Chapter 11

The Last


Since Taec had night classes I decided to surprise him with a special dinner. As soon as I got home I placed my bags on the sofa and cracked open a cookbook. Wonder what he will like. I decided to make him a simple dinner, rolled fried egg and stir fry pork. I smiled to myself as I got the ingredients out of the refrigerator. I like how he always stores food ever since I moved in. I like food. Suddenly I heard my phone ring.

I picked it up and put it on speaker as I chopped the pork, “Hello?”

“Yoona, it’s me!” I heard Tiffany’s cheerful voice from the other side of the phone.

“Hi, what’s up?” I asked her.

“Can I come over? I feel bored at home.” I could feel her pout on the other side of the phone.

“Umm…I don’t think Taec enjoys having visitors.”

She pleaded, “Pleaaaaassseeeeee! Just for a little while okay? I won’t let you get in trouble okay? I’ll be there in five!”

“But-” before I could finish the line went dead. Well, I guess it would be nice if she were here. I was dying of loneliness being alone in this huge apartment.

After frying the pork I heard the doorbell ring, man she’s fast. I smiled as I opened the door and gave her a hug.

“So…this is what Ok Taecyeon’s house looks like.” She nodded as she looked around, “I’m impressed.”

I laughed, “You guys have never been here before I assume?”

“As you said, Taecyeon doesn’t like visitors.” She winked at me and sat down on the sofa, “What’s that smell…it’s so good.” She her lips.

“That is Taecyeon’s dinner.” I smiled, “I can give you a little bit if you want some?”

“YAY! You know you are so awesome.” She jumped up and hugged me.

I walked towards the kitchen as she sat back down, “You sure look wife-material.” She smirked.

“Please, you’re just saying I look old.” I rolled my eyes as I handed her a plate with food and sat down next to her.

She laughed, “No, you look like you’re Taecyeon’s wife. A rich man’s wife...hmm…must be good.” She said as she ate.

I laughed, “Why then thank you, I guess.” I switched on the TV and browsed through channels.

I looked at Fany for a while, “Fany, how long have you known Taec?”

“For a long time I guess. I mean, I’ve known those boys for years now. Yuri’s newer to them than me but trust me, I know them inside-out.” She smiled, “Why?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. I was just wondering whether or not you know anything about Taecyeon’s family.”

She looked at me, “I guess I don’t know much. But I do know it isn’t a pretty story, or at least that’s what the boys have been telling me over the years.”

“Have they ever mentioned anything about his mom and dad?”

“Well…they only talked about it once in front of me. When they had the divorce. It was a really rough time for Taec…even harder than losing his mom.”

“I doubt that.” I scoffed, “He really became broken after losing his mom.”

She rolled her eyes, “He was already broken dear. He just doesn’t seem broken. It’s the main reason on why he’s always been so mean to others. When he found out his parents were divorcing he even avoided us in school. He really didn’t want to talk to anybody for the rest of the year. Eventually he came back to us, but remained quiet and cold.”

“Do you know the reason why his parents divorced?” I asked.

“Well…they tell me it’s cause his dad couldn’t handle his mom being sick. But I doubt that it’s only that.”

I nodded in agreement, “You know, when Taec’s dad came over Taec became a whole different person. It’s like he knows that there’s something more to it but he wants to deny it. His dad tried to explain but he would listen.”

Tiffany smirked, “Typical Taec, so hard-headed. But I wouldn’t blame him either, I mean, after all he’s been through.”

We talked a little bit more then Fany left to go home. It was good having her over. I took a shower and after that read a book inside the bedroom. It was past 10 and Taec isn’t home yet. Are his classes really this long?

Right on cue, I heard the door unlock. I dashed outside to find a soaked up Taecyeon shivering as he closed the door.

“Good Lord…what happened to you?” I said as I quickly gave him a hug and sat him down on the couch.”

“I…did some thinking and it started to rain so…” his lips were blue and his face was pale. I rushed to the bathroom to get him a towel and warm clothes.

“You should change…we’ll talk after this.” I said as I led him to the bathroom.

As he changed I could hear slow sobs coming for the bathroom, I wondered what could make him this sad and broken again. I heated up some tea and grabbed a blanket. He got out of the bathroom, eyes puffy and sat on the couch again. I covered us with the blanket and handed him over the cup of tea. He started to tremble and I held him closely, tightly.

“It’s okay…I’m right here.” I said as I his hair while still holding on to his body, “What’s this about?”



“Do you think I should go home?”

I looked up with a surprised face, “Why? Do you want to?”

“I would never want to go home…but this afternoon.”

“This afternoon?”

He sighed, “My mom came to me in a dream. She told me to go home.”

“Did she state the reason why?” I said as I held his hand.

He shrugged, “I don’t know. She just told me…that my dad needs me at home. I’m just not sure why and I’m so confused right now.” A tear dropped from his eye.

“Hey, why are you crying? We can figure this out together, right?” I said to him as I wiped his tear away.

“I know that I just can’t believe my mom loves my dad that much that she would actually come to me and tell me to go home…after that I woke up.”

“You miss her don’t you?” I his palm.

He nodded and sighed, “More than you know, more than you know.”

“Well…if she says you should go home then maybe you should. I mean, she wouldn’t tell you that if it wasn’t important.” I said to him as I laid my head on his shoulder.

He looked at me, “Will you come with me, if it isn’t too much to ask?”

I smiled, “I’ll go wherever you go Taec. I made a promise.”

“My family isn’t pretty like yours.”

“I know that, but I don’t care. Everything’s gonna be okay as long as I’m with you. Now, give me a smile.” I said as I pecked him on the cheek.

He smiled at me, “I don’t know what I did to receive such a blessing.”

“Oh stop it.” I rolled my eyes.

“I mean it, I would be dead without you, Yoona.” He smiled as he pulled me in for a deep kiss. 

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some of you might have noticed that I used the name Tiffany twice. don't worry guys, the first and second tiffany are different :-)


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Chapter 16: Sigh... again -.-
Respect to your decision and see you soon!
Keep the faith <3
Chapter 16: awww you're one of my fave authors! you're also part of the rare authors that still keep up with the stories too :') but well I respect your decision dear friend! and congrats to your new dedication teehee<3 hopefully one day you'll make a random update or something out of the blue and if TaecYoon is still an otp in your heart we're good with that ;) fighting author-nim and see you soon too!
Soshisone93 #3
Chapter 16: many TaecYoon stories authors are going on hiatus.. TT
it's really sad to hear and see a lot TaecYoonizens who give up...
but it's your choice, authornim..
Chapter 16: Many authors goin on hiatus on those stories that truly like and appreciatte its just sad that aftet a long time waiting for you to update u decided on going hiatus.. when i saw the "new story updates" notif, i was very very excited thinking that you have updated another chap of this awesome story but turns out its not a chapter :') i guess i really depend my love for Taecyoon too much on aff that made a simple hiatus felt like the end of the world.. it may sound dramatic but its truee.. i now can just wait for other authors make taecyoon comeback stories while reading old stories of TaecYoon that brought bqck so much memories.. sigh its sad to know author-nim but i appreciatte ur decision
Chapter 16: That's ok, we all understand :)
I would love to help but I'm afraid that I may not have time on my hands; however, I am more than willing to try.
Chapter 15: taecyoon~~~ forever and ever
Chapter 15: Yay !! Finally an Update ! this was perfect, I still ship TaecYoon ! I still want them to end up together in real life..
Chapter 15: Ouuhhh finally! Thanks for updating! And they're still so cute haha. Please update again soon!