There is no trace of his dazzling look like the one he had when taking the photo shoot for Gee ads. His hair is messy, his eyes are red and puffy, and he looks very vulnerable that makes Siwon wants to protect him.

"I leave you two alone. I will ask one of the boys to bring you tea."

"Thank you Leeteuk hyung. I really appreciate it," Siwon replies then bows down.

The room is silent. They have so much to say but both are too afraid to start. Siwon looks at Kyuhyun while the latter is looking at everywhere but Siwon.

"Kyu, I don't know how to put this. I want you to come back but I know you need time on your own. I’m sorry for what happened and I’m sorry for not being there for you.”

I’ve been warned... by your father, by Seunghyun. I thought I would be strong enough but...” Kyuhyun’s body shivers recalling the incident.

I promise I will take care of you better, I’ll protect you..”

You can’t always be there for me. I don’t want to be a prisoner, guarded by a dozen men, live in fear that people might attack me, judge me for who I am.”


It’s easier for you...” Kyuhyun whispers.

What do you mean?”

You are used to all the attention. You are a Choi and no one dares to mess with the Choi family. I’m nobody..”

Please, don’t say that.”

It’s true. Maybe they wanted to do something more harmful but they thought twice knowing I’m your boyfriend..”

Kyu please...”

Kyuhyun takes a deep breath. He is unsure whether he should go on or not. "I'm not prepared to live in your world."

"Baby... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."

"Stop with your protection thing! Siwon, we live in two different worlds. You are always under the spotlight. But I can't do that! I can't ask you to leave everything behind and live a normal life. Let's... Let's just take our different paths."

Siwon blinks his eyes in disbelief. He feels a pang in his heart, knowing he is the trigger of Kyuhyun's unhappiness. "Are you saying we break up? Is it so hard to be with me Kyu?"

"I'm sorry... "Kyuhyun whispers, after taking a moment to think. "I want to be with you but... It's the best for us."

"Who said that? Do you really want it? Do you think by breaking up with me you will be happy? What about me? Why don't you wanna try again? Why are you giving up?"

Kyuhyun is teary. He can't stand seeing Siwon being hurtful and he's the cause. "I can't live in your world."

"There's no such things as my world and your world. We can work it out Kyu, please believe in me..." Siwon starts to feel scared. He's afraid of losing his boyfriend.

Kyuhyun stares at Siwon. He moves closer, squeezes the other's shoulder and hugs him. "It's the best for both of us. You have a bright future ahead and I don't think I'm part of it," he whispers before pulling away and smiles to the tall guy.

Siwon breaks down. Tears begin to roll on his cheeks and Kyuhyun rubs them gently.

"Kyu, please..."

"We will survive this broken heart."

Siwon looks at Kyuhyun, wishing what he just heard was not true. But Kyuhyun's eyes show his determination. Siwon takes a passport and a ticket from his pocket, put them on the desk.

"I’ve prepared this. I was hoping you would come to Tokyo with me next week to celebrate my birthday. But I guess I have to do it alone... Maybe, just in case you change your mind... I will be more than just happy to see you there."

Kyuhyun gasps. “How can I forget that next week is his birthday? Oh my God! What have I done? Siwon, I’m sorry for hurting you like this. But I’m hurt as well. If we are fated together, love will lead us back.”

Both only stare at each other with silence engulfs the room.

Then, Siwon leaves with his head hangs low. For the first time in his whole life, he hates being a Choi.

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One of my favorites
mykyunie #2
Chapter 32: Wow this is perfect
Chapter 35: Reread this and got a sudden thought that Minzy's mom is one of the woman getting snapped by Jessica in earlier chapter for calling Kyu parvenue ?
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 36: I had many moments of excitement reading this, thanks for that. Beautiful and intense history.
Asaavalon #5
Chapter 36: I had a wonderful time....reading this story.....really a wonderful one...
I laughed and cried a rollercoaster experience....
I am still crying while typing this (T_T)
The love between wonkyu in this story was truly an epic one....I couldn't say more.......thankyou for this experience..
Loved it with my whole heart...
I`m speechless, this story is beyond everything i read before, such a heart warming lovely story.
to till you the truth i could not finished chapter 36 , I didn't wont to believe that one day our love one will leave us ( I know I`m stupid).
But the love and feelings that Siwone give to Kyuhyun was super amazing ( I want love like this )
thank you a love for the great story.
Chapter 36: I rarely cry while reading stories but you make me cry like hell... I cried a lot while reading this. But really, your story was amazing!
kyuwonfan #8
Chapter 36: reading this for second time....still cry.....still make me sad....maybe will read it for third and fourth time...
Chapter 36: i mean wonkyu died.
Chapter 36: im unexpected even this last chap wonkyu is date huhuhu but well wonkyu is wonkyu. Cheesy even he still alive till he dad. Yeah you are right suho your dad and kyuppa is the biggest most cheesy couple in the world :^) be happy guys.

I'm so glad for this story, really appreciate for this. Thank u for make amazing fanfic *bow*
well done <3