Chapter 2

Business as Usual

"Yah JiYoung, where you want to go now?" Hara asked you. School was over and you two were in the so-called butterfly farm walking here and there exploring the school. "Well, I don't know~ What about you?" You replied. "Yah, I'm asking you, and you're asking me? Sigh.. Oh ya, you met any new friends today?" she scolded. You heard her sentence and blushed lightly. She noticed and smirked. "Ah.. JiYoung found a BOY, right?" "Ah? Anniyo! None of this, Hara! Don't speak nonsense!" you quickly said. Hara just plainly said,"Fine, okay? Fine. Everything of your secret, you don't tell me. Fine!" "Mianhe Hara, this is my heart secret. But I promise you will meet him soon, neh?" you finally gave in. "Arraso!"

You and Hara were walking out of the school gate after 10 mins exploring the butterfly farm. It was quite boring though.. Just butterflies, and flowers. Suddenly, you heard a voice. A familiar and manly voice that said,"Um.. JiYoung?" You turned behind, and guess what? You saw TOP. "Omo! TOP oppa! Annyeongseyo!" you bowed a bit. TOP bowed back. "You free? I want you to meet my friend.." "Mwol? Ah, neh, I'm free!" you answered. You smiled secretly deep down in your heart. "Ok.. So we meet at the nearby shopping centre today at 3.30PM ok? Maybe we go eat at the fast food restaurant first. You might be a bit hungry." "Chinja? Neh oppa! See you!" you said goodbye to TOP, and he smiled to you while walking out the school gate. You stared at his back and Hara caught you.

"Yah~ If you go what I going to do??" "Aish, go talk to others la!" you said. "Hmph! Fine, see you!" Hara waved goodbye, and you were left alone. You saw the car and quickly got onboard.

"Uncle can you bring me to the nearby shopping centre today at 3.15PM? I need to go meet my friend, after I finished I will call you." you asked the chaffuer. "Ah, neh. You need to inform your umma and appa first, ok?" he said. "Neh!"

At 3.30PM..

You walked to the fast food restaurant, and caught sight of TOP. Beside him, was a REALLY handsome little boy. He saw you and smiled. "Annyeong JiYoung!" "Annyeong oppa! Who is this..?" you asked, confused. "Ah, he is my brother, Daesung." he saw your confused look and explained. "Hello there, JiYoung. My brother told me about you." Daesung greeted, bowing. "Omo, Annyeong Daesung oppa!" you greeted back. Then.. *grumble* "Oops.." you blushed a bit. Daesung and TOP smiled. "You're hungry, aren't you?" TOP asked. You nodded your head. "Then what's we waiting for? Let's eat!!" Daesung yelled, putting his hands in the air.

You, TOP and Daesung were shopping. The brothers shopped in a man shop, while you shopped alone in a woman shop. You were going through some clothes when you heard someone call in a friendly voice,"Annyeongseyo Miss. Do you need any help?" You turned, and saw a girl dressed in a short dress. Her hair was tied up, and you saw her nametack 'Nicole'. "Ah---" you began. But then suddenly someone yelped. You and Nicole turned around, and saw a pregnant woman on the ground, yelling in pain. "HELP! OWW! HELP! BRING ME TO THE HOSPITAL!! I'M GIVING BIRTH!! OWW!" You and Nicole quickly ran towards her in full speed, and immediately called for an ambulance.

Medics were clearing the shop. The woman had been brought to the hospital just in time. You smiled at Nicole, who did too. "Let's be friends?" you asked. "Sure!" Nicole smiled at you. "What---" she began. But she didn't finish. You heard TOP yell your name. "JIYOUNG!! HELP! THIS FELLOW IS GOING TO KILL ME!!" You turned around and saw TOP running your way, after that, Daesung came running behind him. TOP stopped, and hid behind your back. Nicole was pushed away. Daesung came and yelled,"BUY ME THAT BAG!! IF NOT I TELL UMMA YOU BULLY ME!! WAHH!!" 

"Yah, yah, yah.. Calm down, Daesung oppa. Calm down.. WHAT HAPPENED!" you asked calmly. "Hyung doesn't want to buy me this expensive Gucci bag!!" he yelled. "Aish. How much is it? I pay ok?" "Chinja?! CHINJA!! OMO JIYOUNG I LOVE YOU!!" Daesung looked excited and kissed your cheek. You smiled and wiped it away. "Aigoo, JiYoung you dont have to do this!!" TOP said in embarrassment. "Anniyo, I am rich, that's all. I'll buy it!" 

After the so-called arguing, TOP gave in. "Fine!" "Bagus!" you yelped in Malay. "Wae?" TOP and Daesung oppa asked confusingly. They didn't understand. "Anniyo, nothing! Come on.. We need to go now, my parents is gonna kill me for going back so late! BY THE WAY. You guys didn't notice something.." you explained. "Mwol?" "IT'S 5.55PM!!!!!" you yelled. You saw the brothers run to the entrance of the shopping centre while shouting,"AISH!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!! UMMA KILL US, UMMA KILL US!!! BYE-BYE JIYOUNG!!!!!!!" You laughed and went your way.



I wonder if this is good?

Hope it is!!! :) Hahaha aren't they funny!

Please sub and look forward :)

My 2nd chap!! :) Hope it isnt too short :(


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Catalina390 #1
Chapter 3: ok~ it get confius sometime~
update more
Catalina390 #2
kara and bigbang!! oh yeah!! Kabang!!