Not A Chapter


I am SO sorry for making you all wait so long for another chapter. Honestly I've been neglecting my writing completely because I've been going through some things recently...


Right now I need to focus on some school work and being happy with myself and all that jazz, and hopefully you'll understand that.


I do actually have the next chapter all planned out and it’s almost 3/4 done, but I'm just not sure when I'll finish it. 


Thank you all for being so goddamn patient with me, I'm so seriously sorry, guys!!!


Stay tuned and hopefully I'll be back soon!<3


Much love!~Thalie


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Vivihyung #1
Chapter 5: This is amazing >.< Thank you for your hard work and will wait patiently for the next chapter! <3 (;
Chapter 5: Don't worry! I'm going through something similar - completely neglecting writing for school and such, so I understand :)Just worry about getting your school work done and being happy with yourself, because if you're happy that's the best thing!
Chapter 4: It's (a tiny little bit) easier to relate the matters now. This chapter speaks so much. T^T
And these part about 'Sungyeol's expected-image' ' Infinite's good-looking court jester' 'Sungyeol was often left behind in their dorm like a caged bird' reminds me much about his 8 friggin months's like oh woollim, whyyyy~ I know it doesn't have any correlation to your story but I can't help myself not to have a say about this. Sungyeol is brilliant and hard working; Sunggyu even said so about Sungyeol being hard-working and the most sincere member in the group. It's just that he lacks in confidence I think. He doesn't know how much he meant for inspirits~
P.S no offense but I love sungyeol's acting way more than myungsoo's, lol (once again no offense to any eLements)
Chapter 4: Mmm, I believe that from an outside point of view, Sungyeol went too far, but at the same time I think because he's spent so long creating his character/personality, he doesn't really know any other way to express himself other than doing that - taking things too far and being the 'mean' one. So for him, he's extremely worried, but can't express it. And then I think he's angry at himself for not being able to express it 'the right way'.

And I think Myungsoo will continue to blame himself for making Jongie upset until something happens and Jongie starts to improve - at that point I feel like (well, I hope) that Sungjong will realise what Myungsoo did for him, and they'll make up.

Aaand I left a giant comment....I'm not sorry :P I hope there will be more hojong interaction in the next chapter! *Also, someone mentioned it before, yes the title of the story should be: Guardian :)*
Chapter 3: Why does it seem that Sungjong getting punched is a normal occurrence. None of then did anything and Hoya seemed to just brush it off. I don't remember catching any single one of them asking if he was okay. I really wonder what route this story will take!
Chapter 3: I don't think Sungyeol went too far though. If I were in his shoes, most probably I would react just like that at some point. Putting aside the fact that he was the closest to Myungsoo and merely tried to defend him, I think he was just genuinely expressing his worry over Sungjong. Because the fact was simply that everyone loves Sungjongie <3. Not all treatments came with hugs and encouragements, sometimes painful therapy would be also needed I guess.

I wonder what actually lead Sungjong to such anorexic behaviour..and I totally love the HoJong, it's just cute but not too cute, just modestly cute (does that phrase even exist? lol)

P.S. and yes I have a suggestion (this is trivial really)I think you misspelled the title.
Lovemyungsoo #7
Chapter 3: Wow!! I really love it ur story so much!! I dont have any suggestion about ur story. . Sorry! Haha.. but I really love it! Pls update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: Wow, you can definitely see how Sungjong is struggling with his disorder - on one hand still falling victim to it, and on the other hand knowing what it's doing to everyone around him, but knowing at the same time that he can't stop it. At least admitting it to Hoya was the first step - I really hope he continues to improve from here. And you can see how much Hoya cares too. I think it'd be really sweet if somehow Hoya turned it around, and he was the one who made Sungjong a mug of hot chocolate and melted a marshmallow in it :3
Minnea #9
Chapter 3: I'm happy that Hoya is able to talk to Jong. I mean I am mad about what Sungyeol told him...more how he said it. But hopefully Jong can forgive him. I don't want him to feel like he's always a problem though