The King

Blind Sight


Xiumin quickly swiped his phone to snooze the alarm. "Aughhh..." He slapped his forehead with his frigid hand and kept it there. His window was half open. The birds were chirping outside. He could feel the warm breeze blow in and caress his arms as the scent of fresh spring flowers overwhelm his senses.

Xiumin reluctantly got up and went to wash up. He threw on his navy-white striped v-neck shirt and some jeans, picked up his bag and went down the stairs for breakfast.

"'Morning umma!"

"Good morning Minmin dearie."

"Geez mom that's so embarrassing..."

"So? We're at home, it's not like we're in public or something."

Xiumin let out a short sigh and pulled back the chair next to him for his little brother to sit on. "Hello Kyumin, ready for school today?"


"What? Why? Did something happen?"

Kyumin puffed out his squishy cheeks and crossed his arms. Xiumin couldn't help but smile, his little brother could be such an angel at times, at times...

"You can tell your big bro anything!" Xiumin added, hoping to hear his baby brother’s problems.

"Breakfast’s ready!" Mommy Kim chimed as she laid the food out on the table.

"Aww look at the time. Now I have to quickly stuff myself with the food so I won't be late..." Xiumin retorted.

"Or you can eat less." His mom giggled at her own response.

Xiumin only gave her a sly glance and continued to munch on his toast and eggs.


Augh, it's so boring. School. So, damn, boring. It's surely challenging, but not fun, it goes too overboard to be fun. Xiumin twisted his pen between his fingers.


The pen clattered to the floor.

"Where did it go?" He thought, as he glanced around under his desk for the pen.

A boy with beige hair reached out and handed it to him. "Oh, it's Sehun...", Xiumin just quickly bowed his head as a thanks.

Xiumin's brows furrowed as he looked down at his open note book, reading nothing, but thinking too much. That was so embarrassing. Sehun, out of all people? The King? Today must not be his day.

Xiumin walked through the corridors to get outside. His friends decided to eat on the field today. He took long strides, looking in front of himself with no care in the world, until someone caught his eye.

Luhan, together with The King?

Just as he let his eyes stare and wander they got caught with those of Luhan's. They were stuck for a little too long for comfort. It was unexpected, everything has been unexpected lately. Fair was foul and foul was fair. Fair with foul and foul with fair. Luhan looked contented with The King; could they have been good friends? These few seconds seemed to play in slow motion. Even after they passed each other, Xiumin’s mind was a broken record set in rewind for the past five seconds. Wait. Why was he at the end of the hallway? He was supposed to be in the field for lunch! Augh... Xiumin face-palmed and turned around to walk back to the field entrance.


"Okay so then the radical is removed and-"

* Ring Ring Ring*

"Alright see you tomorrow guys; if you didn’t do yesterday’s homework, you probably should along with today’s homework ’cause I’ll be checking tomorrow."

Xiumin packed up his books and left the classroom. He could see his friends walking in the hallway, and ran to them.


"Minmin darling~" Chen made a kissy face towards Xiumin, who hastily turned around and blindly pushed away the latter’s face.

"No, why you reject me baby?" Chen asked with his hand on his cheek.

"Hahaha you guys, every time." Lay giggled.

"Wow you really sounded extra gay there."

"No I did not Chen! You shaddup!"

"Uh, Lay, did you forget your swimming bag?" Xiumin asked, looking down to his friend’s abnormally vacant hand.

"Oh my gosh, I did forget... Ugh not again, just go on without me guys, my mom insisted on picking me up today anyways."

"’Kay then, I’ll see you later!"

"Bye, bye, bye, bye, byebyebye..." Chen trailed behind.


Chen and Xiumin walked out to the gate to finally go home after a tiring Monday.

"Xiumin?" A familiar voice called.

"-and then, the lemon just combusted! And-"


Xiumin turned to his right and spotted Luhan waiting by the gate, smiling and waving at him. He blanked out for exactly two seconds.

He turned around and faced his friend, "Sorry Chen, go on without me, I need to talk to someone. I'll listen to your Portal adventures next time!"

"Damn it why do people keep leaving me? Why must this be?" Chen exaggerated and walked on.

The wind blew the humid air through the strands of their hair. It was too hot to be spring that day. The breeze caressed Luhan's face as he softly yawned as Xiumin trotted towards him.

"Hi! I just wanted to chat with you," Luhan smiled once more, "if you're not busy."

"No, no it's fine." Xiumin fiddled with the buttons on the jacket in his hand.

Luhan took a deep breath, "I know this school has a notorious and silly ’caste system’, and that I was walking with ’The King’, but I'm not his man for the night, no, no, no. That is far off!" He spluttered.

"Oh Luhan-sshi you didn't need to tell me that! I would never accuse you of such a thing."

"I-I just thought that I needed to clear it up with you. I want to befriend you! But I couldn't if I had committed such an infamous act." Luhan bashfully grinned as he explained. He was supposed to be cool, not, not like this...

