Chapter Six


A/N Yay! Finally updating the new chapter :D Woah just realised that its longer than most of the chapters, but anyways...happy reading!! Thanks for subscribing and to the others who haven't please SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT ^^ thanks ~

The streets were bustling as the sun was about to set and Yunho was lost. He had lost his way back home from his new school and completely forgot where he came from since it was getting dark. Hitching his bag over his shoulders, he marched with his head high, trying to look like he wasn't lost. He didn't want anyone to ask why a high school student couldn't find his way back home, so he had to somehow find a way back himself. As he turned a corner, he saw a crowd of people gathering around a boy and he tried to keep a large distance away from them. 

Suddenly he heard the boy sing. A voice that made him enchanted with the song, a voice that he wanted to hear more of. He sat on the bench nearby, away from the swaying crowd, listening to the singer. He couldn't explain why he was so drawn to the singing voice,  but he wanted to know at least, who the owner of the voice was. He stood on top of the bench, craning his neck above the heads of the crowd and saw a dark-haired boy. Still, he couldn't see his face. 
"I'll just wait until the people leave..." He thought, as he closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the bench again.  His eyes flickered open, realising that the street singer had stopped singing.

The crowd was beginning to disperse, the bystanders dropping coins into the bowl in front of the boy. Yunho could see the flashes of his smile as he thanked his audience. The sky was now dark and the people on the street were heading back to their homes. He watched the boy turning his back towards him, packing his belongings and out of the blue, three taller, bigger boys snatched the bowl of coins off the pavement. Yunho was unable to react quick enough and all he did was gasp.  "Hey! Give that back!" the boy shouted at the top of his lungs, running after the three thieves. Finally being able to move, Yunho chased after the boy, who was chasing after the thieves. What was he doing? He shouldn't get involved, but he did. The young busker had caught up with them and Yunho quickly stepped behind the wall.

They all had arrived in an alley and he could see the bullies holding the bowl high in the air, the boy reaching his arms out, straining to get what his earnings back. The thieves were sneering and laughing at the weaker boy and Yunho felt like punching them in the face. He was about to come out of his hiding and do that when the boy had already bruised the taller bully's jaw. The gangsters were as shocked as Yunho was and he didn't know what was going to happen next. The biggest one out of all of them grabbed onto the collar of the smaller boy's shirt and threw him across the cold, hard ground. He struggled to get up, the gangsters now advancing on him.  Without thinking, Yunho yelled a war cry, charged towards them and kicked the stomach out of the tallest, the air knocked out of him. He staggered back, the other two stumbling as they supported his weight. Yunho looked behind him and saw the dark-haired boy slowly sitting up, holding his head. Yunho ran over and helped him stand up. He was skinny, but his body was firm and strong. They stood with their backs against each other as the leader of the mini gang recovered from the blow and he charged towards them. Using his hapkido skills, Yunho fought with all his strength, feeling the need to protect the boy. Soon, all three were lying on the ground gasping for air, bruises all over their bodies. Yunho walked slowly towards them and as fast as lightning, they had gathered themselves up and ran, leaving the money behind. 

"That's right, run! And never come back!" Yunho shouted at them, grinning from ear to ear. 

"Thanks." The boy emerged from behind him, his large doe eyes blinking up at him. Yunho beamed in return. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah...are you?" His voice barely a whisper. Yunho nodded and put his thumbs up, even though he felt his head was about to explode. He felt sweat, or was it blood, trickling down the side of his head, he quickly wiped it off. He must have gotten cut by a ring on the fist of the biggest gangster.

Changing the subject and wanting to know more about him, he asked, "How did you learn to sing like that? Like as if your sending your emotions out?" The boy shrugged and sat down, Yunho sat down beside him. 

"I wanted to be a singer, but my parents were really against it, so I ran away." Yunho squinted through the dark to look at his face and saw the unsteady flicker of light in his eyes. 

"I came to Seoul a week ago, earning money by singing in the streets. I loved how the people of the streets became my audience, listening intently to my songs. They appreciated my music, unlike my family back home."

He turned his head towards Yunho and smiled sadly, "Thanks...again." 

Yunho could hear his voice, thick with emotion when he told his story and he put his arms around his shoulders. 

