Chapter Two



Minho stirred when he heard Jonghyun exclaim and was about to drift off again when a baby’s cry pierced the air. Was it the TV? It sure sounded real…

He heard running, and Onew scream and swear as well. The crying only grew louder. Wow, it sure sounded good. Did they turn the surround system on?

“Why is this here?” he heard Onew scream/ask, and he bolted up right. It couldn’t be a real baby????

He ran to Jonghyun’s room which was blocked by Onew and Jonghyun.

“Let me in, let me in,” pushed Key, squeezing in between them, with Minho following.

Minho gasped as he saw a baby sitting on Taemin’s bed, crying it’s eyes out. It had brown hair, and that mouth looked strangely familiar. It was buck , and Minho could see that although it was chubby, it’s limbs were a bit on the skinny side. And that ‘it’ was a boy.

“Oh baby, don’t cry,” said Key, reaching out and holding the baby by it’s armpits before hugging him to his chest gently.

“Key, he’s !” said Minho. “And it’s a baby!”

“I’m not blind,” snapped Key. “But I’m not going to let him sit there screaming his lungs out. I’m going to find him some clothing and nappies. He’s a baby!”


They sat on the couch, all staring at the brown haired baby who was dressed in Taemin’s old tight tshirt which swamped the baby and went up to his little feet, the sleeves just hitting the end of his arm, and a nappy Key had fashioned out of a hand cloth which he had cut up and safety pinned.

The baby gurgled as Key bounced him up and down on his lap, making faces at him which made the baby squeal with happiness.

“I know that smile,” deadpanned Onew.

“It’s not possible,” fired back Jonghyun. “It can’t be.”

“If it’s not, then why are we thinking exactly the same thing?” said Key as he held the baby up to let him stand on his lap, kissing the chubby fist which was being waved around and making the baby squeal and smile again.

“It can’t be Taemin,” said Minho. “But we’ve seen his baby photos, and this baby..”

“Look. Look at his hands.”

Key sat the baby down on his lap and took the baby’ hands, whose fingers curled around Key’s fingers tightly.

“What are those black marks?” asked Minho, reaching out tentatively to rub at them gently, and ‘Taemin’s’ fingers grabbed his and gripped them. He groaned when he saw the same faded black mark on his.

“The fansign,” whispered Onew. They all fell into silence which was broken by the gurgles of ‘Taemin’.

“What about his bracelet and his ring? He never takes those off, “ added Jonghyun.

“Yes!” said Minho triumphantly. “Where are those? What date is it today? Maybe Taemin’s trying to pull a joke and this is his cousin or something!”


“Oh my god,” groaned Minho as they pulled back Taemin’s covers to see his crumpled pyjamas, his bracelet and his ring glinting in the light.

“Oh my god!” squealed Key as Taemin grabbed Key’s face and started to drool on Key, his little tongue darting in and out.

“Aigoo, so cute,” cooed Jonghyun, Taemin’s head as he continued to drool hot saliva on Key as Key tried to disentangle Taemin’s chubby fingers from his hair. ”His hair is still that brown, and he looks fully Korean. No one’s going to dye a baby’s hair. I think this really is Taemin.”

“Maybe he’s hungry,” suggested Onew, who was looking half in fear, half in longing at Taemin.

“Does he need milk? A bottle?” panicked Minho. “What are we going to do?”

Onew raised his phone. “I’m calling manager.”

“That’s not possible,” said Gyeongshik the manager flatly as he sat on their dining table while Key and Taemin sat on the opposite, the members in the surrounding seats.

“It’s true,” insisted Minho, wiping Taemin’s mouth and Key’s arm that Taemin was on. Taemin protested at the wiping, shaking his head and flailing his arms around and shrieking.

“Anyway, can you please get us baby supplies?” begged Jonghyun. “He’s grouchy because he’s hungry.”

“That’s not Taemin!” insisted their manager. “Look at him! A human does not transform into an infant overnight!”

At the word ‘Taemin’, the baby looked at the manager.

“Look, he knows his name!” cooed Key. “Taemin!”

The baby craned his head to look at Key expectantly.

“See? Does that prove it or what? And what do you suggest we do, where do we put him? Maybe he’ll transform back to normal after a while. Let’s just deal with the problem at hand okay? Can you go and buy baby supplies or what? The kid’s probably going to have a cry soon if he doesn’t get fed soon, so..?” Jonghyun tapped the table expectantly.


