Chapter 3

The Last


That night I went home late thanks to extra dance classes given by my instructor. I didn’t realize that some male students were having drinks in the bar just outside the school. As I walked on by I noticed them following me, I tried to walk faster but one of them caught up with me.

“Hey new girl, why are you out so late? Let’s just go back to my house, I can take care of you.” He grinned as he held onto my hand and started kissing it.

“GET OFF ME!” I yelled as I yanked my hand away from him.

“Well that was awfully disrespectful for a new girl.” His friend sneaked up and held onto my shoulders.

“I SAID GET OFF!” I struggled to get off them but they held on too tight. One of them threw me to the floor and I felt a bone crack.

I was in massive pain and I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even yell for help. They kept going closer and closer, one of them has their hands on my thighs. The other was now holding my chin. I couldn’t move at all as I felt blood starting to come out from the wound I got out of falling.

Suddenly, as fast as lightning a man grabbed them by their collars and kicked them both away. It was Taecyeon. He came closer to me and I flinched, I was terrified.

“Yoona…” he tried to touch my hand but I pulled away.

“I won’t hurt you. I’ll carry you okay? Let’s get you cleaned up.” I gave him a slight nod and I was soon in his arms.

I felt my tears running down as I held onto his shirt tightly. I felt violated, dirty. I don’t know what would’ve happened if Taecyeon didn’t save me. I kept quiet throughout the whole walk. As soon as we reached the apartment Taecyeon laid me down on the couch. I could clearly see the blood flowing out from my broken leg now. Taecyeon took his first aid kit and started working on making my leg into a mummy’s leg. I watched him as he slowly wrapped the bandages around my leg.

“T-t-thanks.” I stuttered.

He sighed, “You shouldn’t go out so late. The brats like to get drunk at night.” He stood up and sat down on the couch next to me.

“I had class.” I slowly said.

“Then ask them to change your schedule! For God’s sakes you don’t even know the area yet!” He groaned then calmed himself down, “Just don’t go anywhere this late okay? Especially near the bar.”

I nodded slowly and started playing with my fingers. Truth be told, I was thinking of how I would get home.

“Taec can you uh…bring me home?”

He looked at me for a while then said, “You’ll stay here. Until that leg’s all better.”


“No buts. You’re staying here Yoona. I’ll bring your stuff tomorrow.” He sighed.

The thought of living with this guy for a couple of weeks alone terrified me. How am I supposed to put up with his outbursts and temper? I sat up on the couch and looked at my leg. I regretted taking the night classes. Maybe he does have a point, I should change my schedule.

Taecyeon came back carrying two cups of hot tea, “Drink.” He said as he handed it over to me.

“You’re sure it’s okay for me to stay? I mean, you clearly don’t like me.” I rolled my eyes.

He smirked, “I’m still a gentleman Yoona. I’m keeping you out of trouble. You should be thankful.” He said as he sipped on his tea.

“Thank you Taecyeon, I really do mean it.” I smiled at him.

He simply nodded and looked away. Gosh, still so cold at a time like this.

I played with my cup as I wondered, “Taecyeon, do you live alone?”


“Your family?”

“They each have their own place.”

“I see.” I nodded as I looked down. Maybe his family was the key to his coldness?

He sighed and suddenly scooped me up in his arms, “Wh-what are you doing?” I held onto his neck.

“I’m carrying you to your bed idiot.” He said as he walked into his bedroom.

He laid me on the bed and said, “You can sleep here tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch outside.” He then tossed me one of his t-shirts, “Put this on, I’ll put your clothes in the washing machine.” He then walked out of the bedroom.

I changed into his t-shirt, which was way oversized for me. It went all the way down to my thighs. He knocked on the door to ask whether or not I was done. He then entered and took my clothes to the washing machine. I sat myself down on the bed and sighed.

“Taecyeon?” I called his name out.

He went inside the room and asked, “What?”

“I can sleep on the couch outside. I mean, it is your bed.”

He shook his head, “Shut up and just go to sleep okay.” He left the door open and stepped into the living room.

From the bed I could see him clearly trying to make himself comfortable. Honestly, I felt kind of bad for him. I decided to just brush it off cause I didn’t feel like arguing anymore. I laid my head down and watched him slowly from the bed. He took of his shirt. Damn, he looks good. No, what was I thinking. I shut my eyes and ventured myself into dreamland. 

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some of you might have noticed that I used the name Tiffany twice. don't worry guys, the first and second tiffany are different :-)


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Chapter 16: Sigh... again -.-
Respect to your decision and see you soon!
Keep the faith <3
Chapter 16: awww you're one of my fave authors! you're also part of the rare authors that still keep up with the stories too :') but well I respect your decision dear friend! and congrats to your new dedication teehee<3 hopefully one day you'll make a random update or something out of the blue and if TaecYoon is still an otp in your heart we're good with that ;) fighting author-nim and see you soon too!
Soshisone93 #3
Chapter 16: many TaecYoon stories authors are going on hiatus.. TT
it's really sad to hear and see a lot TaecYoonizens who give up...
but it's your choice, authornim..
Chapter 16: Many authors goin on hiatus on those stories that truly like and appreciatte its just sad that aftet a long time waiting for you to update u decided on going hiatus.. when i saw the "new story updates" notif, i was very very excited thinking that you have updated another chap of this awesome story but turns out its not a chapter :') i guess i really depend my love for Taecyoon too much on aff that made a simple hiatus felt like the end of the world.. it may sound dramatic but its truee.. i now can just wait for other authors make taecyoon comeback stories while reading old stories of TaecYoon that brought bqck so much memories.. sigh its sad to know author-nim but i appreciatte ur decision
Chapter 16: That's ok, we all understand :)
I would love to help but I'm afraid that I may not have time on my hands; however, I am more than willing to try.
Chapter 15: taecyoon~~~ forever and ever
Chapter 15: Yay !! Finally an Update ! this was perfect, I still ship TaecYoon ! I still want them to end up together in real life..
Chapter 15: Ouuhhh finally! Thanks for updating! And they're still so cute haha. Please update again soon!