"No, thank you."  They sat in silence for awhile and suddenly Yunho remembered that he had to get back home, he was so late. Abruptly, he stood up brushing down his pants, "I have to go back wanna come?" Through the dim lights, he saw the boy shaking his head, "Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." 

"I'll see you again, right?" Yunho asked as they were going their separate paths. The boy nodded, grinning and they shook hands. Yunho turned and walked towards the supposed direction to his house. He glanced back and saw that the boy was already gone, probably back where he was and he smiled sadly.

"Oh, I forgot to ask for his name!" He facepalmed and shook his head regretfully.


"Yunho! What are you standing in the doorway for? Come in!" Dara called out to him and gestured to where Jaejoong was standing. He hurried over and began to sing. 

*                     *                       *                    *                   *                    *                       *                   *                 *                  *            

They sat in the car, the silence between them was deafening. Dara was driving them to the press conference where they were going to confirm their relationship and announcing the first duo of their company. A few days ago they confirmed that Yunho harmonised really well with Jaejoong, even though there were still some things to work on. Otherwise, it was all good. After the 'audition', they already began to prepare for a performance which was going to be held a month later, in a charity concert ran by the company. Yunho peered at Jaejoong, he watched his eyes as they flicked from side to side, watching the buildings pass by. His chin was propped on his hand, his jawline tensing as if he knew that Yunho was watching him.

Yunho looked down at his lap and fiddled with the couple bracelet he had gotten from Dara. When he asked her why, she said it was to emphasise on their relationship. His was silver, with a golden clasp and Jaejoong had a black coloured one with a silver clasp. He thought back to the boy he met in in the streets five years ago and he closed his eyes, trying to remember his face, to see if it was the singer sitting next to him in the same car. But he couldn't remember.

Dara cleared , breaking the silence, that she wished would quickly disappear.
"Remember, Yunho, you don't really need to say anything and just let Jaejoong answer the questions." She thought she heard a small grunt of a response and she sighed. "Does anyone of you want a Chocopie, it's been in the car too long."

A few minutes later, they arrived at the location of the press conference. Yunho opened the car door, stepped out and looked up at the grey sky. Today was when he couldn't turn back to his normal life, the moment when it's all going to change.
Someone placed a hand on his shoulder, "Let's go in, remember you don't need to worry about anything, I'll be talking." Jaejoong muttered softly as he gave a small squeeze. Yunho bowed his head and nodded, preparing himself for the conference.

He could hear the chatter of the press gradually getting louder as they became closer to the room. Walking closely behind Jaejoong, with Dara behind him and tripping over his own feet, he could feel the butterflies, no, much bigger, seagulls in his stomach. He felt the blood rushing up to his cheeks and sweat began to form on his forehead. Jaejoong glanced behind his shoulder and moved back so they were walking side by side. He took his hand and Yunho instantly felt warmth running through his body. 

"We'll go in like this so they won't ask questions if we are really dating. It will move the conference in a faster pace," He whispered and they stepped through the doors of the conference room.

Yunho didn't dare look up. He knew that there were a large number of people in the room by the sound of the chatter, the fast shutter and flashes of the cameras and by the heat of the room. He just stared down at Jaejoong's hand clasping over his and he released them when they sat down. The murmurs of the crowd faded as Dara addressed the start of the conference. Then the questions began.

"When you two came in the room holding hands, its pretty much confirmed that you are truly dating. How long has it been?" 

"Around three months."

Yunho glanced up at Jaejoong who had an amused glint in his eye. He was enjoying this already and he seemed to have planned what he was going to say beforehand.

"There's a rumour going around that says you and Yunho met in a club, is that true?"

"Of course not! Sorry, but this has something to do with out private lives, so next question!" 

Questions about their 'relationship' was shooted at them and Jaejoong answered them confidently not leaving any detail. If it was a question he didn't know he waved it away as classified information and demanded for the next question.

"I know that this question is irrelevant to the topic, but I think everyone wants to know if its true that you were homeless in the past?"  Jaejoong's face softened and he looked down into his lap, "It's true," Yunho's ears perked up and his head whipped towards Jaejoong, his eyes widening, "I sang in the streets to earn money until Dara saw me," he gestured his hand towards Dara, "and thanks to her, this is where I am now."