Key was laughing as he fed Taemin, Taemin’s head lying on his arm as he kicked his feet, his little hands clutching the bottle too. The other members looked on enviously next to him as they all sat on the couch. Key kissed the baby’s chubby cheek.

“Dude, you just kissed Taemin,” said Minho, a little bit weirded out.

“And I’ll do it again,” teased Key. “Mwah mwah mwah,” he said as he kissed the baby’s face, Taemin unfazed as he continued drinking.

“Taemin would kill you if he knew you did that,” said Onew, using a finger to the baby’s cheek gently.

“Well, Taemin looks like he doesn’t mind at the moment,” said Key.”And he’s so cute, I can’t resist him! I’m not going to treat him like I normally do, come on. He’s a baby! Let’s enjoy this while it lasts! You’re so sweet, Taemin!” said Key, directing his attention to the baby again.

“I think it’s weird how you’re still calling him Taemin,” said Minho, shaking his head.

“What do you suggest we call him then? Sullivan? Patrick? Oh my god, can we please call him Louis, it would be hilarious!” shot back Key, high fiving a laughing Jonghyun.

“No… it’s just weird… to keep calling him Taemin when we mean 20 year old Taemin and not this.. probably not near 20 month old baby.”

“Well then,” announced Key as he took the bottle away and carefully held Taemin upright in a hug and patting his back. “From here on in, he shall be referred to as Taebaby!”

The others nodded their agreement as Key kept patting the baby.

“Excuse you Taebaby,” he said as Taemin burped, his hands into Key’s shirt and making little sounds.

“He even burps cute,” whined Jonghyun. “Why can’t I have a turn holding him, come on! You’ve had him forever Key!”

“I just want to play with him and-aah,” said Key, his hand that was supporting Taemin’s getting really hot of a sudden. Key held in his giggles. “Oh wow. Okay hyung you can have him.”

Key passed Taemin to Jonghyun quickly.



A/N I'm in China atm and there are babies EVERYWHERE!! Everyone has a baby!! which is surprising considering the one child only rule! And I really like babies. Especially chubby ones that can't talk yet. Scratch that 'especially', I mean only. I stayed with my cousins and my aunt and uncle for a few days and omg their kid drove me up the wall with his constant talking and screaming and running around from early morning to late night. I want to make it clear that Taebaby is not at that stage yet. Taebaby is still at the chubby, not yet able to walk but can sit up on his own, giggly laughy screechy chubby and slightly drooly and grabby stage haha :D

Tell me what you think so far! :)


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emilysername #1
Chapter 6: This is too cute, please please please update
nomnomnomnomnomnom #2
Chapter 6: Awww..... taebaby~~ please update this story author-nim~~♥
Can you update pls. Pls. Plssssssssssss. I cry looking at this fic and not seeing an update. I'll pay you in chicken for an update. hahahaha
kemy13 #4
Chapter 6: Lucifer14 recommended me this story!! So cute! Keep updating this story it's very cute!!
Chapter 6: Oh, continue, authornim! I love this whole aspect! BABY TAEMIN! AND AFTER HIS 21 BOIRHTDAY READING THIS, I WANT THIS TAEMIN BACK! Continue writing it, pwease. I will wait forever for an update if it meant I could read more. Update please! It's amazing!
Chapter 6: I, think you should update bcuz dis story is FRIGGIN ADORABLE!!!!!!!! I can't help but think how either confused, our freaked out Taemin will be when he changes back xD IF he does.. who knows(you do xD), maybe they'll have to RAISE him ALL OVER AGAIN O.O I mean Idk of course but it's still a possibility xD it's then when you think "wait would SHINee quit without their lead dancer it just be four??" Okay now I'm rambling xD I'm gonna show this story to like all of my friends (on aff of course)!!!!!! That should get you to update(oh I hope)!!!!!! <3333333
Another comment to tell you that Taebaby is adorable and
Chapter 6: Girl baby clothes. I still can't. Hahahaha #hashtag
Chapter 6: bwahhahahahaahha.
Taebaby in a dress.
Jjong must be thrilled.
Chapter 6: Haha.. cute taeminnie. :)) just thinking if you could give us some background of whoever made that aloe vera. (Wiggle eyebrows)