Xiumin patted Luhan on the shoulder, "Which way do you live? So maybe we can walk home together..."

Luhan frowned sillily, "I'm picked up every day, that Jaguar is for me," but suddenly he lighted up again, "can we drive you home?"

"Uhmm...", Xiumin knew he shouldn't just go into a stranger’s car, but the look on Luhan’s face was making it very difficult to consider the latter choice, "okay, I don't live very far though."

"It's okay!" Luhan dragged on Xiumin’s sleeve. "A mile or a thousand miles, I just want to spend more time with you." Luhan’s face tinted red as he realized what he had said aloud. Xiumin brushed it off to save embarrassment, although he already felt his heart beating a mile a minute indeed.

They both settled in the car soon after. It was way too luxurious for Xiumin. Being in a black lined and leathered shining silver sedan worth more than ten of his own family car completely overwhelmed him. He felt a bit intimidated and sat stiffly together with Luhan in the back. Xiumin politely greeted the driver and gave him his address. The scent of the car was distinct, however.

"It smells really nice in here, like strawberries and cream." Xiumin commented.

"Wow you can tell? Everybody else said it smells like vanilla, it totally doesn’t, right?"

Xiumin nodded, looking down. He was grinning like an idiot and Luhan couldn't see him like that.

"So um, how’s The Kin-, I mean, Sehun? I’ve never spoken with him before so I was wondering if he's a nice guy to hang out with."

Luhan’s smile slightly faltered, but Xiumin could not figure out why at that spur of the moment.

"Sehun? ... Yeah, we've known each other since forever. He's like a little brother to me."  Luhan answered as he gazed through the car’s front view. They must be close now; the driver was taking many small turns.

"I see, that kind of reminds me of my little brother Kyumin, haha~" Xiumin’s face illuminated. Luhan could tell how much Xiumin loved his little brother just by looking at his face.

"We’ve arrived at your house, sir."

"Ah," Xiumin flustered, he did not expect to be addressed so formally, "thank you very much for driving me home!" He turned to Luhan, "And thank you too Luhan. I will see you tomorrow." He broke out a sincere eye smile; his round cheeks bundled up and squished his eyes together. He kind of didn't want to leave the car. It must have been because it was so comfortable there; the seats were soft and the temperature was perfect, whereas it was hot and humid outside. Yes, just that.

"Bye Xiumin, see you tomorrow~" Luhan waved Xiumin goodbye once he had gotten off the car.

As Xiumin walked up the steps, he thought about The King. But then, it doesn't really matter who’s king, right? Xiumin felt like a king today. And perhaps he will be king tomorrow, and the next day. If fair will be foul and foul will be fair.

Luhan’s car drove away once Xiumin entered the house.



The stuff in blue are just useless rants :D I color coded them for you hohoho.

Ahhhhh thank you so much for subscribing just for that tiny chapter! I hope I will be able to write well and diligently... ; A ; I keep having these ideas but I just can't get them down in a form that will be enjoyable to read... I want to write some Kaisoo too, but time's tight. My school is too ty because it's hella hard and full of nerds. Yeah I suppose I'm a nerd too, but I've been slacking which is not good, not good at all. I feel so frustrated because I have to try a hundred times harder to get a good grade than if I were in a crappier school, or at least a school in another state.

Sorry for all the Macbeth things. I really have all this stuck in my head. I have to recite a soliloquy in class tomorrow and I get 75/100 just for remembering every word right =__= I have to act it out too. I hope all goes well since I already remember everything :)

I have a very sturdy idea for this story, but I don't want to spill everything for you guys. I don't want to tell anyone how it will end! Just wait and see~ > o < Don't hate me :3c

Jajaja no Chinese today~ Have a nice day guys!

I should make a poster for this story... But then it might give away everything... And I'm also too lazy to do things for myself.

On the other hand, you should totally check out my friend (irl)'s new story Porcelain Doll! Her username here is pipoomica ^^ Go read it~ I made the poster ~ ( ^ o ^ ) ~

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Chapter 4: Djjdnsdkkkf eekkkkk!
This is shooooo cute! Luhans treating minseok like a princess! ~~ that's so sweet!
He's taking min to a opera? Gahh /faints/ and then to a party?!
That so sweet of luhan. And the serial killer part hahah! Cuteeee~
Chapter 4: yay! you wrote the translations as well!! YOU GO MILLY
update soon ^^
dibsfortwo #3
Chapter 4: i love this story so far! the pace is nice and it's so cute and FLUFFY! pls update soon! <33
Chapter 3: You can not write fluff?!
Non sense! You just did and it was full of fluffiness I was going to drown. Luhan is so sweeet to xiumin! Ohohoho I can't wait to see what luhan has planned! Will he perform for xiumin?
Chapter 3: awww~ kyumin is so cute~
update soon milly <3
Chapter 2: This is quiet interesting! xD
Luhan totally likes xiumin but Whyyy~~ they're cute together but so is xiumin and his friends haha

Good luck with your Macbeth thing! :D
anyways, nice update :D
you should update soon ^^