Yunho continued to stare at Jaejoong and their eyes met. Jaejoong cocked his head to one side, raising his eyebrows. Yunho looked away and frowned. He wasn't mistaken after all, they had met before. He felt a pang in his heart and clutched his arm, was this the work of fate? Shaking his head in disbelief at his thoughts, he came back to reality and continued listening to the conference. 

He stretched his arms above him and groaned as he walked out of the room. Dara had told them to wait for her in the car after the press con and Jaejoong had gone to the bathroom. He opened the exit door and was soon met with an egg, now dripping and splattered over his shirt. In front of him were at least ten girls holding banners and signs that said either 김재중 or 저리가윤호! and cartons of eggs. He stumbled back in shock and then he heard, "FIRE!" and another wave of eggs were shot towards him. They landed in all directions, some missing and some directly hitting him on his head and all over his body. His feet were glued to the floor and he couldn't move. Why did they hate him? What did he ever do to them? He clenched his fist, his knucles whitening and he shook with fear and anger.

"Look at him, he's so weak, how can our oppa like a guy like him?" The girls tittered and prepared to throw more eggs. He heard the door close behind him and a loud yell. A hand closed around his arm and he felt him being led and they ran. 

Jaejoong pushed through the crowd of the jealous, delirious fans and sprinted, clutching onto the arm of an obviously shocked Yunho. He had put sunglasses and a mask on as a habit whenever he went outside, so the fans couldn't recognise him. They couldn't go into the car because the fans would of ruined it, they couldn't run back to his house either, they'll be another army waiting for him there...Great, it was sprinkling as well. So they ran blindly through the downpour.

Yunho recognised Jaejoong as soon as he had yelled and now they were running, not even knowing where they were going. It always turned out like this: Yunho being attacked and then Jaejoong had to save him from his own fans. They turned a corner and ran through the gates of an isolated park. He doubled over, tired out and Jaejoong stopped as well and faced Yunho. His hair was drenched over his sunglasses and Jaejoong took them off along with his mask. They stood in the rain, panting and they broke out in a smile and started laughing. It sounded nice, hearing their voices together with the melody of the rain and Yunho stopped realising where they were. Jaejoong realised too and he said what was going on in both of their heads, "It's the park where we first met..." Yunho shook his head, the droplets out of his hair spraying and looked into Jaejoong's familiar doe eyes.

"It's not, we've met before." Jaejoong stepped closer and reached his arm out towards Yunho ans started picking eggshells out of his wet, dark hair. Yunho looked away and felt a flutter in his heart.

"What do you mean?" Jaejoong said softly, just audible enough over the rain, even though their faces were just inches away from each other. 

And without thinking, Yunho cupped his hand over Jaejoong's cheeks and pressed his lips against the singer's.

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Love this!!!
Chapter 13: omo wonder what'll happen next, yun is just hurt and scared but im sure jj has a better way to show it to yun that he ddn't intend to hurt yun nor he'll show that its yun inside his heart right? anyways can't wait and all the best, thanks for the update, you made my day ^-^

and take your time, all the best ^-^
TVXQforever #3
Chapter 12: Will waite
meechan35 #4
Chapter 12: Will wait for you.
Chapter 12: its okay, we understand you, take your time just focus on what u have to focus first, all the best ^-^

will wait patiently
Chapter 11: .... I don't know wat to say...
Oh my Yunnie~! *sob sob*
sheilapiglet #7
Chapter 11: new reader here...I still can't understand why Jae and Dara would think that pretending for YH to be his boyfriend was a good idea...they cud have just told the truth and said that Jae was helping his friend out that had fainted because he was sick...especially now that we know that Jae is engaged...weird..that's probably why Jae's mom was so mad too..anyways, hope that Jae doesn't keep any more secrets from YH...and that Jae will fix things and be able to protect their relationship..update soon!
Chidachic #8
Chapter 11: I really hate jaejoong right now , why ???? Just why ??? When everything was going good
Now not only yunho would think he was being used but jaejoong is engaged , I hope he'll teach him a lesson for playing with him like this
meechan35 #9
Chapter 11: Omg. Nooooooo.
Chapter 11: WT? Jae's engaged? poor Yunnie.. waah aside from that im curious as to what Jae really feels waah poor Yun wonder what'll happen next curious much and thank you so much for this update and all the best ^-^