Budding Flowers

Our Timeless Memories

Joohyun didn't come today, and it bothered him as he walked out into his fields of chamomile. The plants were budding- small white flowers beginning to show up among the green. It was night time and the fireflies had come to dance along the grass- illuminating his footsteps with their show. 

The path down his field seemed a bit worn from use, the grass slightly flattened down the middle as it lead to a large tree. A tire hung from one of its tall branches- swinging listlessly in the wind. As if fate were leading him to her, Joohyun was standing beside the tree, looking up at the dew drops that hung in the sky. The white flower crown upon her head brought a sense of beginning, and a sense of urgency coursed through him as he sprinted to her.

Breathless, Yi Fan asked, "Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

"I didn't get a chance to visit you today yet right?"

"Do you have to come everyday? Its not an obligation to visit me you know- I can manage on my own. I have for the past twenty five years of being alive so I can keep doing it."

"Have you really been alone all these past years?"

"I don't count having aunts who ignored me like the plague as family."  

She giggled prettily. "I'll be here for you if you want from now on."


"Yeah- right here under this tree at this time of day. I'm deciding to not come visit you anymore," she teased.

"But I'll be so lonely..."

"I'll come from time to time- don't worry. You can't depend on me forever," Joohyun continued jokingly.

"I won't- but just for now? Can't I?" a sudden seriousness in his tone.

"Of course," she replied- her voice equal in weight with sincerity. 

"Well then- be mine? Will you be my girlfriend Seo Joohyun?"

She gasped slightly at his remark, a shadow of uncertainty crossed her face before she replied with a definite, "Yes."


They began to meet at every possible time of every possible day- from early morning to late at night under the big summer tree. Each time, Joohyun would be the one who suggested it- as if she would be leaving soon. And oftentimes, Yi Fan would forget- resulting in Joohyun having to go wake him up in bed. "You said that you would come meet me!"

"Sorry- I was so sleepy. I was only taking a nap, I promise!"

"I'm mad at you- you always forget," Joohyun turned around jokingly- pretending to avoid him.

"Don't be mad now- please princess Joohyun, this servant shall make it up to you," Yi Fan begged playfully as he tugged at her fingertips. 

"What do you have to offer me?"

Yi Fan smirked. "This-" then crashing his lips with her. Her soft lips seemed made perfectly for his- until it was as if a thousand summer nights flashed back to him.

His head began to hurt and he crumpled to his knees, hands clamped to his ears as his heartbeat pounded against his skull that seemed ready to explode. His mind was flooded with dozens of snapshots- one second images that came and dissolved before he could process them all. Yi Fan managed to see that they all contained the same two people- him and another woman. They were holding hands, hugging each other, laughing together, living...breathing...being. 

Two words continued to echo in his mind. "Yi Fan! Yi Fan!" His name on her lips- whoever she was- frightened him. The shrieking in his head made him cry out, "Stop! Make it stop!" Before he could comprehend what was going on through his tears, Joohyun had wrapped him in an embrace- complete with her familiar vanilla sunshine scent.

"Stop thinking Yi Fan-ah. Stop, let the images pass- don't try to remember."

Her voice was shaking, "You don't need to remember anymore."

They were sitting in the middle of the tea field, the lights of the fireflies dancing upon their features. He was covered in sweat- trembling as he stared up at her morose features, a look of resignation in her eyes. Placing a soft peck upon his cheek, she blew softly onto his eyelids.


He awoke in his bed the next morning, a letter on his bedstand.


Dear Yi Fan,

Sorry about that accident in the field yesterday. I am going on a trip. I'll be back soon- don't wait for me.

Much love,

Seo Joohyun 


A smile upon his lips, Yi Fan went back to sleep, dreaming of the angelic girl who was his. 

But- when he awoke, the letter was gone. He frantically searched on the ground, under his bed, in the drawers of the bedstand- even beneath his pillow. But he couldn't find it. He got dressed and headed to his living room, looking around- he noticed that her slippers which she normally left at his place were gone. The dried flower crowns she wore and left hanging in his kitchen had also vanished along with her two tea mugs. 

Her scent that she left hanging around at his place had seemingly disappeared- all the paintings they ever attempted to paint together had also vanished. Everything was gone- every single trace of her.

As if she had never existed. 




A/n: Hey there everyone! Sorry I've been away for so long- and hopefully this chapter is adequate T.T I wrote it a while ago but idk- wasn't satisfied. I'll work harder on the next chapters :)

Also, please check out my blog!: Sunshower Inspirations

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[OTM] update because its my birthday :)


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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 8: Yes, where did she go? Where is she??! Man, I wish you would’ve finished this story, it was so good. Thanks for the memories(no pun intended) thank you author nim
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 7: Damn these tears 😭 I wonder what happened to Tao? I hope Seohyun comes back soon… this is so heartbreaking, seriously.
Fire_trek 343 streak #3
Chapter 6: Okay this is sad 😢 like really sad. I thought it was just amnesia but it’s actually dementia:( You can’t bounce back from this no matter how much you try.. I guess this is the end to his brain but something Seohyun said in her journals that was a positive light- at least he’s still alive. That’s what counts
Fire_trek 343 streak #4
Chapter 5: Wow, I know I said that I think I got it before but now I think I really understand. Yi Fan is Kris, he just lost his memory for some reason. She’s not a ghost, angel, or vampire, she’s probably his first love and she promised him that she would remind him of her-them. Wow, this is low key sad.. but in a good way!
Fire_trek 343 streak #5
Chapter 4: So she knows that he’s having flashback memories? And now she disappears?! I love how I’m so confused lol but this was the best chapter yet!
Fire_trek 343 streak #6
Chapter 3: So Yi Fan saw a flashback of sorts.. it’s all starting to make sense. I like how he asked if Seohyun sees Kris anymore and she was like “everyday” basically saying that he’s Kris! This is a brilliant story, I love it so much
Fire_trek 343 streak #7
Chapter 2: I think I’m starting to catch on.. I think Seohyun’s Kris and Yi Fan are the same person! That’s why she’s so moved with emotions every time something happens. The only question I have is why doesn’t Yi Fan remember Seohyun’s name from the day before?
Fire_trek 343 streak #8
Chapter 1: Oh, I’m intrigued! Could Yi Fan and Kris be the same person(I know they are but I mean in the story) This is super cool, also I like how Seohyun comes off like she’s not from this world too.
koreanchick #9
Chapter 8: woah haven't read this in a long time. update soon
Chapter 8: I was checking the stories I upvoted & checked this fic again.. please update soon!!