The Diary

Our Timeless Memories

Day 05

You cried, crumpling before me as you told me . Two years max - that's all we had. The doctors say medicine can only slow down the degeneration - it's okay oppa.

"You won't forget," I had promised. Your hair looks really nice blonde, did you know that?

I've even started drying flowers for you between these pages. Then you can see, smell, and touch all the times we had together. There's no way you can forget. 


Yi Fan was reading the journal in a random order, flipping through it. He touched the delicate petals of the pressed flowers - taking in their fading scent. There was the ever beautiful rose - a small bud squished onto the yellow pages. He saw a hibiscus - it's blood red petals staining a soft pink onto the old paper. 


Day 21

"What is your favorite flower?" You asked me that question today.

Even though you bought me pretty pink carnations for my birthday half a month ago.

Even though you gave me white carnations for Valentine's instead of roses.

It hurts. 


His vision blurred, heavy tears wetting the fragile pages - making the ink smear. Words smashed together - like his thoughts.

What is this - why - hurts. But he adamantly read on - clenching the book, creasing it even more tragically. His fingers dyed with blue, he smudged his white polo as he flipped fervently. Trying to find her - trying to find himself among the pages. 

He felt a strange bond with the journal - maybe because it had her neat handwriting over it - maybe because it smelled like her. Maybe it had a part of her in there somewhere - he wanted to save that little remnant of her, lock it away in his heart. So that he could cradle it at night when he was sleeping, or whisper to it when he was lonely. 


Day 15

Half a month.

Can everything that we've built - crumble away in just half a month? 


He couldn't read anymore - a tugging at his heart told him to set it aside. Who is this Kris person she loves so much?

Yi Fan walked into the living room, mulling over a mug of chamomile tea. He took a long sip - then he heard it.

In the quiet of his home, he heard it - his heartbeat, her heartbeat. Two heartbeats so synced that if he hadn't gasped, he wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. Yi Fan covered his ears, the mug smashing to the ground - porcelain flying as it hit the mahogany. He curled up in a ball in the seat - eyes wide, shivering - mumbling incoherent words. He kept seeing lights, then shadows - then lovely, beautiful snow. 

It kept falling and falling from the dark sky, white and pure. Then it began to pile up on his immobile body, getting heavier and heavier as it melted and soaked him through. His clothes clung to him, heavy with sweat, snow and tears. Yi Fan couldn't move, he couldn't breathe again - the familiar suffocation slowly creeping back in.

He wheezed and squirmed and kicked - trying to pull the hands that held his neck away

A girl appeared before him, face ashen - arms frail. Blood from her shoulders - a gash on her cheek. Glass in her back. 

She faded - he met the darkness. 


Day 01

Next week is my birthday. 

Concussion. Memory loss. Progressive dementia. 

All after that stupid skiing trip - because I wanted to see the first snow while on a freaking snowboard. Why did you have to fall Kris- ah - why did you have to be so damn nice and take me?

But you're not dead, and that's okay - I'll stay. I'll stay and then you won't forget. Right?

Because I'm here. 

You won't can't forget. 

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[OTM] update because its my birthday :)


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 8: Yes, where did she go? Where is she??! Man, I wish you would’ve finished this story, it was so good. Thanks for the memories(no pun intended) thank you author nim
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 7: Damn these tears 😭 I wonder what happened to Tao? I hope Seohyun comes back soon… this is so heartbreaking, seriously.
Fire_trek 341 streak #3
Chapter 6: Okay this is sad 😢 like really sad. I thought it was just amnesia but it’s actually dementia:( You can’t bounce back from this no matter how much you try.. I guess this is the end to his brain but something Seohyun said in her journals that was a positive light- at least he’s still alive. That’s what counts
Fire_trek 341 streak #4
Chapter 5: Wow, I know I said that I think I got it before but now I think I really understand. Yi Fan is Kris, he just lost his memory for some reason. She’s not a ghost, angel, or vampire, she’s probably his first love and she promised him that she would remind him of her-them. Wow, this is low key sad.. but in a good way!
Fire_trek 341 streak #5
Chapter 4: So she knows that he’s having flashback memories? And now she disappears?! I love how I’m so confused lol but this was the best chapter yet!
Fire_trek 341 streak #6
Chapter 3: So Yi Fan saw a flashback of sorts.. it’s all starting to make sense. I like how he asked if Seohyun sees Kris anymore and she was like “everyday” basically saying that he’s Kris! This is a brilliant story, I love it so much
Fire_trek 341 streak #7
Chapter 2: I think I’m starting to catch on.. I think Seohyun’s Kris and Yi Fan are the same person! That’s why she’s so moved with emotions every time something happens. The only question I have is why doesn’t Yi Fan remember Seohyun’s name from the day before?
Fire_trek 341 streak #8
Chapter 1: Oh, I’m intrigued! Could Yi Fan and Kris be the same person(I know they are but I mean in the story) This is super cool, also I like how Seohyun comes off like she’s not from this world too.
koreanchick #9
Chapter 8: woah haven't read this in a long time. update soon
Chapter 8: I was checking the stories I upvoted & checked this fic again.. please update soon!!